Hm. That’s a good strategy. For reset purposes, do you think there’s enough room to do a standing MP? Also instead of doing an EX rrf, do you think it would be wise to unleash a really late SAII if you have a super bar?
Good stuff Everdred :tup:
Out of the blue question/strategy. When exactly should one parry when opponent uses SA point blank range? After screen freeze? Before screen freeze? DURING screen freeze? It seems like no command inputs are recognized when the screen freezes and that lightning stuff explodes. I was just wondering because by now every SFIII player instinctively parries Remy’s lovs.
But what if you tossed one out, and before it hit them, release a SAI? The freeze would mess their parry timing, and they’d eat the special. Works against my brother all the time, heh. And he’s an expert Goddamn Ken who refuses to use anyone else :lame: But that’s a different story.
Keep em coming Everdred. And sorry if I came off as an ass earlier.
its ok i’m a big ugly smelly asshole who probably shouldnt be playing street fighter, but still do because of something called “low tier”. =)
that’s an interesting strat u have with the screwing up the parry timing by activating a super. but then again how do u know they will parry? if they tried and u supered and the freeze really did negate there parry command they could just block. its interesting to try if u really do know they will parry but perhaps if u did a mmove that hit at the same time that u had to parry a different direction. low LOV ->SA1… that’s a common one on wake up but that’s all i got.
Yeah, it’s a hit or miss strategy, but it’s as safe as you can get. If the timing is perfect, the SAI should be coming as the low lov is already touching them (but they haven’t blocked or parried). Even if they don’t parry, they’ll really have no choice but to block and eat some tick damage.
I dunno, if I ever find myself full screen, I always tend to do this, since it’s so safe and everyone I play with parries the loj.
i only do it on wake up, it forces the opponent to block low for block damage, just imagine if sa1 was 3 short bars like shippu, that would make that super as good as sa2. sa1 has crap damage plus it hits pretty high up there is no reason other than ex abuse not to have it as 3 short bars.
Use that tactic the one of trowing low lov then sa1 but sometimes to screw also thier mind I trow a lk lov if they parry it trow a ho lov followed by sa1 it will work well.
In the meantime What to do against expert Tweleve players? Especialy when they corner u.
Ahhhh so annoying when I play in tournements with Remy and I get so nervous and my timing goes to hell. Any tips on how to not getting nervous in tourneys with Remy? Even the dumbest tips I will glady accept.
PS: Still piss off because I lost with dumb tactics.
try playing remy for practice with a different super u would not use normally for a match up (sa1 for chun,yun,yang), or using another character while u play casual (like ken since its easier to see what they do against a shoto and how well they do up close).
errr… guys, mind videotaping some of your matches and posting it here? we’ll be having a tourney here in the philippines and we might get to tape everything. i’m planning to use remy throughout the whole event. but the sad thing about the event is we’re doing it on this damage-fixed machine where 3 gigas breakers won’t kill even akuma. i swear it messes up the tiers and character balancing and all. oh well… wish me luck
Yeah I done that but when I use Remy again my timing gets realy mess up especialy in my charge partion dash wise tactics the others one I could handle.
Advice for avoiding getting nervous? Hm, I can’t really offer any. I myself sweat like a muthaf*cker when I’m playing ANYONE, so I’d say you’ll just get used to competitive play eventually.
If you find that you’re making alot of mistakes (wrong charge times for example), take a breather and readjust your input by an extra whatever it is you need for your moves to come out.
It’s hard to recommend anything, because I doubt your opponent will just let you back up and get your playing into shape. Learn to change your charge direction/remove/activate charge on the spot and you should be fine.
As for match videos, I’d record me and my brother playing (him Ken, me Remy), but I’m not exactly sure of a really easy way to do it. I have a webcame and a digital camera. Either of those would work okay I guess.
hi!! what’s a good corner pressure?? i use lk lov (on wake up) then, lk/mk/hk<—(depends on situation) cbk, sweep, rep… (if blocked) cr.pokes like lk, mp, then rrf… <-- do i need to change anythin?? nd is it a “must” to combo then xx/super (i use sa II)?? <-- is it required to be a good remy user?? thnx!!
yea if u get a chance and u know u wont be punished for it throw an lov, when it’s on the screen it makes remy jump from low tier to ___ tier. best thing is to be within dash range and have one out. or throw one and see how they react. then dash up twice after it to attack if u r far away. some players will respond to u dashing up but if u have a slow lov infront u can PAUSE between dashes baiting low moves or shoryukens after u can just dash again and throw.
on corner wake up remy has nice tricks where u throw it so it hits late, early or not at all. its alot like dudley’s rose just better since it does alot more block stun and u have to parry it high or low. wake up pressure especially in a corner is where remy does his most damage i think. 2-3 wall throws with HK RRF tagged on most characters alone does half damage.
Jump-ins? Hm, not sure how many of these you’ll be getting. Generally, jp. hp is best used to start jump-in combos. Hk can be used as well, but the timing is different, and in most cases, it’s not as reliable (and in extreme cases, really late jp. mp and jp. mk can be used as jump-ins, but you’d want to follow up with a cr. lk xx rrf in that case). For jump-ins, go in early, toss out hp late, then on the ground, you have several options -
For reliability, st. mk xx SAII OR st. mp xx SAII OR cr. mp xx SAII
That’s about it. Any of the hard normals aren’t reliable enough to use off of a jump-in attack. Though on the ground and on their own they’re pretty good, close standing hk rules.
You can add extra hits by doing a lk lov (for hit confirm/reliability) after any of the normals.
jumping HK might be kinda wierd to start a combo with so sometimes if your jumping away u can press this at almost the peak of your jump and still connect with the kick. this wont allow u to land a normal from it but u can link sa2.
Hey I’m new the the third strike game in general. And though I always sucked with Guile I wanted to change this by using Remy.
I am sure this is one question you are sick and tired of and so I’ve done my best to try and avoid asking it but I can’t seem to get it to work. Charge partitioning and rapid fire techniques. I KNOW for rapid fire you have to Charge back forward back [P or K] to do it but is there some timing thing im missing I cant get it to come out as fast as I’ve seen in Vids.
And then with Partitioning. The Idea behind it is you can split up the charge time over a period of time, Say during the animations for a few pokes then hit forward +[P or K] and LOV should come out.
Since I think most people have seen it I’ll use the examples from the Remy Advanced Vid that theHY made. In the Vid the example for LOV charging was UOHx2 then LOV and for RRF it was Standing MPx3 RRF. I Cannot get either of these to work, I start charging as soon as the animation starts up and let go before it finishes to execute the next attack without getting a crough or not the UOH and then try doing forward+K and no LOV or up+K and also no RRF I have tried for HOURS to get this to work to no avail. I have at one point gotten about 3 or 4 LOVs to come out pretty quickly but Im not sure if it was Rapid fire or just 2am making things look fast.
Sorry to be so well honest to god noob about it but I cant figure out what IM doing wrong reading whats allready posted
POH? I think u mean UOH = universal overhead (press mk+mp at the sametime and he does that any character can do it)
Ok this be my first explaing this so if u don’t understand u can ask me again.
First of Charge buffering isn’t charge partion.
Bufer = charge all the time even when u are starting the animation of a special move, etc
For the lov machine gun to work u do this b,f,b+lk or lp. after u picked up the rythm of it the lov will como out faster everytime. The sametrick aplies for the 2 rff.
To use in combat
Ex. let say ur oponent is close to a corner( u are in the other edge of the screen) u trow a lov lk( u do it this way b,f,b+lk), dash(while dashing charge downward)then foward, back+lp( a hi lov will go out that is if u did it correct)when this new lov is about to conect u trow the next one and repeat the samething over and over.
PS: For this to work u must know when to stop trowing lov or continue but u will learn that with expirence.
Partion = u break ur charge in half or 1/4( something like that)
Ex. UOH+down(u input the comand of down when the animation of the UOH stars), UOH+ down(same crap), up+K and voila. If u want before up+K charge down( like 0.1)