Hello. I’m attending EVO to play in the Skullgirls side-tournament. Because it is a side tournament and not an official one, I do not need to purchase the Tournament Only pass for $70, correct?
Also, regarding viewing the finals on sunday, does having a tournament only pass make it anymore likely that I’ll be able to view the finals in the main room?
Thank you.
You don’t need to purchase the TO pass to join in the Skullgirls tourney…but you’ll most likely will be watching the stream from another room even if you decide to buy the pass now.
Thank you for the quick response. I’m gonna go try to get a refund for my pass now.
One question. I purchased the Tournament Only, No Sunday Pass. Would this mean that even if I miraculously make it on to the finals, I won’t be able to go in and move on because of this? Or are they just talking about the seating in order to watch?
In danger of saying something stupid, if you make it to the finals, you will be able to get into the room to play. You just won’t have guaranteed seating to watch any other game.
Thanks. Please forgive my ignorance for that my mother was the one who did the registration for me when I didn’t have the time. shrugs