Hi, I’m new and tried searching for this but couldn’t find it, so please don’t flame.
What is the input command for FADC Backdash to U2?
I’ve seen a couple videos of it and understand the concept but can’t pull it off. I’m holding :ub: but still seem to be losing my charge or something. I’m inputting it pretty fast and can execute the forward dash to U2 without an issue.
i don’t know where to start with this fadc sonic hurricane stuff. shit feels so unnatural. i can’t do it at all. i understand it on paper. but in reality the whole thing happens so fast its hard.
i can do every qcf fadc ultra even after bnb’s, so my execution isn’t awful. just i can’t grasp this
I’m starting to be able to get this in training mode. I do FK with up back +k, FA, then as fast as possible -> <- -> <- ->. This way after the FA you really just wiggle the stick back and forth quickly, but the first wiggle gives you the backdash. Now, the hardest part seems to be the timing of the PPP. It seems you have to press it just at the moment Guile is landing from the hop of his dash. For my natural timing, I usually press it too early. A tiny delay on the PPP and I can get it.
I know how you feel. I can get it, but not even with 50% consistency. In vanilla after I got frustrated from failing dash ultra so many times, I loaded up Ryu and Sagat in training mode. Within 5 minutes I could do uppercut FADC Ultra at will. Guiles motion isn’t nearly as forgiving as theirs are, requires strict timing and precision. The most important thing, IMO is just to do it all as smoothly and quickly as possible. There can’t be any breaks in the fluidity of the motion. As fast as you start it is how fast you need to finish it.
hmm, so does that mean that technically the motion for Backdash FADC has more inputs than Forward dash? That seems wierd. Why doesn’t (hold back) FA :r::l::r::3p: work? Definately frustrated, especially since the forward dash one seems difficult but possible
this video may help some of you
but I, too, can’t seem to get it down yet. It’s okay, I’ll eventually get it. But right now, Guile is still pretty beast even without this combo into ultra 2. I’ve been chipping people left and right with it.
That was my major problem when I first tried to do it. It doesn’t happen as fast as you think. If you try to do it as fast as possible it won’t ever come out. If you try to cancel your FA into a dash as fast as possible thinking it’ll give you more time it won’t work. Just hold your FA for a split second then do the inputs and 3p. Watch the MoD video linked above my post and you’ll see that his dash cancel is a little later than you would when doing qcf FADC ultra combos.
It seems easier just to wiggle the stick for a FADC backwards but I get the forward dash to come out more often than back dash. I’m not great at either… just need to spend some time practicing.
Same for me as well. I even pulled off Chun Li’s backdash ultra today, just to test, and it wasn’t that bad. For some reason Guile’s seems a million times harder. Can anyone in here actually do it consistantly?
maaaaannn mother effin ef!!! i was hoping guile would have flash kick fadc ultra. he does now but i spent my time playing my main and just now tried it, succeded and ya’ll already knew about it… shit. i guess my video aint nothin now lol
yes, IMO backdash FADC requieres an extra :l::r: in order to come out. i just seem to go extra crazy on the back forward motion on the backdash, also, i double or triple tap :3p: only for the backdash.
forward dash is easy for me now in training mode. Eventually I am building muscle memory that will later transfer to a real match.
Yesterday I was playing around with FA level 2 and 3, did forwarddash, backdash and then Sonic Hurracane. Maybe it was backdash then forwarddash SH. Anyways, it looks cool, I had to try doing it since I hate my friend ryu doing his Ultra 1 like this to me to show off. There is no way to do this with flash explosion, or maybe I dont play enough guile
Ok, I can do FADC forward 75% or more.
I spend a third night trying to figure out a way for backdash and finaly got to a conlusion that I will start doing tomorrow.
FADC U2 on backdash is 2-3 times harder than forward dash IMO, why?
1- When I have been able to pull it out the amount of frames you have to press focus seems shorter.
2- You need to backdash when you already have your stick on the back direction
- you have to go to neutral and hit back to start the dash
3- The interval of time for a :f::f: is short
-after watching Geom video, I saw how he doesnt go :r::l::r: Ultra, he goes :df::db::r: Ultra
- the :df::db: is faster as an input(on the stick at least)
4- I double tap the 3P, for some reason I cant get it to work if I press them once, maybe I need to wait a couple more frames.
hopefully gilley/someone else will do a video showing the motions actually being done. not only for this ultra, but hopefully deejay’s dash ultra 2 too.