Evo HYPE!!!

Let’s have a CVS2 2on2 team tournament SBO style like they do with Super Turbo. Each player still has their own team but it’s one match per player instead of 2/3


Team A:
Player 1: Kyo, Sagat, Dan
Player 2: Iori, Ryu, Ryo

Team B:
Player 1: Rugal, Bison, Balrog
Player 2: Geese, Rock, Terry

Player 1 from Team A plays against Player 1 from Team B and Player 2 from Team A plays against Player 2 from Team B. They only play 1 match. If Player 1 from Team A defeats player 1 from Team B and Player 2 from Team a loses to Player 2 from Team B then that results in another match where the winners of both teams play each other for the tie break.


  • I’ll use the same groove as you.
  • 2/3 = $5

This will be my first time doing MM’s. I’m afraid Cvs2 won’t be at Evo next year, so I want to play as many people as I can.

Is this challange open?:wonder:

Yes, any takers?

i really wanna go this year, but dunno can i make it due to financial reasons and/or summer school.

if i do go, lets get some matches in, with whoever. no money for now.

i wanna play mr. bean and weepel again. i dont think i’ve ever played weepel before but watched him play in evo2k5.

I wanted to go this year…
I’m booked, 8-8-08 is a very special date for lots of events.


^^Lets go cvs2 needs more beef…saw nick t. on sat he really doesn’t think you will win Hav. asked him how much he was gonna wager…and i got no response so i guess we’ll see.

i’m callin’ out min…my k team vs any team c groove 2/3 $20 since you didn’t show for the tournament that was suppose to go down…btw fuck fat sumos!!!

I don’t really care what Nick T. thinks.

I played the dude one time, it was when I just got back into playing CvS after a four-year break, and the “down” on my stick wasn’t working…

I lost to everyone that day. He wouldn’t be the first person to try to assess me that day that would wind up losing money because of it.

But, again, since you seem to be able to get in touch with him, tell him I’ll play him for $500 at Evo. What’s good?

i don’t see him or know him that well…but he’s seeing this …its up to him to put up or shut up

“What I find funny is that all this arguing wouldn’t even be said in real life at all, by anyone.”- Nick T.

I can’t believe this guy has been saying the same shit four years ago…thats quoted from '04…you gotta get some new material nick

i don’t see him or know him that well…but he’s seeing this …its up to him to put up or shut up

bring the hype bitches

I don’t get it either…

Is it the acne or the braces that’s supposed to be intimidating?

what??? how about which ever team loses both of their matches first, loses…no tiebreaker shit…what your describing sounds like a round robin 2v2…im not down with that…just normal if your team player 1 and player 2 both lose then you lose…

like player 1 on team A keeps playing till he loses…when he loses player to steps in…naw mean???

im totally down though…

im outi


cvs2 should get the commentator from keystone the one they had during round robin and breastmilk tournies…that guy is so hype…and pretty hilarious think it would be a welcomed change b/c the commentator from last evo…or maybe its the same guy every year…was pretty damn boring

Agree completely. I enjoy the maximum spider and the Leezy you flew away comments. Keeps the match exciting and entertaining.

aww thanks but what did I do in 2k5? I don’t even think I entered that year, just MMs. Unfortunately, I missed 2k7 and will probably miss 2k8…unless I finally go home :looney: I never played you? I think maybe we did in the bay area somewhere one time…

Ban Bas, or make him r2 bison only, and someone back Iyo (plane tickets for prize money) and we’d have an interesting tournament

Bring Mizoteru AO and/or Deshigitsune too. I know it’s hard to get a lot of Japanese players but a man can hope.

No defence ill play you. add me to your list please. =]

Deshi is a god!

he brings the nastiest k groove!

i would love to play this guy a few rounds!

(read as “free money”)