Any visual or audio cues to assist in the execution of the 1-frame link, medium axe kick -> cr.mp?
Timing is so strict on this one…
Any visual or audio cues to assist in the execution of the 1-frame link, medium axe kick -> cr.mp?
Timing is so strict on this one…
just do them like 100 times a day. the cues will be installed in your brain. it won’t help too much if someone tells you the cues they look for because then you’ll look for the cues they told you about, but they may have different reaction times, so they may not work for you.
Any advice on Pad?? I agree it’s strict as hell. I watch so many land it like nothing. Hurts my heart.
I hear the stomp, see the smoke, hit the button.
Impossible to explain the exact timing but I think for being a 1-frame link, this one is rather easy.
Also what @RG_Alias said is 100% correct.
For me it’s a combination of sound and visual cues.
What helped me was just doing the axe kick, holding down the stick and watching when Ryu starts crouching. That exact moment is basically when you want to hit down+mp.
@PhiZaRoaH - find a way to p-link on pad (otherwise, practice). Experiment!!
For example:
Those are just some suggestion… Good luck!
Just gonna switch to stick full time & stop BS’ing around. I’ve been training for a few months with it. Lately I’ve been switching back. I’m sure that will help.
Haha, nice
I’m gonna rage plenty I’m sure. Lol getting use to it how I am pad will take many may ass whoopins’
I thought it was impossible to get consistently for ages. I was practising for hours daily and making (what I thought) was no progress. Then one day I just started doing them and getting them like 9/10 times. Now I pretty much never drop if I am concentrating.
The real trick is that there is no trick. It’s all muscle memory. Just practice and you will get it.
This is the best visual cue I’ve heard of in my life. I’m surprised… Just now, I was about to leave street fighter but I remember this guy’s thing, so why not try it… I did it, I got 3 in a row then a miss. Amazing!!! I turned off SF after that xD
Btw, I rarely practiced this combo and have not played in 4-5 days - so this is definitely a visual cue to look for!
Thanks for the tips again, man
You can’t wait till you see the crouch, that will be too late. Just as a reminder in between combos when you start fucking up, you can check out when Ryu leaves move recovery after the axe kick that way and keep that in mind.
I’ve done that combo about 400 times in the last 2 weeks now and I’m still not close to 50 percent execution, but it gets better.
Sometimes I do 10 in a row sometimes I miss 10.
Depending on how fast of a learner you are, you just have to do a shit ton of practice loops with every single one of your combos, especially if SF4 is your first fighting game ever, or the first one you have played in years and have taken somewhat seriously like in my case.
People always give SF4 shit for being easy execution-wise, but that mostly comes from elitists who play games like that since 15 years, who have a hard time getting into the spirit of someone who has never played a game like this. Those people have muscle memory from years of practice and naturally it’s going to be easier for them to pick up new games and combos.
Agreed! Practice makes perfect! This games execution can be pretty hard. I used to take UMVC3 seriously, but once I transitioned to this, holy shit was it tough in comparison. I practice combos when I can, especially for Evil Ryu since a dropped combo can ruin your life. Better execution can only help turn the match in your favor because of the damage output. What helps me is rhythm and breaking it down.
So let’s say, just for example, I do cr. LP > HP > MK axe kick > cr. MP > HP Shoryuken. I will break it down by doing cr. LP > HP first. Learn the timing (plink in my case) until I can consistently land that. Then I do MK axe kick > cr. MP (not adding onto what I was practicing before) and get that timing down. Once I do, I add that to the cr. LP > HP. Do that until I land it consistently. I personally time it out like a beat to try and do the combo. Then finally, I add the finisher HP shoryuken. That’s my personal method anyway. I’m not super great at the game, but I like doing combos!
Oh and in that example combo, I meant to say cl. HP. My bad!
@Sakzor - I concur!
@ArtVandelay - agreed, but now I realize that visual cues are just too hard to focus on for long periods of time so I just focused on the RHYTHM and it is working so much better. I’m seeing MASSIVE IMPROVEMENTS! To sum it up, inscribe the RHYTHM into your muscle memory instead of focusing on visual/audio cues.
@Evil_Denna - a very insightful post, I use the same technique aswell because if you think of the combo as a whole you start to think ahead and that’s why sometimes I skip my cr.mp after medium axe kick then whiff a light tatsu
On a side node, it is POSSIBLE to do medium axe kick -> cr.mp consistently without p-link, just gotta concentrate