F.A.N.G. Combo/Tech Thread

it works on crouchers you are close enough to do it :slight_smile:

Bloody hell, I wasn’t expecting that but I’ll definitely take it lol, FANG needs anything he can use to poke out of pressure gaps he can get.

So a couple a things i’ve been mulling over:

s.HK as a frame trap tool is ultimately good on the following characters barring invincible reversals:


Normal wise they have to respect Fang’s turn. For everyone else c.MK is your go to move. That said s.HK can still have a little merit in these matchups. As long as s.HK doesnt hit deep you can walk back to whiff punish throw attempts. If they read that you’re walking back and attempt a low you can then frame trap with s.LP per normal. Of course the major caveat is that with 3 frame attacks can make contact as youre walking back even at tip range. This worst case scenario you lose your turn by blocking. So with that said c.MK performs the exact same function to let you shimmy and frame trap all characters :punch:

I also did some testing with tip range c.MPxx MK Ryobenda. Right now this is a really hot item because the trap whiffs right in front of the opponent, so if they press the wrong limb they’ll eat it. BUT as time goes on its going to be something we can’t always go when it comes to block strings. I went through the cast to test what characters could get away with in this scenario.

Laura: EX Elbow (Mashed, Fang recovers fast enough if done too late), Super (Mashed, possibly on reaction)
Rashid:Jab xx QCF+JP (Mashed, possibly on reaction, cancel is iffy), Super
Mika: Jab (mashed or on reaction), EX Peach (mashed) or Super(IIRC on reaction)
Gief: SPD (mashed or on reaction) Super
Karin: Jab, EX DP, Super
Chun: Jab xx EX Legs (mashed, possibly on reaction), EX SBK, Super
Ryu: s.MP xx Tatsu (IIRC has to be mashed), SRK
Nash: Jab xx LK Scythe, Super, VTC
Bison: Jab xx EX Scissors, Super
Ken: SRK, Jab or Super
Cammy: Jab, b.MP, EX Arror or Super on reaction to trap
Birdie: Jab xx EX Bullhead
Vega: s.LK, EX QCF+K, Super (on reaction)
Sim: Super, Instant Gale
Necalli: Jab, Disc Guidance, Super. During VT possibly Jab xx Disc Guidance
Fang: Jab, Super. If mashed you can actually hit c.MK but somehow no CH :confused:

Alot of things have to be mashed, which may be a concern if youre being predictable. Some of these punishes work as long as they see the trap coming out. This is all after tip range c.MP though, and unless Im mistaken someone said that there’s a normal cancel that’s actually a frametrap into ryobenda. Can anyone clarify that? You can mix it up with LK Ryobenda however the special has to connect otherwise you’re wide open and grounded if it whiffs. S.MP xx LK Ryobenda connects at all times so you’re marginally safer here (if the normal is blocked at tip range you’re much safer but not by much)

Counterhitting 3f normals after a blocked fang sthk
Technically works in neutral but it requires pixel perfect spacing on sthk and with fangs walkspeed this isnt really viable,but in the corner especially if you set a trap its way easier. Space it so only the 2nd hit connects and make sure it connects at tip range (differs depending on what char you are facing ofc)

If done correctly

Ryu: stmk counterhits his stjab

Mika: crjab counterhits both her stjab and crjab,links into either stlk or stmk(only 2nd hit sadly). Lk trap after stlk whiffs,mk trap is set right in front of mika tho giving you a semi free way in with frame advantage if you coward crouch right after. Mika can ex peach in between stlk and mk trap but she has to be mashing and if you go with lk trap instead she gets blown up if she tries this.

Cammy: stmk counterhits her crjab

Karin: crjab counterhits hers like mika,ex ressenha blows up any trap cancels after crjab>stlk though

Laura: stmk counterhits her stlp

Necalli : stlp counterhits both his stlp and his crlp,links into stmp

Mashid: stmk counterhits his stlk

Claw: crlp counterhits both his no claw stlp and his claw on stlk

Chun: stlp counterhits her crjab and links into stmp,but ofc since she is chun and that matchup doesnt look bad enough already her crlk beats everything at every spacing.

man plz i’m about to quit this game because of chun grrrrrrrrrrrr but this Mashid (mash rashid) looks good never heard about him :slight_smile:

I haven’t tested sotoja with chun but spaced correctly it is safe against a massive amount of stuff and is projectile immune - it’s great to push through the startup of fireball.

d+PPP goes under EX spinning bird.

Other than that, take chun for a spin in training and maybe casual matches - see what she wants to do.

Dunno if its already posted but setup after sweep near the corner/in the corner
Immediate coward crouch kick>mk trap

coward kick hits meaty both on quickrise and backroll,on slowrise mk trap hits meaty too,leaves you at +6 on hit/+8 on counterhit (links to sthp) and i think at +2 on block (crjab definately counterhits 3f normals). Braindead vs chars like nash or mika,basically forces them to block

F.A.N.G can use his st.MP to get some super punishes from pretty far away. Works great as a buffer too, like Ryu buffering super from his cr.MK. If they walk into the st.MP - BAM! - super triggers, if not, nothing happens.


after back throw, use s.HK, s.MK, s.HK.

If they quickrise, the first s.HK will counterhit every normal. If they slow rise, the 2nd s.HK will do the same (if you did everything frame perfect).

Obviously if the first s.HK hits, proceed to combo with c.MP xx LP Sotoja.

When canceling cr.mp into ex ryobenda the second hit will whiff, I’ve been using St.Mk into ex ryobenda since the second hit connects which gives you more damage and time for a setup. Just throwing this out there.

In combos c.mp xx ex ryobenda gives you setup potential because the trap stays on screen. In contrast s.mk xx ex ryobenda launches because all hits connect. So it comes down to if you want stun+damage or oki.

If you want to combo into ex ryobenda, use st.MP - it steps forwards and you’ll never miss any hits, and does 10 more damage than the first hit of st.mk.

I didn’t think about that, but you can’t link st.mp from st.hk which is the main way I use to confirm into it.

btw guys, so you know how poison starts ticking after the first initial poison right and how the game doesn’t take into account poison damage? so i been looking into a way to calculate how much real damage is actually being done in combos. we know fang’s poison lasts 8 seconds for 50 damage and it ticks at a steady interval so it can be assumed that poison does 6.25/sec. obvi can’t have decimals so we’ll just assume the game rounds normally like in SF4.

there’s real damage- hits you actually do,
real poison- poison that ticks before the last hit of real damage (meaning your opponent from that health will be KO’d from the total damage)
and residual poison- poison that ticks after the last real hit.

now let’s take the corner combo s.rh, c.mp xx l.ryobenda, xx CA assuming they were poisoned before the combo started as an example.

the total duration of the combo before the last hit lands is 6 seconds so real poison is 6.25*6=37.5~ 38dmg
real damage is 375 so 375+38=413.

  • 50 residual damage= 463 potential damage

a second calculation you can make is guaranteed poison damage where you count the seconds between initial poison, combo duraton and quick rise (since that’s the time your opponent has no choice but to be poisoned) and that’s how much damage you’re 100% guaranteed before your opponent can act.

this example is just the juggle: ex ryobenda> ex sotoja (delayed as late as possible). assuming the weren’t poisoned before, the seconds between initial first hit of ex ryobenda and quick rise is 3 seconds. 6.25*3= 18.75~19. +165= 183 guaranteed damage. real damge is 2 seconds of poison so 165+13=178.

ofc i implore you guys to explore this yourselves.

cliffeside since the combo you listed lasts 6 seconds, it seems unlikely you would actually be able to get the full 38. It’s an interesting consideration but probably only matters where 2 combos are the same damage but one lasts longer than the other.

Assuming you are using s.HK as a CH setup (and I can’t see it hitting in many other situations) you still have time to s.MP. However, it’s clear that c.MP is meant to cancel into sotoja in most situatons.

Think how powerful it would be if rounds were actually 2 minutes!

oops wrong forum.

what are you talking about?

Just found out that you can coward crouch Chun’s ial and punish with the follow up.

Low fp also works…both have risks if your reaction time is slow.