I was playing Arcade Mode on Expert last night, and I made it all the way to about Match 8 with Cammy, no Continues used, and Ryu was my opponent.
Only Ryu was angry…
This CPU Ryu threw Hadoukens at Fake Hadouken recovery speeds, and was able to have multiple projectiles onscreen at once. That, and he was super aggressive. I akin his method of play like that of Akuma in Super Turbo. He absolutely destroyed me. It was a completely different level of CPU Ryu I’ve ever faced. I managed to put him away with Ken spamming Jab Shoryukens and a bit of footsies, but I’ve never came across something like this before. I was wanting to let the community know, and wondering if anybody has caught this before? Crazy shit
That’s another thing that hurts getting new players to get into SF2. The single player modes don’t help teach them anything about how to actually play the game. They go from getting the crap beat out of them by the cheating AI (where Guile can walk forward and instantly Flash Kick any move you stick out), to going online and getting crushed because all they learned from single player was how to find holes in the AI. I know this is a problem with most FG’s but it’s been historically horrible with the SF2 series.
I hope if they ever make another version of SF2 they make a usefull 1P mode for it that actually helps teach people how to play (and I’m not talking about SF4’s atrocious trial mode).
It’s true that the Expert Difficulty setting is way too tough for beginners (or pros even!), and it would be nice if HDR had a nice training mode similar to most modern FGs. However, to be fair, the Beginner Difficulty setting is pretty fair and can be beat by almost anybody (except Akuma). At least that way newcomers can practice their spacing and combo timing outside of Practice mode. It’s not ideal, but it is better than what Classic ST has.
Getting a player of equal skill and enthusiasm about the game is the best way to get better. But I agree that Single Player is good for practicing execution.
Yeah, those videos are crazy, Thelo. My jaw literally hit the floor.