3s singles: http://www.shoryuken.com/apex/?division=spacific&arcade=familyfun&tourney=2004-02-28-3S.tourn
notes: some dude, barry, shows up and wins the tournament.
cvs2 singles: http://www.shoryuken.com/apex/?division=spacific&arcade=familyfun&tourney=2004-02-28-CVS2.tourn
amir beasts out of nowhere to the win.
3s teams of 3
team run
saizo - makoto
amir - chun-li
combo fiend - elena
team rocket
watson - alex
hungbee - oro
barry - urien
downtown to chinatown
ken i. - makoto
yi - ken
edma - ken
team stoners
alex asian - ibuki
frankie3s - ken
pyrolee - yun
team control
marvin - urien
elliot - yang
chris - alex
team fuck yes
shogo - 12
antonio - ken
anthony - necro
team run beasted.
if anyone wants their name fixed on apex, just post here what it is currently and what you want it changed to.
I found an error in APEX 3rd Strike Standing
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
Pacific South Division
8 Hung Han
Hungbee 746 3
9 Hung Han
HungBee 640 6
Hey Rock. My Apex name is “Anthony Chu” and the handle is “Mutant XP.” And “Elliot” only has one “L.” His full name is “Eliot Lee.” Thanks.
If you can add my real name to APEX, that would be swell.
Please change to if possible:
Steven Rodriguez
this is hung’s account: http://www.shoryuken.com/forums/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=21313
HungBee is incorrect.
i fixed the names that were posted, check and make sure.
‘AfroCole’ For me. I’m droping the a-dhalsim name A3 sucks =P
Rock, start a thred for March tournaments. . . I’ll be sure to get the “Simi scrub group” out to FF for 3s.
Q : Who is the Barry guy who came and won 3s solo?
ok i fixed all the names again, check and make sure.
sup rob, yi is actually the new tournament director, i have retired. but yeah, it’d be a good idea to get some more 3s tournaments going since sbo quals are in one month. single game, double-elim is the format (:(). barry is some dude who literally shows up once every four years, you’d know him if you saw him. he has a shaved head and shaved eyebrows even, no one talks to this guy. well actually barry showed up twice this year, at the last 2 on 2, he got second place by himself since no one wanted to be his partner, lol.
oo could you add my real name to apex also?
Currently: Saizo
Real name: Henry Park