Well I’m among the camp who had a hard time with the CW motion. IMO, I thought the motion was complete bullshit. One of many reasons I never got into ST. It was very difficult to do on pad (I was a pad player in the past) and failing to do the move results in an accidental jump or forward + HK to come out. I think its obvious that ST was designed around Arcade Sticks as moves are impractical on pad.
Now in HDR, I don’t have to worry about whether or not moves will come out and just concentrate on the fight.
As far as me not doing well in HDR if you couldn’t do the moves in ST (Since I apparently fall into that category), I’ll have to let the players I fight decide. :nunchuck:
I have to respectfully disagree. Getting in is almost the same as ST, but staying in is what makes him scary in a different way from his ST counterpart. It’s possible to do things upclose thanks to LK CW that you wouldn’t dare try in ST out of fear that a projectile would smack you in the face and push you back.
If your opponent attempts to jump out of being pressured, he/she risk being caught by an CW out of the air which leads to flame kick juggle for decent damage. Catching people out the air with CW into flame kick happens more often than a Fei player landing a CW combo in ST.