Family Fun Arcade: SBO Quals/Evo West 7/19 - 7/20

Saturday Super Turbo Results:

1st: Team OG <-- Going to Japan
Watson - OG Sagat
Cole - Dhalsim

2nd: Team Who <-- (sorry, somehow they got written down wrong on the bracket in the end)
The Muffin Man - DeeJay
EvilElvis - Ryu

3rd: Team Toncho Pilatos
Cesar DeAlba - Chun Li
Antonio Diaz - Blanka

4th: Team PJ
PJ - Guile
Gamertron - Boxer

5th: Team Goodtimes
SweetJohnnyV - Dhalsim
Harmless - Boxer

5th: Team YOSF
Jeremiah - Chun Li
Yuuki - Dictator

Saturday 3rd Strike Results:


Go jimmy!

go jimmy, my whale teammate. We keep walking…

deadeye u should have went as well. This guys yang is serious.

Good shit Felix (GamerTron)! Who is PJ?

Did any other known old schoolers besides Watson and Cole enter the ST quals?

Good shit Team OG.

Ken i Team wins 3s. yi jimmy amir played Awesome though.

Who was on Ken’s team?

Pyro/Ken I/Kai

(Was corrected by Magnetro)

Hope there are vids.

Any extra info on how the matches went down? Or maybe vids?

matches were epic. definately download those when they’re available.

No it was Pyro Ken I and Kai

matches were amazing. the kind of matches were words dont give them justice when explaining their hypiness

kai held his own. emphy is fuckin SICK. congrats to the winning team!

both top teams were sick, pyros team came back from losers

congrats everyone


Props to the #3 ST team, Mongolo & Antonio! Sounds like you guys were awesome!

Oh man some crazy sick sick sick ass matches last nights. both teams did really well.
I haven’t seen Emphy play in awhile and he is insanely a lot better than I remember.
Ken I pulled through in the end and won it for his team (Pyro, Ken I, and Kai)

Congratz to the winners of both ST and 3s. Own them fools up COLE!

Matches WERE recorded btw. :smiley:

ggs to everyone i played and had a chance to play casuals with too

cant wait for them vids!

good shit Yuuki!

How many teams entered ST SBO quals?

GG’s, probably the best SBO quals ever.