Evo Competitor Badge Question

So…this is really bad of me, but here goes:

I’ve been ready to go to EVO for 3-4 months now. Hotel booked, flight to Vegas purchased, side tournament registered + paid for, everything – the one thing I didn’t do, of course, was register online in advance for a badge.

It’s my first fighting game event, and I didn’t realize registration ended a week prior to the event starting. I should have looked it up, I know – but I didn’t. That being said – is there still a way to procure a badge that will allow me to participate in side tournaments / attend EVO? Such as – buying one off of someone at the event, or finding someone online willing to sell their badge – or are badges specific to the person that purchased them?

Sorry, really stupid question but I’m trying to figure out a way to un-screw myself here.

Well, if you didn’t register online for the badge, you’re pretty much screwed. They have a no refund policy, so you’ll have to wait until next year, sorry!

from the faq (http://evo.shoryuken.com/f-a-q/ )
If Evo doesn’t sell out of passes online, they will be made available in person. The last few years we have sold out online, so I wouldn’t delay if I were you!

spectatro passes arent tied to anyone so you can just buy them onsite if they’re available
competitor badges are a diff story and you need one for official evo tourney games
if by side tournaments, you mean a non-official evo tournament (skullgirls tourney, p4a side tourney, etc) then you can just buy a spectator pass onsite (again, if there’s still some available )

We sell one day passes for $10 per day. Sunday however is sold out.