Let me say this, as someone who believes that companies have a moral obligation to be profit maximizers for their shareholders, I don’t care about a “Heart and Soul”. And on behalf of EVO, if they actually feel that removing the game from the lineup in someway maximizes EVO’s profitability and therefore its ability to expand and grow in the future, I, as an economist, can not argue with that…
I argue more with the idea that removing this game someone increases its maximium profitability. I’m not sure I understand how removing HDR gets positive attention from a sponsorship standpoint. Does Capcom get hurt if another one of its games is played? No. Does Namco really feel threatened by the inclusion of another Capcom game? I don’t see how when they’re already in competition. Does Arc Sys get hurt? No, they’re on the roster this year and are not competing in the same space with HDR but rather SSF4. Does Warner Brothers get hurt? I don’t see how, they’re the big winners, they’re finally going to be the company that brings a largely North American made fighting game to the mass audience with a chance to be not only commerically, but competitively successful.
I’m not sure how reducing the amount of money taken in in fees for tournament signup (to the tune of 200 players) increases revenue. Does running the HDR tournament actually cost EVO more than the fees it takes in? If EVO itself were actually reducing the amount of time it rented its ballroom space I would say that’s a possibility but since that hasn’t happened, I find that line of reasoning hard to swallow. Of course there’s the unknown about how big MvC3 and Super will be this year and that those tournaments may take more time to run, but if Mr. Wizard is as accurate as he claims on guessing numbers, and still rented out the same amount of ballroom time, then I find that line or argumentation hard to buy as well.
Heck, if they had a sixth game and it wasn’t HDR, say it was Arcana Heart 3, even then I could buy that you think you’ll get more entries for AC3 than HDR and that would be a worthy reason…
I understand not knocking off Tekken for Namcos sake. Obviously no one is suggesting that they should scrap MvC3 or Super 4. I think most of us objectively can understand the appeal of a US based fighting game franchise on the big stage (Mortal Kombat), I personally respect the decision to give the BB community the love it earned last year and willingly gave up to avoid an internal division in its community, but I don’t understand the economic rationale of takikng a sixth game off the table, especially when said sixth game is on the current console you use, runs extremely quickly, and even if you buy its a game that people just “Play because its there” it still gets more entries and I imagine given the fixed costs of running the event, is a profitable tournament to run.
The only justification I can think of is that the Evo staff believe that by only supporting certain games they can funnel people into those games. That is attractive to the manufacturers of those games… and those manufacturers sponsor the tournament.
I believe it’s a misguided, short term approach and that it will not maximize economic utility in the long term because players won’t be able to trust that any particular game they learn won’t be usurped by the next new game.
In effect, Evo are sending the message that the ideal Evo participant is someone who tosses their existing game for the latest game. Are those the people they really want in the long term? No.
No one if forcing you to go I understand you may have your reasons but the fact is it’s exactly this attitude that is hurting the SF2 scene whether you admit or not. Like DGV said SHOWING UP to anything SF2 related is the best thing you can do.
I PM’ed Mr.Wizard asking to have some assurance that neither tourney will be disrupted in any way and to come to a reasonable time slot for both that everyone can agree on. I plan on contacting others too. Please people show up to this and yes I PM’ed Wiz a link to this thread I doubt he’ll go through every response but every little bit helps. I see 23 replies in this thread and only 13 votes lets fix that!
Don’t just show up to EVO either go to FR, ECT, and any other SF2 related event. I understand some prefer ST over HDR or the opposite but at this point we can’t afford to be picky and besides we need to work together. Support anything SF2 related by showing up your presence will help more then you think.
If over a certain amount of people like 50 or even 100 for each game show up I’ll be willing to throw some of my own money say $100 or more on top of whatever the pot is.
Orochi has the right idea, instead of bickering like a bunch of broads, take a note from what the mvc2 community did to bring back it back to evo last year. That whole side tourny thing is a bit insulting. I suggest you guys demand that HDR be part of the evo season ranking thing they have going on. WCW3 had hdr in their lineup, thus could qualify as a ranked tournament…HDR doesn’t have to be on a stream, but shouldn’t it’s top 8 players get ranked for their performance at a tourny at evo? regardless if it’s on the main line up.
The road to evo seeding points are only for ssf4 and mvc3 and I doubt anything will change that at least for now. Baby steps though, this year a turnout for hdr n st that surprises everyone next year do what it takes to snowball it into other majors with sizable numbers culminating with it getting back on the official lineup.
not gonna happen because the staff never gives their support at all every tournament that they have Hd remix at all year after year we give our money just to expect something better for sf2 like more stream time, more prizes, support… but in the end its always just the same and not worth spending money to just go sit at a cabinet that someone brings for 3 days straight while i can just play it at the comfort at my own town with people i actually liek and not some douches that will remain unamed who just bicker and bitch about what version and cabinet and what size tampon they need in their vagina so they can play comfortable.
And, its very simple on how to put it back on the roster is have a really really really big (POT) for it like it everyong send in like 1 to 5 dollars to whos ever doing HDR there and, post it on the sit e that EVo is having like a 3000 to 5000 pot translate to more signup which translates to more years at EVO… Money is the pure and, simple truth
I want to see east coast vs west coast ST/HDR, maybe teams of 4 or 5. I know both sides have enough character variety where that won’t be a problem if they actually show up. West coast this is a car drive for you too. I got $50 on EC.
Hey man you going to Evo? Haven’t hung out with you since SB 09.
The problem is most of the top ec players (rambo, dsp, damdai just to name a few) prefer ST over HDR anyways…if only ST was being run at EVO too…looks at thread title YAY!
Come on guys if we are going to do this we need to get organized. We are probably the eldest (Especially the ST side) group of SF players and the way we have handled this is getting out of hand on both sides. I would at the very least think we could set up a side tourney that would look and feel half professional. But if we cant get organized than whats the point?
Yes money and prizes will get the numbers up but if we are still playing in the corner with no commentary, video coverage or exposure it wont matter cause only we still care about ST. Capcom and EVO don’t care about ST anymore it’s up to us or nobody.
If all the ST players boycott EVO ie don’t go, I don’t think it will make much of an impact. We are quickly being replace by the other new titles anyway. So trying to make a point in that way is probably not going to matter much. The only thing it will do is prove that they made the right decision by cutting it and will, I think hurt the ST community. Lets be real, we are a small group and there are many more new fans eager to spend their money on the newer games. It’s time to organized, we are the only ones that can and are willing to do this.
I voted “no” by accident because I thought this was asking if I was going to a side tourney. Can’t attend EVO; was going to say “no” while regretting not being able to go to an HDR tourney.