Facebook Group?

Hey guys, I haven’t frequented this forum much, although I should.

A little about myself, I’ve been playing Makoto since Third Strike, but was never quite good. I’ve tried picking her up in Super, but didn’t really quite get her at the time after my hiatus with SF4 since Vanilla. I picked her up again in Third Strike Online Edition and have had a lot of fun with her after seeing how she was meant to be played thanks to the match packs with some footage of Boss’s godlike Makoto. Even though I still was pretty scrubby with her for some time, I had a lot of fun playing her after not using her since my days on the Dreamcast. What got me back to SF4 was Arcade Edition because I also played Yun a lot at the time on Third Strike, but I think they patched the twins so they got nerfed heavy and I was forced to use Makoto again. Around the time, they had finished making the Rindoukan Bible and that definitely helped me a lot in terms of starting to understand her as a character. I had a lot of fun getting her up to B rank and then plateauing online in the 2012 edition. Then with Ultra, I decided to continue with her and have loved her ex-fukiage buff despite ex-oroshi’s invincibility getting nerfed so she has poor reversal potential imo. Despite that, I have a lot of fun with her. I’ve gotten more active in my local scene lately and regularly go to monthly tournaments as well as weekly sessions in my area which have definitely helped me to step up competitively.

Anyways, the purpose of this thread was to see if any other Makoto players who happen to be on FB that would be interested in being in this group I made. It’s more so to discuss a lot of her new changes as well as other strategies to try out just as this forum is. If you search for it, it should come under Rindoukan Dojo, but here’s the link too: https://www.facebook.com/groups/309799485880846/

Also would be cool to do team battles against other character FB groups, haha.