Exploiting the Bottom: The Carbonadium smasher!

Yeah, I said I was going to do this every 3 weeks, but I have been HELLA busy and I wasn’t able to play that much. I said I was going to do Felicia, and I did, but Omega Red (OR for the sake of not typing) is ALOT better than all of the low tier characters that I was planning to do. Even though I am still not a master of OR, I have lately been able to hold my own against the tier whores and pretty gdlk low tier players. Alright people, lets begin.


OR is a very solid mid-tier character who has the ability to take on every challenge and obstacle that most character are forced to overcome (RUNAWAY!!!). His moves have very good priorty, but he is slow compared to gods (even though he has an Air Dash and has the best moves to cover distance) and doesn’t have very powerful combos, being the reason that he isn’t top tier.

+Priority is really good
+Air Dash has good distance and cancelable
+Has profound ability to trap
+Good Health. Has slightly more than Cable/Magnus/etc. 90%
+Can cover ground very quickly
+Extremely versatile
+Build meter so quickly
+Long range pokes

-Not powerful, relies on reset to give damage
-Dead meat in the corner. Needs to get out quickly or else Magnus rapes him.
-moves are punishable if not canceled. So cancel to omega strike!!
-Can’t combo a hyper

Notable Normals
jab- all of the jabs (lp for newcomers) (St, Cr, J.) have 3 frames. So it is the prefered move to start with in the air.
short- cr. short is the best starting move on the ground. j. lk has a wide hitbox and is able to cross up.
Fierce- (Hp) the move with the most range and hitbox. This move is key for his corner trap because of its priority, range and ability to be canceled into Omega Strike. Cr. fierce is able to launch when opponent is in the air. Jump fierce is Sentinel’s, and Juggernaut’s worst nightmare especially with Sentinel or Doom.
Rh- same as fierce except less range and adjustable coils crouching. cr. hk is key to his keepaway. Think of it like Sublimation.
Df+fierce- longer range than lpx2, so a very good assist punisher
Snapback- ridiculous! Prioriry is good, range is 50% of screen, comboable from fierce and roundhouse. Too good.


Coil- probably the only thing that sticks out from all the other characters. You are allowed to gain health by this and it is usable in an aircombo. I was playing DETROIT WESSIDE. his OR is nasty. I have never seen him use this move so well. He was airdashing and catching me in a cross-up with it. The moral of the story is that it can be used as a nasty reset. Oh, I forgot to say that it RAPES Sentinel! Solid keepaway game with this move too, since it can hit downwards, forward, and upwards.

In the corner, you can do some very intriguing combos while in the air. You can throw them against a corner and continue an aircombo from there. Play with it. You will get some good shit.

Omega Strike- the nastiest move he has. This move has unbelievable priority. It is unsafe if you don’t cancel or retract the move. To cancel, press down+k. To retract, press back+k. With a good pinning assist, you can trap for a very long time. Since it has high priority and comes out quick, you can play a solid rush game and keepaway. This move also builds meter like crazy. like the coil, omega strike can hit forward, diagonal, and straight upwards, making this move extremely versatile.


Omega destroyer- honestly, it is good, but unusable in combos. It is punishable but not all the time (Magneto/Cable will fuck you up). One really good thing about it is that I had alot of sucess beating out physical moves and hypers, so yet again, you have ridiculous priority with this move. This move takes over the whole screen and is a hell of a assist punisher.

I also saw DETROIT WESSIDE cross me up with an omega strike then canceling it. It is very unexpected.

There is also a vacuum effect with this move when the opponent is up close. It does very good chip damage in this state; needless to say, it does good damage. It is 40 hits in this state too.

Omega(?) Smasher- Not very good. only good to start the infinite on an assist that is left out (will be explained later). It does do more damage than Omega destroyer, but yet it is uncomboable without a well timed assist.


Throw a- This assist is ok, but there is more to select. What it does is throw you straight in the air, so you can do an aircombo afterward with your main character.

Anti-Air b- This is good to trap with Sentinel and Storm. It has high priority, but it has no inviciblity frames, so it gets owned by psylocke and Capcom’s assist. I’ve had experiences where I bet Doom’s assist though. So yeah… good shit.

Ground y- This is good if you have spiral or sentinel. You can trap pretty well with it, and it is a ghetto anti-air, but AAA is better because it has more priority.

The verdict: AAA is better, but it isn’t that good, so use with caution.

Basic Omega Red

Alright so imma describe the main points of him.

Rushdown OR

The basic plan is to Air dash when they are on the ground and Omega strike forward when they are in the air (This is for running). get them into the corner and trap and chip to build meter. When you both are on the offensive. Go crazy with the Omega Strikes because almost nothing can beat them.

Runaway OR

Superjump and use downward coils. Magneto AND Sentinel will have a hard time with that. When he/it gets to you level: Omega Smasher. This is tough for them because it has high priority. Especially on Sentinel since he is so big that OR can hit him off of anything.

Keepaway OR

MY FAVORITE!!! d+hk xxx omega strike all day with a projectile assist. It is so hard for them to catch you. Make sure (this is extremely important) that you retract after a Omega Strike. It will be your best friend. Your goal is to not make them come near you, and with sentinel, yeah really hard.

Other gameplan tactics

by Hangure Mentaro

?Mixing up ( Burrow coil xx Up Strike, Cancel ) x ? is great against low tiers too. Bait those AAAs!

?Back in the day i used to drop assist, diagonal strike, cancel, AD xx j.lp. You can decide when to cancel the AD to crossup or not. Ghetto mags.

?Whenever an opp.'s assist lands behind you, try as hard as you can to Destroyer super. SilverSam like damage.

?When doing ground combos, try to avoid using d.mp. That shit always whiffs at the worst times, especially against Storm. (unfortunately, my muscle memory is on lockdown though, and I never have been able to transition to d.lp, d.mK, d.fp xx strike.

?My favorite low tier team as of late is OR/Doom/Tron|CapCom. On the rare occasion I play scoreboard matches on PSN (ugh), these teams dominate pretty much any other low tier combo.

Advance OR

Airdash cancelling

You wanna use Tron with him? Then this is key. If you use Rouge/Tron, then this will be so easy. This is the only character that can cancel his airdash. You cancel it by pressing back while you dash. This is good for avoiding that stupid Capcom assist or HSF or Hail or AHVB and other stupid runaway trick that these losers have. This is also good for cross-ups and (gasp!) mindgames.

Try this: sj. IAD+ Tron.

This is a simple airdash crossup into Tron assist. Technically anybody with an airdash can do that. Well, with airdash cancelling you can do a “fake crossup”. It tricks simple minded people from thinking that you are crossing up, when in actuallity, you are not. You are baiting him to block the cross up. So because you tricked him, half of his life is gone and you just made him look really stupid. Practice this, and use it in battle, and watch how much hate you will get.

Cross-up Coils

Something interesting about OR. You can cross-up or “fake cross-up” by air dashing and cancel into the Upward coil (qcf+PP). You can keep doing this forever because once the coil hits and you throw your opponent upwards the AD resets. since you are good, you can do this till time stops.

Avoiding/Punishing Assist

Sounds easier than it is. lets say that you are playing Team Scrub and that damn Capcom assist and you have Cable in the corner pressuring him until… BAM Captain Corridor. Now you have to corner Cable all over again just to get with another one right? Nope. Here is the secret to avoid/punish assist.

cr. hk is gdlk to hit something long range. It beats out almost all of the assist. it is also hit confrimable with a snapback, or a omega strike. You can juggle the assist with an omega strike or if you hit the point character, you can hit him with a snapback so you can kill the assist for free!!

I’m coming up with more stuff as you read and I will be editing this

OR Teams and Best Partners

OR is versatile, but he needs an assist to be effective with the trap. So his partners are as followed.

Sentinel y- OR is gdlk with the keepaway game and a trap in the corner. Since his assist is laggy, OR has the ability to cover ground alot quicker. Probably his best assist. Sentinel with any anti-air is good, and OR’s high priority AAA is no exception.

Doom b- hk omega strike looks really good with this assist. It is a Psuedo-crossup move and it can create situations in which the chip damage is amazing. Vacuum Omega Destroy plus doom’s AAA equal 1/5.

BB Hood a- I know what you guys are thinking,“WTF is this guy stupid?” But it is really good just like Sentinel. If you want a low tier team, Or/BBHood/xxx is what you want. It is seriously REALLY GOOD. Try it. Its like crack. And now it is one of my favorite teams ever.

Cyclops b- you want some easy health? Assist then Diagonal coil for free health.

Storm a- like sentinel except less chip. Nonetheless it is desirable.

Notes from Augmint: Storm assist is better than drones - storm proj. comes out faster - lets OR do burrow + storm proj. O strike XX O Destroyer into Hail. Great damage on assists.

Other good assist: Iceman a, Capcom b, Juggernaut b, Magneto a.


OR/Cable/Sent- OR’s main role is to build meter like hell for Cable. His best team IMO.
OR/Storm/Cyclops- OR gimmick team. Easy coil combos good resets etc.
Juggs/BBHood/OR- Dao’s team. Very good for a low tier team. Build meter and then THC with BB Hood
OR/Strider/Doom- Build meter. DHC out to ouroborus
OR/Iceman/Sent- big time trapping team. Lots of chip.
Magneto/OR/Tron- solid Magnus team. Not the best
Storm/OR/Tron- gdlk. Solid AAA+Trons assist=Storms BFFS
Magneto/OR/Sentinel- Good projectiles with both mag and sent. ok
OR/SS/Zangief- Build meter and destroy with Raimenken.
OR/Zangief/Colossus- Team russia. Post by Shoestring:

Here is my team set up, O Red, Throw assist, Geif, Ground assist, Colossus, anti air assist. For the most part, the strategy I employ is to capitalize on their mistakes. Coil grabs, drain life, throw?ect. And of course the types of opponents are either rush down or run away beam. Run away beam is the hardest to play against. This is where O Red?s down forward hk, Omega strike helps allot. Side note; last night I played somebody that used BH, Commando, Iceman. Final score was 12-6; he took most of the wins. Had a hell of a time trying to get in on him.
I use O Red on point for most of the match. Hell, he?s the only one out of the three that has any kind of mobility to speak of. In all honesty, you pretty much summed him up in your overview. Drain life, throw, resets are a must. Couple of combos;

Lp, mp, (launch) sj, lp, lk, mp, air dash under opponent, (reset) lp, mp, coil grab, drain, throw up, dash, coil up?repeat until they figure out how to get out, or you screw up??lol

You can also do a Carbonadium Smasher after a throw straight up, and catch them with it on their way back down. (You?d be amazed how many people don?t block this.)


This is the basic shit.


  1. cr. lk, cr. lk, st. fierce xxx omega strike. The damage is 39, but this combo is one HELL of a pressure string. This starts off the Omega red trap.

  2. s. lp, s. lp, sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. lp, sj. lp xxx coil. Basic air combo into coil life drain. Mash punches for more damage. If you throw them up, you can airdash for a cross-up coil.

  3. (OR facing corner) launch, sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. lp xxx coil, throw into corner, magic series xxx coil, throw in air. This is a good combo if you fight a really dumb Magneto. Don’t try it.

  4. launch, sj. lp, sj. lp, sj. hp, sj. hk. Fancy aircombo that requires strict timing. Don’t try it.

w/ sentinel y

  1. cr. lk + assist, cr. lk, fierce xxx omega strike. If you delay the assist, you can get a nice cross-up with the drones (of course if you don’t cancel omega strike)

  2. (reset) cr. lk, cr. lk, cr. fierce + assist, sjc. IAD, drones hit and cross-up. Really sneaky shit.

w/ Tron y

  1. Reset cr. lk, cr. lk, fierce + assist xxx hk omega strike, cancel… The possiblities with OR/Tron is very unbelievable. With that set-up you can either cross-up or “fake cross-up” and continue the onslaught.

There is more that I will figure out and edit it.


  1. cr. lk, cr.lk, fierce + assist… You can either hk omega strike or do diagonal coil for free health.

There is more that I’ll put down later as time goes on.

Strategies against Top 4

Imma end up doing the Top 8 plus more, but Imma leave it at the Gods and add more to it.

Storm- When she is rushing, abuse fierce xxx Omega Strike. All she can do is start running. When she does, sj. and AD. Make sure that you cancel the dash when you see Storm start off Hail. Storm is pretty tough, but if you are careful, it will be easy.

6-4 Storm

Sentinel- is suppose to be easy. you have to get the first hit. when he flies, use anti-air Omega Strike to knock him right out of the air. Play runaway OR. Coil beats fly moves. Sent/Capcom is a little more tougher, but cr. rh beats out Capcom’s assist. as mentioned above in advance strats portion.

6-4 OR

Cable- this guy is anti low-tier. All you can do is rushdown.

I found this helpful: http://www.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=188504

7-3 Cable

Magneto- Play keepaway all day long!!! Magneto can’t do shit against a good OR in the middle. I’m sorry Magnus players. BUT in the corner though…OR gets raped. Its not even funny. How do you get out the corner? Try this: sj. IAD cancel dash (most magneto players would call Psylocke at this moment), block assist, sj. IAD or call assist. This has been pretty effective for me, but you guys be the verdict. Basically, play a solid game of keepaway and you should beat Magnetos. It takes practice though.

Hagure Mentaro’s post:

Just wanted to chime in and say that when Mags is in your face, tiers start to matter much less than usual. It all comes down to how good you can block, and how lucky you can guess, and whether or not you have a curly mustache. I forget who said it first (probably Viscant), but Mag’s random shit is pretty much the great equalizer in marvel.

On that note, while there’s not much OR can do once he’s in, at least OR is pretty good (relative to low tiers) in keeping him out. AFAIK, Strike always beats Mag’s non cross-up air normals, & burrow coil used correctly can can him on the ground. I wouldn’t suggest ever draining coil against him though: a whiff is just asking for a big combo, or at least a hypergrav xx tempest (yay. mash away).

Once mags is in though, good luck. Even Strike’s startup is too long to save you much. But if you’re playing a mags who actually knows what he’s doing, when ISN’T he in your face? Fuckin’ pringles.

5.5-4.5 Magneto

Cyclops- Play it like Storm. Omega strike beats his fierces, so spam away. ASOB is the thing that you need to look out for, because it can keep OR away. If you have Sentinel, it will be a hell of alot easier.

6-4 OR


Probably his second hardest match-up, especially with Doom at his side. Strider’s moves are so much faster than OR’s, Ouroborus is anti-rush down, and if the Strider knows what he is doing, he won’t allow OR to breath. One thing that I do is abuse cr. hk. It beats out most assist and Strider is almost SOL. Play keep away, and punish Doom AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. If he uses Orbs sj and use coil to stay in the air.

6.5-3.5 Strider

Match Vids


[media=youtube]bVNJr7wy1FU[/media] From :30 - 2:00. OR rape against team baby clock (IM/Strider/Doom)

[media=youtube]7-7suefXOTA[/media] Part 1

[media=youtube]SA3HfOMJnEk[/media] Part 2

[media=youtube]mFAw-X8dLz0&feature=related[/media] Dao vs. ???


Ok, so this guy is in the same tier as Rouge, Cammy, etc. After doing this. He belongs at the same tier level as Dhalsim and Anakaris. He has ridiculous priority and has versatility out of this world. The only thing keeping him out is the fact that he doesn’t give out alot of damage. Thanks for reading. I will be editing

Magneto rapes OR - period. Storm assist is better than drones - storm proj. comes out faster - lets OR do burrow + storm proj. O strike XX O Destroyer into Hail. Great damage on assists.
Sent can FF with O Red’s anti air though.

Glad your doing this Cee OR was one of my old school favorites. 2 quick things I would add.

1)My Fav OR teams both include Bheart. They are OR/BH/Sent and OR/BH/Doom an honorable mention for a fun team is OR/BH/Rouge(Throw assist into omega destroyer hurts bad). These teams are very prone to rush down because they don’t have a get the hell off of me anti-air but they REALLY frustrate people and if they stay at a distance let you dictate the games pace. The first team especially with Omega destroyerXXHOD/HSF is vicious and the first two characters have NO problem building meter for an instant death dhc to Sent.

2)Against Strider blanket the horizontal field of play with assists and crouching coil. A big part of his game is orbs and its best not to give him any chance to get them at all.

The Magnetos I played were decent, and as long as I stayed in the middle, I was fine. When Magneto forces you in the corner though you have to get out, because OR will get beaten bad. Magnetos ridiculously fast moves beat the priority of Omega Strike up close, but far away, Magneto is meat. Now a really good one idk cause I never played a really good one besides Dereklearnslow (he forced me to the corner and I was dead meat). Good shit on the Storm assist though. idk why but I just didn’t see that. I thought they were the same speed.

Hmm, BH? Thats interesting. Together they are really good at zoning and trapping. I would prefer Cyclops in that team because it emphasizes BH’s ability to do easy ass infinites and zoning. But yeah its a good duo.

Oh their is a start-up time for Ouroboros, so I could just spam cr. hk all day and he can’t trap at all. It’s easier than I thought.

Yeah after OR/BH you can plug a lot of people in that 3rd slot and it will be a damn good team. Though Cable anti air might be the best third option. Rouge is very fun just to piss people off with her throw assist.

Also random but you can airdash and then do your dashing air combo super to pseudo air dash as many times as you want. Its good for avoiding nasty chip like from a proton cannon when your OR is low on health and its down to the wire.

You can test it yourself - midscreen D + LK & storm proj, d + Mk, s.Hp lets storm proj. hit - it won’t with drones ( unless your in the corner). You can follow up the above with a sj cancel airdash, or qcf + Hk ( whiff) - land DF Hp launcher.

Granted. Storm is his best assist in terms of cover. Your combo can be a hell of a reset too. Good shit Augmint


yeah you are right. But to the second paragraph, that shit burns hella meter. I wouldn’t do that unless I got IM on my team so I can DHC into Proton Cannon of death. I am also trying to find shit with IM’s aaa. That would be so hurtful to get caught in that. BTW I gotten better, so if I see you on, Im inviting you. be aware lol

I look forward to the games Cee you better have a mic this time though :slight_smile: Can’t wait to test out my new Wolvie team on someone besides my little sparring group. The Omega Red thing was more for prolonging his life than an offensive measure its good to know if its a 1 on 1 and the other character is a chipper you have a pseudo air dash to doge that free damage.

And P.S. you were not bad before so I am definitely nervous this go around :slight_smile: Your doom was so damn quick he gave me nightmares lol

A lot of people underestimate the true potential of Team Russia (OR/Zang/Col) it might be a gimmick team but I have shut down top tier teams with them. The key is not to let them start the rape. OR on point with Col on AAA and Zang on Ground. Transformed or not Zang craps on A LOT of stuff. And with Col on point OR’s throw assist leads to a very painful combo. Col c.lk, c.rh xx shoulder charge+ OR throw asst, Head Dive super. Even if they roll the sweep you’re still safe enough to try again.


Damn!!! I wish I was on XBOX!! I’ve been using that team since the game came out!! Would enjoy a match against you. Yeah, I use that OR, Colossus combo as well, but to many people started to roll out of it. So I started to using c.fp to start the combo instead…try this…Gief on point, OR throw assist…Launch + Red assist, s.jump, rh, (opponent falls into Red’s coil, and he throw’s them back up) s.jump again, lk, mk, (slight pause) pile driver.
So, you get a lot of rage quits too? Nothing pisses off a top tier wanna be like getting trashed by low tier teams. LOL.

Lol I been wanting to put down team russia on the list for a good low tier team, but I had no idea how to use it. Can you guys put down some info about the team?

Sure, but I?m not good at describing combos and such?..not that there is a TON of combos with this team, but I?ll try. My disclaimer: I?m not under any illusion that this team can wipe the floor with everybody??but man are they fun!!!

Here is my team set up, O Red, Throw assist, Geif, Ground assist, Colossus, anti air assist.

For the most part, the strategy I employ is to capitalize on their mistakes. Coil grabs, drain life, throw?ect. And of course the types of opponents are either rush down or run away beam. Run away beam is the hardest to play against. This is where O Red?s down forward hk, Omega strike helps allot. Side note; last night I played somebody that used BH, Commando, Iceman. Final score was 12-6; he took most of the wins. Had a hell of a time trying to get in on him.
I use O Red on point for most of the match. Hell, he?s the only one out of the three that has any kind of mobility to speak of. In all honesty, you pretty much summed him up in your overview. Drain life, throw, resets are a must. Couple of combos;

Lp, mp, (launch) sj, lp, lk, mp, air dash under opponent, (reset) lp, mp, coil grab, drain, throw up, dash, coil up?repeat until they figure out how to get out, or you screw up??lol

You can also do a Carbonadium Smasher after a throw straight up, and catch them with it on their way back down. (You?d be amazed how many people don?t block this.)

It is possible to connect a pile driver with Geif, but it uses a super bar, and the DHC itself does not connect. During OR?s Smasher, right after he grabs them with the coil, and is about to throw them, DHC to Geif. OR disappears, and your opponent is sent spinning straight up, while the frame animation for Geif finishes. They land right at your feet, and you can OTG them with a c.lk, c.mp (launch) sj, lp, mk, (slight pause) pile driver.

I found one combo with O Red and Colossus. O red on point, down forward hp (launch) + Colossus assist, sj, hk, (they get hit by Colossus) Carbonadium Smasher. Then you can do the Geif trick too. Pretty much kills most characters. Works great on unsafe character swaps. You can also do an hp coil grab after Colossus hits them, and then go into the drain life throw routine.

Geif is a big slow oaf. Target practice for most others. You can always turn him into Meca Geif and put an abrupt halt to most rush down shenanigans, but he is still a target. Lots of people jump at him, so I usually do his air grab dragon punch move with O Red assist. Geif gets across the screen with a little bit of protection, and a bonus is sometimes Geif will grab and throw them right into O Red?s assist. Getting his aerial 360 pile driver combo down is a must. It?s a pain to time. Launch, lk, mk, slight pause, pile driver. He?s best when (if) you have your opponent cornered. Geif/Colossus corner combos really hurt. My fav; Geif on point, Jump, Down Hp+Colossus assist, land, lp, (colossus hits), green back hand (keeps them from flying off screen) dash in, (Geif automatically grabs them) hk (bite and mash buttons) drop, c.lk, c.mp(launch) sj, lp, mk?..pile driver. Other mix ups after the back hand; FAB, Level 3 FAB, or just a regular 360. Once you start a 360 grab, and get them, you are invincible until the animation stops. I?ve grabbed Mag out of his Magnetic Tempest, and Servbot out of his?.uh?.locust swarm when they are to close and trying to chip me out.

Colossus is your bruiser, and he has an amazing reach. Jumping forward HP covers a little over half the screen. C.HK has got a long reach too. You can easily do a ton of damage to unsafe character swaps with the combo in the prior posts, but I?ve also modified mine a bit. After O red launches them, follow them up with a sj, and hit them with an hp. They get sent to the ground and land on their feet. MOST of the time, the opponent is doing a low block, before you hit the ground, do another forward hp, land, c.hk + O Red assist, shoulder crush, (O red grabs them, and throws them up) Power bomb. Still not dead? DHC to Omega Destroyer. A powered up Colossus with Meca Geif can do a lot of damage on a very short amount of time. This works in the corner, jump, hp+Geif assist, jump again, fp, jump, (Geif gets done spin juggling) fireball motion with hp, (Colossus grabs and spins) shake the stick back and forth to make him spin faster, throw in the corner, c.hk, shoulder crush, power bomb. DHC to O Red Destroyer in need be. You can fake out people with a random power bomb, and DHC to Geif?s FAB for a surprise. But it?s easy to get out of, so watch it.

Damn, I didn?t mean for it to be this long. Any rate, here are a couple of links of me playing. One is of me winning , and the other is me getting absolutely trashed about 3 or 4 times. LOL.


I just could not get a bead on him. I did win…uh…1 out of 17 matches that day!!:rofl::rofl::rofl: Yeah, I played like shit, and he kick my ass. Oh well.

Just wanted to chime in and say that when Mags is in your face, tiers start to matter much less than usual. It all comes down to how good you can block, and how lucky you can guess, and whether or not you have a curly mustache. I forget who said it first (probably Viscant), but Mag’s random shit is pretty much the great equalizer in marvel.

On that note, while there’s not much OR can do once he’s in, at least OR is pretty good (relative to low tiers) in keeping him out. AFAIK, Strike always beats Mag’s non cross-up air normals, & burrow coil used correctly can can him on the ground. I wouldn’t suggest ever draining coil against him though: a whiff is just asking for a big combo, or at least a hypergrav xx tempest (yay. mash away).

Once mags is in though, good luck. Even Strike’s startup is too long to save you much. But if you’re playing a mags who actually knows what he’s doing, when ISN’T he in your face? Fuckin’ pringles.

.:. Random Notes .:.

[*]Mixing up ( Burrow coil xx Up Strike, Cancel ) x ? is great against low tiers too. Bait those AAAs!

[*]Back in the day i used to drop assist, diagonal strike, cancel, AD xx j.lp. You can decide when to cancel the AD to crossup or not. Ghetto mags.

[*]Whenever an opp.'s assist lands behind you, try as hard as you can to Destroyer super. SilverSam like damage.

[*]When doing ground combos, try to avoid using d.mp. That shit always whiffs at the worst times, especially against Storm. (unfortunately, my muscle memory is on lockdown though, and I never have been able to transition to d.lp, d.mK, d.fp xx strike.

[*]My favorite low tier team as of late is OR/Doom/Tron|CapCom. On the rare occasion I play scoreboard matches on PSN (ugh), these teams dominate pretty much any other low tier combo.

[*]I have a feeling I wrote all this shit before. I’m sure if you use that Search thingy, something might pop up. Or not (I been through a few forum reboots).

Whatever the case, keep OR alive. Can’t believe this game is on it’s last year before retirement. :tup:

PS: One of Clockw0rk’s first teams was OR/Strider/Doom (This was back when you’d see SonSon in SHGL tournies). It’s a really fun, and functional team, but like Se/S/D, the lack of an anti-air can really hurt. Also: OR is not a big ass robot. And you are not Clockw0rk.

PPS: Legendary Spiral player Ducvader said he played hella OR back in the day too.

@ Shoestring and Hangure

Thank you for the responses. You guys are great.

I updated this thread big time. I got video of Dao, Clockwork, and Shoestring playing OR, plus I added your info.

No prob. I went on PSN last night to brush up on some OR stuff. Man, drain coil really DOES work well on that big ass robot (if used sparingly…good aviators can fly all around it)!

Somethings I forgot:

j.LK is a good attack too. Although j.LP seems to comes out faster (not exactly sure, but OR’s hit(able)box on LP is much smaller/safer), LK’s hit box is really wide can cross people up.

When you’re vs a team with a good AAA like capcom, as long as you have some good assist cover yourself (like Doom’s rocks), sometimes it’s actually best NOT to retract/drop, as you’ll go right back into the AAA.

PS: Its Hagure MeTARU by the way. No n’s. haha

lol my bad. Im not going to go and edit all that though lol. sorry, I’ll add in your stuff.


OR vs. Storm | Cyke

hulkcrush PM’d me for some info on the OR vs. Storm & OR vs. Cyke matchups. Figured it’d be better to post in the open:

vs. Storm

Burrowcoil (d.HK bCoil) xx strike is still good, but not great. If you get too predictable (esp w/ horizontal strikes), you can be sure to eat an AAA|Typhoon xx Hailstorm. Speaking of hailstorm, be careful when punishing assists.

When she rushes you, don’t forget about HK strike, which like with magneto, does a good job of keeping them out of that golden area above and in front of your head. Beware though, cuz Storm is much more agile in the air. Also, when she’s already on top of you, don’t rely on the strikes as an AA, the startup is too slow for that.

All in all, just play it safe (don’t rush her), get your strikes in, and you should be ok. Outta the big 4, I consider her the least scary vs. OR, due to his excellent zoning, and nullifying the battery issue.

**Actually, playing vs. Runaway storm can be in your favor (as much as a low vs high battle can be at least). OR can build meter much faster than storm (bCoil xx Strike, cancel), and with her not in your face, you don’t have to worry about getting hit. Whatever you do, don’t chase her. Storm > all when she’s in the air. If she starts to come down right on top of you, vertical strike (NOT v.Coil). Even if it’s blocked (which is hard to do, even when you expect it), it puts you in a good position. **

**I wouldn’t recommend it. OR’s super hella telegraphs, even when he’s offscreen (HAHAHA?!) You might catch Storm every once in awhile, but if you don’t have a safe DHC, you’re gonna (at worst) eat a combo, or (at best) have her right on top of you.

I’m no Hulk expert so I don’t know the risk/reward ratio for gamma crush, but I don’t think its worth it. From what I’ve seen of Hulk though, team super (2 assist buttons) is better (read:safer) than DHC, especially with your team. If it IS safe, well then by all means AK away.

In this case, you have sent on your team, so he’s your best bet against storm.

Vs. Cyke

Personally, I never have trouble with this match up, so I might be taking a lotta stuff for granted. Anyway, most players don’t really know how to use cyke, and just do the meter building thing, hoping to land a lucky HK xx SOB. It seems that you’re most scared of the meter building, but always remember that noone builds meter as fast as OR (safer, perhaps, but not faster). And even if they do have a decent cyke, IMO, OR still wins.

Stick to your basic OR game, and use the middle/near b.Coil xx Strike to cancel/punish any of his HP tomato spam, or far b.Coil xx v.Strike, block. I can’t remember if OR’s super is punishable by cyke with an optic blast xx SOB, but if it is, the window is pretty short. So feel free to burn up that meter. Note: SOB is a frame killer (right? correct me if I’m wrong), so be careful for DHC into hailstorm or something similar)

Yeah, just build your own meter. He can’t do it nearly as well as you can. Just use the same tactics I posted above for storm, but also feel free to rush him down. Oh and if they don’t know OR, it’s pretty easy to bait supers with v.Strike cancels, then punish with the usual.

Haha who cares!? This is mah-vel baby! Mash away!!!111111one

PS: Yes.

PPS: Ugh. every time I post about OR I always wonder: “what if?he could combo into his supers?” boohoo.

Do you think this will work? Burrow coil interrupt Storm trying to do hailstorm. Iirc doesn’t Storm always start off on the ground before flying a little to do hailstorm? Also burrow coil would go through regardless if she did typhoon or not since it goes underground no?

Maybe if you’re psychic. Otherwise you’ll be eating cereal

PS: Yeah, it’s definitely possible, just not worth it. If it does happen though, cancel to v.Strike (then BLOCK), and you’ll avoid the typhoon.

I’ve done it…on accident. It wasn’t planned, it just worked out that way, and I think it messed up my opponent a little because he was not expecting it either. Its standard practice for storm to throw a typhoon, then hailstorm. Yeah, the coils will go under the typhoon, but you still get hit by them. And I’m not sure, but she may be quick enough to recover from the coil hit, then go into a hailstorm anyway.