OH my godness i dont even know where to begin lol
First off, i would like to apologiez as well for me being ultra done in sweet jv/ea megaman’s room as well as pretty much being done most of the weekend.
Shout outs
Dark Gaiden/Vintage: It was an honor to meet you guys finally. I had one of the greatest times talking to you and playing you, our matches were insane lol. Wish we would have played more but you guys left when i came back noooooooo lol. Hopefully you guys come to philly or near the east coast one of these days. I look forward to seeing you guys next time.
EA Megaman: Great to finally meet you too. The Match in the team tourney saturday was NUTS!!! But now you know guile loses to honda 10-0 lmaooo. Too Awesome watching you do the combos with Honda. Hope we meet again soon.
BGGGG!!!(Axel kelly and Zass)and Hombot: BGG: Probably the funnist time i had at evo hanging with you guys and the insane causals we had in that room after tourney. TOO GODLIKE! Would love to hang with you guys again sometime soon. Hombot you already how awesome it is hanging with you man(the joke you made about the face had me in tears lol!). Always a pleasure hanging with you guys man.
Synco: Awesome to meet you sir. Those hyper fighting matches were off the chain sir. Till next time.
Moocus: Very awesome to meet you sir. Alot of funny moments. Thanks again for helping me get my homeboi krost back to the room. I’ll keep in touch.
Evoadon: Great to finally meet you, sucks i didnt get a chance to chat with you more but your zangief and balrog were no joke dude. Congrats on get 9th place in tourney, I know you’ll do better next time sir. Was a pleasure.
CVital: Man oh man when i played that dhalsim and you asked me who you were, i was like no way that couldnt be and yep you were lol. Probably the Funniest cat i met at EVO. Too beast with that sim. The joke you made about the guile player losing bad in st had me ready to just call it quits that night lol. Too Funny. We gotta kick it one of these days man. Also Great job 2cving our team in the east vs west tourney in megamans room.
Vegatabroly: Good meeting dude, sucks we didnt get a chance to play but maybe next time. Always a pleasure.
Voltech: Man oh man, great meeting you sir and awesome to talk to you as well. I dont know man, I think you got your groove back when you played casuals cause in the team tourney that night you were dominating lol. Look forward to meeting you again soon man.
SweetJV: Great to finally meet you sir. Your a legend man. Awesome stuff. Hope to meet again soon.
Aqua snake: Great time meeting you sir. That fei is a monster man. Till next time sir take care.
Snake Eyes: Good to meet you man and Congrats on winning HDR EVO. I dont think you lost that night in causals lol. Insane stuff man.
My hommie David Spence: Great to meet you sir and It was an honor to win that team tourney sunday night with you. Philly represent i guess… lol. But lets hang out sometime soon sir. Was a pleasure.
Zerodotjander(i think thats his name): Hey nice talking to you during the ST CAB tourney, and yes im still a scrub lol. look forward to talk to you again next year.
JED07: didnt get a chance to talk to you much, but you are straight beast sir. Muteki Color Guile=Win. Take care. Great Stuff.
Thelo: Was an honor to meet up with you again sir. Sorry about you not making top 8 but congrats for doing well in ST tourney. Till next time my candian friend.
Half Fro: Man oh man, you sir were scary lol. Nasty balrog sir i think you went easy on me(like everybody else did) but your a funny guy man. Nice to meet you, and your friends. Lets play again soon sometime.
NKI: Didnt talk to him but it was good to finally see the legend play and he was godlike.
Fudd: Good to meet you sir, Im a huge fan of your videos, cant wait to see them. Great Games.
Afrocole: Congrats on getting top 8 at evo sir, your sim is nuts and i sort of wanted original st like you did lol. Was a pleasure.
Hugo101: Great to play you sir, your deadly, i had no clue what to do against you sir. Hope to play you again soon and posibily put up a better fight.
Rufus: Great to meet you sir. Sorry i wasnt really saying much as i was pretty much wasted if you could tell lol. Till next time.
Zoolander: Lol man oh man great to finally meet you sir. Thanks for the casuals in your room the first night. Great times lol.
Gamertron: DUDE!! you were owning on Cab ST man. Insane stuff. Scary balrog man. Hope we meet again sometime. Insane Guile balrog matches.
BCChoi: Great blanka o guile match on cab sir, that was awesome stuff. Would have loved to play your sim but maybe next time.
Sanford Kelly: Great game in SF2 HF and im sorry you got pissed there sir, i got a fluke win.
Haduken696969: Great to finally meet you and congrats for doing well in HDR semis. Hopefully we have time to play a couple games next time.
DJ massif: Great to meet you sir, Good to meet members from the no honor crew. Till next time.
Afrolegends: Sucks we didnt get to talk more but it was a pleasure meeting you, headbutt loop on daigo for the win lol. Always a pleasure sir.
I think Omni is his name: Great games in Cab ST sir, too awesome. Great boxer.
Mike watson: Great to finally meet the legend and sorry for calling you sir, just wanted to show respect to greats and i sort of do that to everybdoy lol. Awesome job running the HDR pools. Can’t wait to hear more stories from you next time awesome stuff.
RY-RY: Great job making top 8 this year sir. Good to see you again man. You deserved it. Congrats.
To the guy i think DS is his name for getting pissed when i got a lucky win on him in st tourney. You’ll own me next time.
TO that honda player i had really close games with in ST cab, too good man. Awesome stuff.
Gahelon: Thank you so much for running the cab st tourney. That was too awesome there sir. Hope to see you again at seasons beating(if i go).
Last but not least my hommies from near home:
DAMDAI: You made it!!! Im happy you came out to evo this year, Your a beast dude lol. Congrats on winning the ST Cab tourney. Sorry i didnt get pics(sad face)but maybe next time lol. Always an honor to hang with you. Talk to you soon.
Ganelon, Krost, and Corrosive: You guys already know how it is man. I think we are like a team man, and we did better in the better game lol(Cab ST). Always a pleasure hanging with you guys. Yous are like brothers to me man. Insane stuff. We gotta hang out again soon, hopefully we get pizza next time(angry face, just kidding)lol. TO Krost: I think you had me dying rolling the whole weekend with that. Those old guys dont know man. i dont even think the chicks knew lol.
Extra special thanks to Assclown for not losing. He needs to be sponsored.
People who werent there but mad props to
John King Rambo, DSP, Nohoho, Tech Monkey, and Tetsusan: Thanks again for inviting me all the way down to ct to have me play with you guys. It was an honor and i really appriciate every chance i got to play with yous. I hope there are more times to come.
Kyle Comeback386: Damn man, i wish you would have went to evo man, but thanks again for the training and being a good friend and teaming with me in the previous tournies. Your a beast sir, always a pleasure.
Kevgeez: Man oh man, you sir are a funny guy. Thanks again for the good games we played on hsf2 lol.
Fifth and Sum Bud: The Legend, thanks for showing me and teaching me what i know today sir. Hope to talk to you again soon one of these days.
Brian: It was great to meet you that time up at CT and i think the tips you showed me helped a whole lot. For that, i thank you a lot for. Great times.
The Prodigy: Always good to talk to you sir, and see how your up to. I know you would have owned at evo, but i thank you for the training. Your too good.
Bhop: Great games and thanks again for the training, we gotta meet up sometime sir.
Thanks again for everybody for having a scrub like me kick it with you guys this weekend, I had a blast and look forward to the next time. GODBLESS to everybody and i hope everyone got home safe and well.