That is genius. I’m willing to put in 20 dollars even tho I’m in uk and won’t go. Seriously this is the answer. We need to mobilise the whole community to do this, pay whatever they can afford into a paypal account. Negotiate with evo and ask how big a pot they wanna see and how many people. Seriously if evo has a consistently massive pot this could put the game back on the map and get people into it again.
That’s not going to work, EVO is done w/ SF2…The only way SF2 is going to survive is just continue to try to keep them in your local tourney areas then maybe as whole try to make 1 or 2 big tourney a year…
A good way to get people to come is actually have the same time EVO has it but at another area…Maybe have it exclusively for Hyper Fighting, ST, HDR, MvC2, & other games that wont make it to the big show…That way people going to EVO can still play their game…