Welcome to my “Evil Tales of the Shun-Goku-Satsu”. For those individuals who don’t know what it stands for, it’s another term for “Raging Demon”, Akuma’s ever so popular move. I’ll try to finish my first fictional story today, still suffering of computer failure at home somewhat like The Damned, however, I’ll will post and finish each of the following stories when given the chance:
Evil Ryu Emerges
Evil Ryu Emerges Part 2
Devil’s Child ( a fictional Dark Sakura Story )
Shin Akuma’s Spirit
Remember, this is just fictional, random shit can happen at anytime…
Let’s begin…
Evil Ryu Emerges (Part 1)
Victory only comes to the one most trained and determined. All of the matter of the one young man, the state of dicipline on his mind, it wasn’t enough!!! “He” was Ryu, master of the HADOKEN!! But by master, Ryu didn’t want to call it that. In his state of mind, the hadoken could never be. The hadoken was just energy of the fist alone, Ryu took exception to this fact. He trained harder, each time thinking of the HADOKEN!! He finally emerged from the cold caves of Japan, and who did he come to find, It was Guy! (Guy, SFA3) The two stared eye to eye, Guy finally spoke:
You must be Ryu, the one I heard so much about…(Guy)
What of that fact? (Ryu)
Intresting Warrior you are , however, your skills do not impress me…(Guy)
There is only one skill…I MUST LEARN!! (Guy)
That my friend, is the Shun - Goku - Satsu! (Guy)
Ryu at the time never heard of the move, however, Guy began to talk more.
“Shun - Goku - Satsu, better known as the “Raging Demon” I am now in search of the warrior who knows such skill.” (Guy)
Ryu assumed that Guy thought that he knew the Raging Demon, but he indeed didn’t. However, ryu did not tell him, he was amused by this “Guy”, so, he lied!
I shall teach you the Shun - Goku - Satsu only if you challenge me! I am the warrior you seek! (Ryu)
Or, so I already knew. Fine, I challenge you! (Guy)
The two began battle, hadoken’s, flips, hurricane kicks, it was all there! In the end, ryu won. Guy could not fight anymore!
Uggugh…Enough, I except defeat, not overlook it. (Guy)
You are a great fighter, however, I wasn’t the warrior you antcipated, I do not know the shun - goku - satsu. It is this fact that you are not ready for the challenges ahead. (Ryu walks away)
The sun fades in the background, ryu crosses the path of japan’s finest paths. Ryu alone thought about this “shun - goku - satsu” he was now determined to meet the warrior who knewn such move, he had no idea who actually did. He had heard of a mysterious warrior named “Gen” who laid on the mountains of Japan. No one knew why he was actually there, or what he actually did, or if he was even true. In still knowing this, Ryu began to search for Gen. In two months of searching. Ryu discovered a hidden temple on the far eastside of Japan’s mountains. He walks in, only to find himself attacked with kicks the speed of sound! It was chun - li! What was she doing there?! Ryu took many blows from Chun - li, however, ryu managed to get in a “Shoryuken” on chun-li, knocking her to the ground. A voice is then heard…
Enough. (Mystery Voice)
Chun-li and Ryu looked far at the altar, it was Gen! He had his eyes closed, meditating somewhat at the least, he began to speak…
The constant state of you two fighting will not solve a mere problem at this point, it is I you seek, correct? (Gen)
Yes, I want to learn of the warrior of the shun - goku - satsu! ( chun-li)
Ryu’s eyes was in shock! A mere girl, obviously quick at kicking and striking, wanted the same thing Ryu sought? Gen began to speak.
And what of you? (speaking to ryu)
Don’t say anything, your eyes burn with desire of the fist! A mere challenge is what you seek, shall-ever! Ryu, Chun-li, the constant state of you two fighting now will solve something - you will battle each other, winner fights me! Win, and I shall tell you the location! (Gen)
I have traveled from China’s finest to do battle with you. That is my destiny, then, I alone shall learn the “Shin-Goku-Satsu” (Chun-li)
That is my wish…(Chun-li)
Ryu wasn’t a man of words, but action! The two began to fight, Chun-li began to do her usual lighting kicks, that had much effect on ryu. Ryu began to move back, firing hadoken’s, some hit chun-li, but she dodged the final two, got close to ryu and yelled…
Kii - Kosho!! (Kikosho)
The huge ball hit Ryu, however, he was blocking the attack! This move took alot of energy from chun-li, ryu finished her off with another hadoken, knocking her out.
Tell me where I can find the warrior of the “Shun-Goku-Satsu”! (Ryu)
Gen did his ever so famous death touch on ryu, he dodged it.
Enough, you are a worthy warrior, you are first in 20 years to dodge that move, maybe you have a chance…
Gen began telling Ryu of the secret cave in Japan, hidden upmost, out of vision.
The warrior you seek is none other but the man - demon AKUMA! Tales say that he worshipped a evil presence, a master of the Raging Demon! Akuma’s master taught him the raging demon, akuma killed his master after hand with his own move, claiming to be the only true warrior to have knewn such move. Gen turned around only to see ryu was already gone Batman shit style!
Ryu traveled deep down the cave Gen told him about. He could here sounds of laughter and moaning. Ryu walked toward the evil voice, it got louder. He was close! He eventually ran into akuma.
hmmm…! (Akuma)
So, you are the one with the skill of the “Shun-goku-satsu” I pity you… (Ryu)
Akuma at the time was sitting down, he stood up.
You wish to fight me? A mere mortal you are? You fool! (Akuma)
Ryu begins to fire Hadoken’s at akuma, his desire to see if he could beat this demon was at hand. Akuma teleported, the hadoken’s missed. By that time, Ryu see’s Akuma behind him, he fires a Gou-Handou, Ryu Dodges it.
An hadoken?!
Don’t be surprised human, I know techniques that destory my foes, even if they share similarites…(Akuma)
Akuma and Ryu fought on, each exchanging blows, ryu finally goes in for the shinkuu hadoken, its blast sends akuma through a wall, smoke fills the cave. Ryu can’t see a thing, however , akuma see’s him quite well, and appears behind him and grabs ryu with the raging demon!
Nothing could be seen at this point, however, all you can actually here is akuma laughing! And Ryu screaming!!
In the end, ryu could be pictured laying on the ground, the truth is, the raging demon’s effect on ryu left an evil presence in him. Within him! Ryu over the same timed months that passed, spended training. He began to feel more and more evil to the extent fact that most of his original moves, now mimiced akuma’s. Ryu’s vengence on akuma took the best of him, he was consumed with evil himself, no moral, just the destruction of akuma, and anyone else who standed in his way! As a couple years passed, evil ryu emerged, and hope’s to attempt to use his own evil will agaisnt akuma and all who standed in his way!!!
To be Continued…
BTW everyone, I’ll be back later on to finish the story and the other stories. I’ll also go to edit them all, see ya, I’m out…