European SF2HDR XBox Live Tournament – Sunday 12th June

Yep, another tournament! :slight_smile: Full details [COLOR=#417394]here[/COLOR].

This tournament is for Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix tournament and is only open to European XBox Live players to ensure decent ping times and connections.

When: SUNDAY 12th June, 3pm UK-time (15:00 GMT) start. These tournaments usually take around 2.5 hours, but it could take longer, so please be committed to play all afternoon and into the evening if necessary due to numbers. I am also doing a slightly different format this time meaning that more games will be played for all players, which may take slightly longer. I also have to contend with the new – so please be patient

As with last time, if you are not online on XBL at the start time, I will consider you to have dropped from the tournament. It will usually take at least 10 minutes for me to randomise the set up the first round and message everyone with their matches, so PLEASE BE PATIENT at the start and don’t send me messages asking me if it’s on etc. It is on – it just takes a while to sort out the 1st round as it depends on who turns up.

This is the same reason why everyone has to be on time, as once I’ve made the brackets I cannot easily drop or add people without spoiling the integrity of the tournament – apart from in rare circumstances where an extra person or two makes the bracket easier. But if you want to be sure you can enter, be online in time!

Sign ups so far:

o Chromium o

Lots of maybes! :slight_smile:

[SIZE=14px]Final Entrants & Results:[/SIZE]

  1. xWAx Qarnage (Boxer, Guile) – 6 wins
  2. dav 35 (Sagat, Ken, Chun Li) – 4 wins
  3. BIG C DUBZ (Ryu) – 4 wins
  4. DoomsDayDevice0 (Zangief) – 4 wins
  5. Remy77077 (DeeJay) – 4 wins
  6. ohfivepro (Zangief) – 4 wins
  7. oneNEOeno (Ryu) – 3 wins
  8. jamesm0786 (E.Honda) - 2 wins
  9. Bogeuk (DeeJay) – 1 win (dropped in Round 3 – broken joystick [SIZE=14px]

9. o Chromium o (Ryu, Zangief) – 1 win
9. ZIFOpdSVK (unknown) – 1 win (dropped in Round 3 – went offline)
12JoeDaRipper (Ryu) – 0 win[/SIZE]
xWAx Qarnage wins again! Congratulations [SIZE=14px]

There was also a huge glut of players on 2nd place with 4 wins. I am going to have to check the tiebreaker system the software I used because I am not convinced it’s doing it correctly, so the order above might be correct or it might not. In any case, it shows just how close this contest was.[/SIZE]
I personally played in some fantastic matches – myself vs Qarnage ended 3-2 in his favour but it was an epic match. I also went down in a close one to BIG C DUBZ, where something happened I’ve never seen before, he did Ryu’s super at point blank, while I did DeeJay’s standing.MP, and we both completely whiffed each other (I must have punched his invincible frames completely, and his fireball totally missed my hitbox), crazy! Also the difference between last and first is not as much as the total results would appear, because I only narrowly beat JoeDaRipper 3-2 myself – there really is a good competition in so many of these matchups.
It’s interesting how many players like to switch characters a lot, whereas some (like me) stick to one guy, even if they are against a wall of bad Ryu matchups! [SIZE=14px]

If people want it, I might do a character-lock tournament in future to see if that changes things – let me know in the comments what you think about that.[/SIZE]
I think everything went well that I could control! However the Xbox Live gods were not so kind to me, as it took about 10 mins for ohfivepro and Qarnage to play their match in the last round as the lobbies would refuse to connect. Also, and far more problematically the messaging system broke down for me, telling me that “This message exceeds the daily limit of messages to people not on your friends list.” … when I’ve not sent any messages to non-friends. It appears that messaging is broken right now, counting all messages as non-friend messages :-/ However I managed to patch things to continue along by using the in-game messaging system. It meant I had to send rather quick&dirty messages (as there is no cut&paste) but luckily everyone seemed to understand and it got the job done. Still, a bit of a nightmare to happen mid-tournament.
I’m also watching my 360 message “inbox” go haywire right now as it repeatedly shows me messages coming in from weeks ago sigh At least this little bug only happened now AFTER the tournament not during it, as it’s given me a real headache in the past.
Bogeuk also had a broken circuit board on his custom stick that forced him to drop, and ZIFOpdSVK also dropped offline – although as fortune would have it, they both dropped at the same time, which meant we still had an even number of players so there wasn’t too many BYEs to be factored in. [SIZE=14px]


Still, very glad to get a great bunch of players together and show there’s still some interest in HDR in Europe on XBox Live [SIZE=14px]