If I can get a sticky and a lock that would be awesome.
For all of you fools that dont head over to the EVO threads I wanted to let you know this.
I am posting the info from that threads first post here. Please post any responses to my EVO thread.
First off if you have a prob with me or how I dicked out 2 years ago please keep it to PM’s.
I’m coming back to EVO this year to represent OG ST. I will be bringing my 2k5 cabinet and running a 3v3 tourney on Saturday.
Here is a pic of the cabinet to remind everyone what we will be playing on.
During casual play I retain the right to cut in line at any time i choose. Ask Watson about this and he will tell you that my name is in fact on the cabinet so I can do this.
Rules for the tourney.
$30 entry for the team.
Payout: 2nd place team gets their money back and the rest goes to the winner.
Cap of 32 teams.
3 man teams only. No ironmaning it or 2 man teams.
Must register with me before start of tourney on Saturday.
Double Elimination one game.
Normal team tourney rules. A beats A then A plays B.
You must declare your character when you enter the tourney. No character switching will be allowed.
UPDATETeam order will be determined before either team sits down to the cabinet.
No duplicate characters. I don’t want to see O.Sagat x3 or Rog x3
UPDATEHowever I will allow same characters as long as one is old and one is new. So you can do an o.Rog and n.Rog on the same team.
Akuma is banned!
----Teams Confirmed-----
–Team OG LA–
–Team AZ–
Giga-MSX (tentative but should be going)
–TEAM Blunt Bros–
–Power Tops–
Post up and get ready for the true ST to come back to EVO!!
MrWizard I will be wiring my 2k5 up for PS3 so if you wanna use it for the stage you are welcome to on the final day. PS2 works as well. But no DC.