Evil Ryu Q&A Thread: Ask simple questions here!

Anybody found a kara throw for E.Ryu yet? I heard a few of his normals move him forward a noticeable amount, so…

Health and stun stats by chance…? I know they’re low but I was wondering if anyone knew just HOW low…

Same as Akuma, 850/850

his kara throw is st.HP.

credit goes to afro cole for showing me on monday. good range.

Can anyone translate what Evil Ryu says after landing ultra 1 and 2?

1- The SRK is identical to Ryu’s?

2- Solar plexus strike (Ryu’s f+HP) is still here?

3- The Super is someway different from Akuma’s?

  1. No, from what i read he has less frames of invincibilty and his HP shoryu hits 3 times.

  2. No, he loses that. Only regular ryu has it.

  3. Dunno, haven’t seen him use it much.

Actually, his SRK is practically identical to regular Ryu. MP and HP SRK hits 2 times and always knocksdown, even when the 2nd hit whiffs. No idea about invincibility though, although some say the HP SRK is just as good as the MP SRK. His EX SRK on the other hand is identical to Akuma’s I think. That hits 3 times and does more damage, so probably 190 just like Akuma’s.

No solar plexus anymore, which is too bad but not a big deal. As for Super, it looks identical. I’ve seen it used in a few videos and nobody has ever jumped out of it from point blank range, so I think it has a 1 frame start up just like Akuma’s super demon.

What ultra looks more viable at this point?

I would say U2, more damage

That doesn’t mean anything. Ibukis u1 does more damage and U2 is better and Ryus u2 does more damage but u1 is better. Damage is not the only variable that makes moves good.


yes but you can srk FADC or corner ex tatsu into both ultras for very similar damage…on the other hand if you happen to hit someone with Ultra as AA or after a focus crumple, U2 will do lots more damage

It may not after all, since you get more damage with the animation. They didn’t mention Evil Ryu’s damage output from U1 when done at point blank or when full charged at point blank but we do know that Oni can do 450 with animation and Gouken can do 495 when fully charged. So if Evil Ryu’s U1 does similar damage then unlike regular Ryu, his fireball Ultra can punish pretty hard after landing a focus attack, dizzy, or baiting something like a DP.

But with all that in mind it looks like both his Ultras are very viable. It’s almost like a coin flip now as to which is the best to use rather then one definitely being better then the other. But all that is me assuming that his U1 with animation deals the same damage as Oni does with animation.

  • All setup for Ultra 1 works for Ultra 2
  • More damage than Ultra 1
  • Easier to use as AA with Ultra 2 and gets full animation
  • Hado FADC to Ultra 2 scores full animation much easier than Ultra 1, since Ultra 1 you have to literally be point blank.
  • More lenient timing when use as a juggle as well

(EmphyNAPS on a friend’s account)

When a full health Evil Ryu does SRK FADC to fully stocked Ultra 1 to another full health Evil Ryu, and when that Evil Ryu does SRK FADC to fully stocked Ultra 2 back, the Evil Ryu with Ultra 1 wins after time runs out, albeit by a slight amount. Tested and proven.

Advantages to Ultra 1:
-possible to use in fireball wars
-trade jab SRK to ultra much more accessible given the distance issue most of the time, useful if it’s a match-up where trades happen often (e.g. dive kicks)
-slightly more damage compared to non-cinematic Ultra 2, as noted above

Advantages to Ultra 2:
-focus crumple to cinematic Ultra 2 does a lot (although usually, axe kick combos would do about just as much)
-access to a powerful, albeit incredibly slow (read: must be directly looking for jump) anti-air
-can also be used as a powerful answer when directly looking for anti-fireball moves that can’t be done on reaction to your fireball (e.g. Fei Long’s chicken wing)
-access to EX Hadouken FADC cinematic Ultra 2

A few things about Ultra 2 that I am factually unsure of, but almost positive about:
-can be used against EX Messiah Kick enders (although I haven’t tried Ultra 2 yet, EX SRK has traded with the late flip kick before)
-if the start-up is like Ryu’s Ultra 2, I would assume that one hit air-to-air j.mp would lead to cinematic Ultra 2

About this, any idea what the damage output is? Like SRK, FADC, U1 does 400 and with U2 it does 360. I guess Evil Ryu’s Metsu Hadou does about the same damage as regular Ryu’s from the looks of it. But that’s great news about U2 partial damage. If the difference is pretty small between full U1 and partial U2 then I could definitely see U2 being the preferred Ultra for Evil Ryu since it punishes harder.

One more thing, I asked this from the last page and it still hasn’t been answered. When you do a LK tatsu and reset with Jab, can you dash under? Evil Ryu’s dash is pretty good so I think this might be possible.

I don’t know, but during intense fights, you would pick practically more than those little 40 damage difference…well thats my opinion :stuck_out_tongue:
But I’ve got to say, when fighting against turtle characters, U2 should be a better choice, due to the invincibility and the arc the hitbox covers.

I’m still not completely sure from watching some of the videos but does his ex axe kick work as an overhead?

Yes, EX stomp is an overhead.