F.A.N.G. General Thread: Nothing up the Sleeve

That’s not a crane stance (duk lup ma). He’s doing knee strikes.

This Japanese “special trailer” shows a bit more Fang gameplay:


Looks like he has some sort of command dash that can pass through his opponents maybe? And a multi-hitting jumping kick normal.

Yeah he looks too fuckin stupid. Shame because his style looks fun.

But yeah, no.

This needed a ‘Haters gonna hate’ overlay.

so we have no idea what his movelist is. Thanks capcom for telling us nothing as usual.

I think Ono did his motion capture.

This guy looks incredible.

Cast is great. So many people vying for main slot.

Please somebody shoop an “haters gonna hate”


Looool internet brofist to you, Sir

Looks like Daniel-san to me.

I think sf5 should change the boss every season.
Starting off with buff ass bison.
Then This Urien.
Then his brother.
then we finally get a boss after ruby and sapphire jesus maximillian.

sf4 must have been mk9 and sf5 is probably mkx.
Sf ended after 3 but they went back in…oh fuck they’re did the reboot thing didn’t they

if you ever thought seth or viper was garbage you should l2p

So weird we haven’t seen any bit of gameplay of him. Maybe WSO will have the latest build.


2 minutes. I’ll finish you in just 2 minutes.

I like his movement and animations.

I’m interested , but that massive hurtbox, I don’t want to play one of those characters that the fancy combos only work on

I just want to see some fucking normals.
Dude’s like Kareem Abdul Jabbar, he’s gotta have some nice normals.

Man, Bison had to be begging Sagat to come back before he settled on Fang. Can you even imagine Bison and Fang having a conversation, let alone being in the same room?

I don’t like him but a lot of people do so I think it’s good. Someone for everyone.

Unless you like ninjas with charge specials.

After watching the trailer several times I am starting to like this guy. He reminds me a bit of Kefka from FFVI. You know, uses Poison, is insane and kinda crazy looking.
And his movement seems to be a lot like my first Soul Calibur main (Voldo).

Wouldn’t it be sick if he is the main villain of the story, but you just don’t see it at first (kinda similar how it was with Kefka in FFVI).
I mean. Who were the past final bosses of the game? M.Bison, Akuma, Gill, Seth… all kinda badass. So imo it would be fun to have a new crazy/funny villain, you don’t take serious at first, but as the story goes on, you will notice how insane and evil he really is.

That jumping attack may be something like his Jump MK. But after that, I’m confused.
That crouching kick attack would be MK ?
He can dash trough opponent, like Wulf in KI or Blanka (so dash or command dash) ?
Heavy Punch is that Karin like move ? And he can combo off that thing with a crouching MP (Cammy like that time), which is cancellable (in that case, by his Ex Poison Straight thing)

Next, we can see what seems to be a jumping dash (so, the crossover one would be a command dash), Mediump Punch > CA (which works like Vega’s one)

What do you guys think about that ? I hope we’ll see gameplay soon (and especially a shwocase of his normals, command, specials)

All this talk about who the boss is going to be, yet nobody but me wants each character to have their own final boss, just like in Alpha 2.