Spoony - Legality is of the highest concern for the tournaments… shilo/byoc not so much
PS2’s should replace everything that it can without so much concern. Their sockets dont fry, and there are way less problems with them.
I have not heard any issues with CVS2 ps2 vs DC, other than the images on ps2 looking sharper and the colors nicer, it still has roll cancelling… Marvel on the otherhand… since you can move everything else off DC, the problems it will face wont be such a burden…
Hosting AE on ps2 rather than CvS2 is IMO cooler yet more problematic as well. Even if you just tell them to only pick ST or HF characters, there may be several issues. Speed default is 2, so that needs to be done, and I dunno how many slowdowns DC has, but all of that is eliminated, so its probably not the same.
The new “standard” for 3s will be the ps2 version anyway, and its a way better alternative for the DC version or superguns.
Round robins would be better to be done in larger groups. When RR was announced, the chance at “more games” was certainly greater… doubled from going 0-2 to going 0-4, heh… I got my games in during casuals, but I would have liked a larger group to play, which would be more helpful for finding players, since theres at least less waiting to scrounge around the one last person to play with. Argh… with the delays and people running the brackets saying “come back in 30” I was the last person to play in both my brackets for ST and CvS2… man, next year, that speaker idea is a real good plan. Something to alert the people in the BYOC room or arcade…
Sponsors / Vendors -
More minigames are a nice idea, I didnt watch most of those trailers until I knew you were giving away prizes at the end.
And man, those BYOC booths had some nice stuff out there… too bad I didnt really care because I was there to play games not buy Morrigan plushies. The Counterstrike cutouts would have been better thrown into the corner, which was sectioned off for some strange reason.
BYOC room in general was real nice. Besides for some of the TVs sucking. It wasnt much of a matter of that converter in the back, its that they were flaking out. And the side with the windows had a wierd table setup.
Shilo Inns -
Everyone who didnt bring RF adapters got owned by their hotel TVs. The fancy shilo had a lock on their TV. There was too much fun to be had back there, that most people got DQed cause they slept off their hangovers. I wonder if things get prepared for better and things run smoothly, that you guys could at least wait till noon to start shit?
Gameage -
This years evo didnt have anything new for it, but for a first timer, I thought it was pretty swell. The new lineup will spruce things up a bit, though that #R part… eh… would have made THIS years evo a lot better… (or this years #R better if the BYOC room didnt close early). Id be happy to see some more on the SNK front if any of that picks up in the US. But thankfully thanks to consoles, it has a fighting chance. With regards to the state of fighting games around the US and other parts of the world (not that they have as many problems), you guys are keeping it interesting.
You know what you guys did right, you admit what you guys did wrong, so I have no secondthoughts about next years evo kicking ass.
(consoles rule!)