How many people would like to play Street Fighter 30th and say if only I had a real CRT TV or else I won’t have to lead my actions?
Well I decided to do something about it.
I broadcast on Twitch a test broadcast specifically for TV ping. We didn’t introduce the layer of the network ping yet.
I’ll describe the routes from the Xbox one console to the 3 screens respectively.
All 3 screens gobfrom consoles HDMI port to five-way hdmi switcher, then via HDMI cord to a sound extractor so that my computer and any headphones could be fed sound for headphones surround sound.
Then the video goes to a 2 way simultaneous powered splitter.
On path A it goes by HDMI to a device I bought on either Amazon or ebay which converts HDMI into VGA. Then it goes into a VGA input hub where a second future thing could be connected.
Then it outputs to a y splitter this one is unpowered.
Path a-a go straight to my CRT monitor.
Path a - b goes to a VGA to HDMI converter which can work either powered or not.
Then it goes into the computer input of an HDMI to USB 2.0 capture card. Where OBS displays a live preview on the upper left
Back on path a - A you see the TV screen which is captured by my high definition camera, and that gets piped straight into a USB port where it’s picture is shown on the upper right window.
Meanwhile back on path B it goes straight to the Sony PlayStation’s 3D TV HDMI port on input 2.
Then a second HD USB camera films the result of the PlayStation 3D TV when it’s switched to input t who.
Finally the output of the whole TV screen goes via thunderbolt 1 cable to my HDMI connector and then to an HDMI to USB connector and then to that to my Android phone, a Moto G7 where a trial version of steam Labs obs for Android broadcasts what’s captured on the screen if you notice at the end of the video I have to do some swiping to stop my Twitch.
Just being up front and honest about my ping time.
I assume the most direct path is past B if path AA saves over path B, then you have savings switching to a CRT TV. If not, then all this saving is futile.
I noticed two problems with something with this method.
One is anything that is either 480i and possibly 240p does not work right on the CRT TV. GameCube’s Legend of Zelda Wind Waker does work right in 480p modr, and a capture device does accurately capture the 480i menu and the 480p game but the monitor only works in 480p mode, but has a weird glitch. There is some sort of gobbledygook written in the black space of the picture on my PlayStation 3D monitor. It’s like my VGA to HDMI conversion device doesn’t know how to deal with something especially when converted from HDMI back to HDMI.
The second is input lag timed the delay to be 31 milliseconds in a PlayStation 3D TV. So if I save one frame, around 16 milliseconds assuming 60 frames per second, then the three devices in between take about 16 milliseconds of ping. (HDMI switching port audio extractor splitter and HDMI to VGA converter) if more the times it registers two frames then probably we have an efficient everything in between the HMDI monitor. Therefore everything except light Gun Games should be low ping enough to work as good as possible.
I understand light gun games won’t work for other reasons like different Hertz rates.
last thing I want to point out is I found a very weird error in the website If someone types in the phrase “Am I John Cena?” which is a sentence I typed a couple streams ago unprompted because I was testing to see if they could hear me or see me through my waved hand, with a low hertz webcam, and I wasn’t sure if they could hear me so I had to type it out on speech chat. Then I heard my computer voice say: “Am one John Cena?”
why the heck would it read I as a word one unless it’s going into Ro7man numeral mode? I think I is more commonly used as a first person reference to oneself in the subject of the sentence than the Roman numeral for one. That is a bug that seemed to slip.
How in the heck did that happen? How is it not found that it thinks I is the Roman numeral one and not a first person reference to oneself in the subject of a sentence?
Here is the link of my twitch video on my Twitter site under the handle @tripletopper:
Is it opens on the app and not a link just look on for the username @tripletopper