Evo North CvS2 Single Match Tourney - Friday Night

CvS2 Single Match Tourney
Double Elimination
When: Friday 6/23/07 7:00 PM(sign-ups @ 6:30)
Where: Console Room(hopefully we have at least 2 set-ups going)
Each Match will be 2 out 3 rounds.
Entry fee: $5
Split: 60/30/10
2/3, Winner’s Finals/Loser’s Finals/Grand Finals 3/5

-Evil Ryu, Evil Iori, God Rugal, Shin Akuma, Custom grooves banned
-Blind pick at any player’s request
-Winner must keep same character/groove.
-May change character/groove each tournament round, you don’t have to stick to one groove/character the whole tourney.

Let me know what you think!

It’s a damn shame when you have to announce that custom grooves are banned at a MIDWEST CHAMPIONSHIP tournament. :sad: :sad:

I’ll enter.

Shit, I’m down for this shit. I just need to go get my hustle on real quick. Peace

[Mario Gomez]

good luck kenny