EVO 2013 Music for Trailer question?

What’s up peoples,

Recently a friend of mine participated on making music for the EVO 2013 Championships trailer. shoryuken.com/2013/02/15/evo-2013-intros-we-need-your-help/
I know the thread say to check your valid email regularly, but does anyone have more information about when (date?) the winner will be notified, or better yet when the people who didn’t win/got chosen will get the news?
Hopefully someone can clear this up. (cause the beat this dude made was soooo sick!)
Thanks in advance!


I’d like to know as well, I submitted a track, never got any feedback.

If you haven’t been contacted, that probably means we aren’t using your piece.

“probably”? “we” who is we? :wink:
But seriously, just thought it would have been descent to let all the beat creators know thrum a general thread/message or something that there piece of music (read as: time, effort, energy) they put into it didn’t make it.