Exposed D's legacy


hmmm this should be interesting…

This friendship is off to rocky start …


I guess getting your ass beat = friendship :sleep:

Lol this is good stuff, but I got something even better :smiley:

Keeping it classy as always

And this is the story of you getting your ass whooped again lol

Eager are we?

Lol once again OWNED!

By the way Exposed, your reply to the earlier thread was hollow and empty, i expected better.

Now, im not one to make assumptions, but uhhh judging by these posts you have some character issues. Somebody had to call you out for being fake.

You amuse me. And i find it funny how you just had to make 2 threads about me because you got so mad when i called you a “wannabe”. You can keep going for as long as you want CHAMPJACKSON… I just think it’s funny.

And you expected better? Well here you go.
that’s alot “better” in my opinion.

lol good times i remember those days, but those days are over my friend. I have increased my skills ten fold!

Unlike you i acknowledge that. I see you are apart of Army of Darkness, i guess every clan needs its cheerleader lol!

You expect to be shown sympathy by other SRK’ers? =)
Oh and what an insult , calling me a cheerleader …
Sure why not , i’ll be a cheerleader =)
This insult is worse though…

Aren’t you bored posting from 2 different accounts? Notice how i said “wannabe that needs to get a life”.
I think that’s true … i did hit a soft spot … and that’s why you are mad CHAAAAAMP.

Well then =) i’m done here. CYA ONLINE CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMP !!!

Oh hell yes it does.

^^^^^ Nice link man, though i just would have hard time believing that is the case in this situation.

To Exposed: I know its crazy to think we are two different people, but we are. Deluxe is your infamous ChampJackson incase you havn’t noticed.
Not that i want to speak for deluxe because obviously your post is directed to him, but you must not know what the word sympathy means, because i dont seem him asking for it. Also you just keep throwing the same lines out man. How can give a great reply when you recycle your old material?

I would of thought you had some supporters exposed, guess not.

Threads like this need to be closed.

You 2 guys are just trolling now, after having your original thread closed. There is already a bad games thread for crap like this. Take it back to Microsoft forums or Gamefaqs or wherever the hell you guys came from. This is SRK yo.

Tsk tsk, “Deluxe” Norieaga. How are you going to copy my style when I see here that you’re a rage-quitter? I think you need a firmware upgrade, bro.

EDIT: This thread is retarded. I play with Exposed every time I’m on, he’s a very good guy who can admit his mistakes. Those 2 instances were just dumb ego wars which resulted in more dumb shit. But hey, at least the guys he lost to were and are very skilled players.

Hey xbl forums arent that bad lol. I seen some shit on here thats just not right…Still agreed pointless thread

Haven’t been on the forums or online for awhile…but man all I can say is that the XBL HDR thread got it going on yo!!! N!guhs nowadays is out to destroy a mofo street cred, know what i’m sayin’ son!!! Haha

Sorry im not up - to - date with the exact meaning of “trolling” but i thought that was done in other peoples threads, not my own. This has nothing to do with bad games. Thelo suggested that this thread be in XBL so thats where it is! also, lol about these other forums, your suggesting that SRK has a higher standard then those forums you mentioned? Get over yourself man

This is a good roast on Exposed D lol. Classic Norieaga i been trying to save you from people like Exposed D. Obviously you are blind from the truth, Exposed D wins he is as happy as a fat boy in a Willy Wonka’s Choco Factory, but when this lad loses he goes on A BK FREAK OUT!! [media=youtube]_jyAsU37xs8[/media]

Basically the reason why he’s such a “nice” guy is probably because he has been whooping some Classic Norieaga. Classic Norieaga what happens when you start winning? You get the above results and then after a month or two when he accepts his defeat he will want to be good friends with you (as your bitch)

Trolling can also mean to create useless or unnecessary threads in a forum. And yes, I am suggesting that SRK has a higher standard then those forums I mentioned…that’s why I’m here, that’s why we’re all here instead of only there. Let’s keep that standard high, and try to improve SRK with useful threads instead of spreading negativity. This thread definitely belongs in the bad games section or closed. 'Nuff said.

I wouldn’t read too much into this thread.

Baby-zone Sharizord is just acting out due to jealousy of something he could never pull off against ExposedD. 10-2 that is :slight_smile:

There are definitely days where he has my number and just starts his ToD insanity, and many times our matches go to the wire; HOWEVER, there are also days where I win my share (last time we had a 1v1 set I squeezed out 10-8). I’ve seen him beat the best of the best, sometimes he even approaches records like 50-2. He’s always been a good sport regardless of winning or losing,** best Bison online IMO**.

lol wow hdr is dying dying dying and dead. doubt this kinda shit helps any. and exposed is not a sore loser. always fun matches and a smart competitor. however be careful he is a spheedish bison lol

Yeah regardless of winnin or losin from what Ive seen from Exposedd hes a good sport. I beat him the majority of times we ever play and he still gets a decent amount of wins off me cause hes pretty nice with Bison. And even in losin to me or winnin hes always said GGS…