Evo canceld?

What is IGN doing though?

Instead of releasing a DVD this year, Evo is doing premium content through IGN.

09ers and other various retards: You would’ve had to pay to see the evo matches any other year, be happy it’s through a digital provider and not on dvd, and also only $15. Not to mention you can see the live stream for free.

Stop being dumb.

Don’t forget to mention the IGN stuff will be in HD.

I just made a monster post in the live stream thread about how we don’t have to pay for the stream. It took at least a few minutes to write so somebody had better read it for me!!! :annoy:


pfft you MUST be new to think that one of the biggest tournaments IN THE WORLD would be canceled just because of a clock restarting

Coverage is supposed to start at 10am PST.