Evo HYPE!!!

I am shocked that more CVS2 players don’t want free money.

Extra 10 bucks could go far in Vagas.:shake: 4 spots left.:rock:

No defence add me to that list

I did it.

3 spots open.:woot: Choi Kim Cambell:wonder:

you’d be suprised how much i suck now ;[

sure why not

Add me.

hey leezy you play k-groove right?

i’m not terribly good, but is there any way you’d want to play a casual round or two?

I want to play everyone at evo. feel free to come up to me and play.


it’s a bait!!!

Zal - NP.

Gene - Imma walk up to you and punch you in the face…and then hug you and take you to sushi.

that sounds good. I’ll hold you to it eric.

word thanks leezy, i love watching your k groove match vidds, both you and albert really hold it down for K groove in america.

how about you buktooth? could i get a match with you? i’m pretty scrubby, but you said you were taking restricted matches right? wanna do a twenty dollar money match, where you gotta pick outta king, chang, kyosuke, yuri, or ryo, and you can only use s or p groove.

you down man? best 3 outta 5?

^ I am sure everyone will play you. no one will be like “nah son I wont play you…you are too scrubby” lol

Is there any chance of EVO changing the rules so that Evil Ryu and Orochi Iori will be selectable this year?

I know I know, they aren’t in the arcade version… but honestly I really don’t see the harm in including them.

I don’t if that’s such a good idea. O. Iori has those broken corner combos…

I’m not too sure which combos those are, but I doubt they’d be any more broken then any of the other characters.

I dunno. I figure it might inject a tiny bit more excitement into the game. I just started playing again after a 6 month- hiatus, and I started using both evil ryu and Orochi iori just for fun but I found that I really like using em… and would probably even pick one of em if they were allowable in tourneys.

O. Iori has a rekka juggle into his super, but i think that is anywhere if it’s his lvl3.

afaik it only works in the corner or close to the corner, otherwise the opponent is pushed too far away for the super to reach.

You don’t have to start the combo at the corner, though. Your basic low shorts into Rekkas will take the opponent to the corner, then into corner rape.

I guess the question is, does that combo put him into the broken character category that he should be banned like Akuma in ST?

It doesn’t seem like he’s in the top tier like sagat/bison/blanka etc. I’d still probably put him in the upper-tier.

o.iori is crazy good

any combo into rekkas, then fierce dp in the corner is at least 50% stun on every character, usually more

rc rekka abuse on a cornered opponent is pretty lol

low jump game is by far the best in the game. aside from nearly-abusable low jump rh, empty low jump low short, and empty jump grab, he can link standing jab easily off of low jump roundhouse and cancel into rekkas (and then fierce dp in the corner)

crazy fast run is a huge advantage also, especially when people are already worried about the low jump. running after jab fireballs is effective from much closer than regular iori, its way easier to run under airborne opponents on reaction, and just makes it easy for him to get in in general

crazy fast walk allows him to do much more uninterruptible jabs before he gets pushed out of range, meaning its way easier for him to stay in

even his regular jump being super fast is a huge asset. it makes his cross up b+short way more useful in non-knockdown situations

regular iori already has the best roll in the game (tied for shortest amount of time rolling and vulnerable frames, longest distance roll), o.iori’s roll goes even farther, meaning its even easier for him to establish cross-up roll range

yes, losing the command grab sucks, but you still have a stupid scary offense with all the other tools available to you. plus o.ioris walk speed lends itself to normal throws really well

i personally think n-iori is top tier already. n-o.iori is a strong candidate for best character in the game