Not at all. They donated prizes.
Breaking even would be great, wouldn’t it?
Not at all. They donated prizes.
Breaking even would be great, wouldn’t it?
The finalists, Mick and RTD, picked characters they didn’t really play.
Voldo, NM, and Ivy. Basically, the characters that the former champions in earlier tournaments used.
Then they played like shit, basically a mockery.
Will we be able to hear the crowd? I find it more exciting that way.
If not, perhaps next year you could do direct feed from video and sound from a mic? Just tossing out a suggestion… that way you can have both good quality and the feel of EVO.
General comments…
1 - resistor mod doesn’t help with blue boxes, it helps with the controller port not being fried by sticks drawing too much power. As far as I’m aware, BB’s are caused by (1) having a memory card in your stick, and (2) the controller/DC connection being slightly loose. They’re avoidable by taking out your memory card (I forgot, oops) and putting a book either on top of or underneath the controller’s connectors to ensure the connection continues. Older sticks tend to have weaker connections, but if you want I can help try and get rid of the BB’s for next year. It was a problem I had never had until coming to Evo, actually.
2 - PS->DC adapters don’t cause input lag. I remember hearing players complaining about this. Wes and Jesse (the ST finalists) both played on Supergun stick->Supergun to PSX adapter->PS to DC adapter->Dreamcast, and neither had any problems with input. Don’t tolerate anyone complaining about input lag from that. Although I have NO idea why Dreamcast sticks weren’t used in the first place…
3 - My biggest suggestion would be that if something is borked, please TELL THE PLAYERS about it, or disconnect and remove it. More than a few people played on the absolutely horrible US stick on the Jap-compatible 3s, and weren’t warned beforehand that it was destroyed or that there was a PS2 set up intead - only a select top few seemed to get the word. Others played on the default MvC2 sticks only to find halfway through that their stick was internally miswired (some were, most were fine).
4 - With the BYOC rooms, if some of the TV’s next year still require the little metal adapter on the back to be able to plug in RCA video, please make sure each TV has one, since we were short a few this year.
Overall: I had a great time, and the BYOC room was amazingly awesome. Also, what’s happening to all those DC’s and arcade sticks now that Evo is over? :^)
Mike Z
You won’t have 100% crowd audio during the match, but there will definitely be some form of crowd audio/video spliced into the matches on DVD. James Chen and Seth Killian did an awsome job of recording the intros and beginning/ending of every match, so we’ll do some slick edting to make sure the intensity of the event comes through.
We tried to setup crowd-audio with direct capture screens, but it was too crazy to get going this year. Maybe next year we’ll have it solved 100%.
Yeah the dreamcast mod makes it so that instead of frying the controller ports they simply overheat so then all you have to do is turn off the dreamcast and wait a second and then the ports are useable again. At least that’s what I thought If I am wrong disregard. I really didn’t mind the blue boxes all much and I had my controller stop working randomly twice when playing cvs 2. The dreamcast versions are just to much better than the playstation versions of Cvs 2 and Mvc2 for you guys to switch.
I think you guys should definatley take Mike Zs. Advice I do alot of the stuff he suggested and never see the blue box.
Well, if you’re set on not using DCs, then it is what it is. We’ve been doing console tournaments here in Atlanta for years, and we come up with that problem on occassion, except we never wired up new transistors in the DCs. This year at Final Round when I was running the CvS2 bracket, I lost 4 DCs. Anyway, as far as I know, the ONLY way to get around this would be for you guys to provide the sticks and not let players use their own. A lot of people have janky ass sticks, and those cause most of the problems in the first place. If you provide them, there really won’t be a compatability issue since all the equipment would be the same. That would be my suggestion to you if it’s economically feasable. If not, using a version on the PS2 would be the next alternative, but from what I understand it’s not arcade perfect.
Also, even though we’ve never run a tournament as big as Evo, Final Round here in Atlanta has gotten pretty big, and we’ve taken a much stricter approach to dq’s. I heard many complaints from friends who were at Evo this year about having to wait and wait and wait to play. The way we deal with that is literally, at every station, you have two other groups of people waiting to play. As soon as somebody jumps off a TV, another person jumps on, and you line up somebody else when you see those people jump off. If you can’t find a person, they have 10 minutes to show up, and get DQ’d. A lot of people travel a long way to participate and people who don’t have enough courtesy to be where they’re supposed to be don’t need to be in the tournament anyway. That seems to keep people around the machines and helps it run a lot smoother. It also speeds up the game quite a bit. I’m sure you guys know this already, or have something similar that you use, but I figured I’d throw it out there anyway.
Thats complete bull shit that all sticks worked on your guys PS2. we had several pelican problems during the VF4evo sections. including myself, " save yourself the arguements that pelicans suck cuz i can slap you with the red octanes they had there " im use 2 my pelican and it is best for me, is it the best stick NO, but it is kinda ugly praciting your VF4evo skills on a certain stick the entire time when your told you could use then not be able 2 and have 2 go with some sub standard piece of junk " IMO "
Only one thing, please have at least KOF NEOWAVE it going to be the greates KOF game ever made. Please please please please please:(
I know a lot of people hate on the game, but how about giving MK6: Deception a chance at next years evo? It has a big following (I think MK5 sold million copies or more over the multiple platforms). Unless the game totally sucks I don’t see why not, would draw a decent crowd.
Edit: as of july 2003, MK5 sold 2 million worldwide, that’s a lot of players =)
Don’t forget that GGXX was using PS2.
If the dreamcast causes that many problems I don’t see a reason to keep using it. It just makes no sense, why keep using something that is PROVEN to cause problems under these extreme conditions?..
Now if you can provide a foolproof/easy method that will GUARANTEE that DCs will not cause problems, then I’m pretty sure that all the SRK staff will be happy to use them. After all we all know the benefits of using DC versions of MvC2, CvS2 and other games. But in events like EVO, the drawbacks (blue box) overwhelm the benefits…
BTW, assuming that there will be no MvC2 because they don’t want to use DCs is just ludicrous… I mean come on… they will find a way to get a GOOD version on EVO. Just give them some time, it has been like 48 hours since EVO ended… they still have like 8-10 months to figure out what to do.
You can also take the “Jetphi Approach” to do the DQ’s…
During ECC9 people were getting disqualified all the time… they were warned when their pool was starting and if they were not present when called it would take 2 mins before getting DQed. It was really efficient and helped greatly speeding up the tournament. Also every DQ was announced through the speakers… which just makes them better.
yeah u already stated it but the change that i woulda like most would be higher stools or chairs.
yeah cheering makes it better.
too bad there wasn’t much for this year’s mvc2 final 8 =(
Phi got that from ME. The only difference is that he didn’t keep it grimy. He has to use a mic cause he’s a bitch. We scream that shit in the ATL.
I think VGONetwork should get mad props for hookin that shit up with hella prizes
VGONetwork is hella cool
I love that new radio stuff, and I’m looking forward to the stuff that the VGO banner showcased
I do not feel it’s nessecary to consider the arcade a standard. We should just evaluate which one is better on its own from an organizer perspective. I would like to see some activity on this issue so people can use the proposed formats on smaller tournaments, and so we can invest in equipment that we know will be the standard.
Regarding the finals… In both years Justin was top seed, didn’t lose, and had a easy final. In 2k4, a few key players did not attend, so it’s possible that it was an anomoly… however in 2k3 the players were there, and the same thing happened because half of them lost to and eliminated each other. IMO there is definately a problem with the bracket format to where the top seed(s) get more of a free ride than just an advantage.
The solutions that come to mind would be:
marvel group E bracket 1. i’m not sure if 4 person brackets ran dramatically different but it seems kinda broken. whether they were based on tournament experience or whatever is well, neither here nor there. fact is, i was hearing all 4 of those guys are really good, and i know that 3 of them are really above average so
will you guys put the intro’s on the dvd this year?