Good job everyone!
In case you didn’t see the frontpage post, Evo is being super nice to Skullgirls!
$1000 pot bonus provided by Evo (possibly other goodies from other sources…)
Top 8 streamed
Reserved spots in the BYOC room for the side tourney
Since this is a side tourney and I’m running it, HOW ABOUT SOME SEEDING POINTS?
Since SG is now included in UFGT and CEO, which are Road to Evo tournaments, might as well give points to the top finishers in those. (If we can get something going at NCR I could also count that, and I guess SCR too then?)
I’ll add more info as it comes, but I wanted to have the thread up ASAP.
Could we maybe somehow organize a “Road to Skullgirls” kinda thing? Like have certain tournament top “insert number” finishes get a certain seeding spot in the EVO bracket? To ensure as close to optimal seeding?
fuck yea! this is awesome! i was in 2 minds whether to try for EVO this year but im defo gonna try and make it now! things are starting to look up. great job everybody and congrats mike Z.
I may not be able to get to UFGT or CEO, but I’m still going to train extra hard now for Evo. I’m finally getting the chance, I’m not letting it slip through my fingers!!!
I was already planning on going, but this really seals the deal. Only reason I haven’t booked yet is because I want to wait for scheduling info (so as to know how many vacation days I’ll need).
Now just to level up enough that the big day won’t be a total embarrassment…