European SF2HDR XBox Live Tournament - Saturday 4th December

This tournament is for Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix tournament and is only open to European XBox Live players to ensure decent ping times and connections.

When: This coming SATURDAY 4th DECEMBER, 3pm UK-time (15:00 GMT) start. These tournaments usually take around 2.5 hours, but it could take longer, so please be committed to play all afternoon and into the evening if necessary due to numbers. I am also doing a slightly different format this time meaning that more games will be played for all players, which may take slightly longer. I also have to contend with the new - so please be patient :slight_smile:

As with last time, if you are not online on XBL at the start time, I will consider you to have dropped from the tournament. It will usually take at least 10 minutes for me to randomise the set up the first round and message everyone with their matches, so PLEASE BE PATIENT at the start and don?t send me messages asking me if it?s on etc. It is on - it just takes a while to sort out the 1st round as it depends on who turns up.

This is the same reason why everyone has to be on time, as once I?ve made the brackets I cannot easily drop or add people without spoiling the integrity of the tournament ? apart from in rare circumstances where an extra person or two makes the bracket easier. But if you want to be sure you can enter, be online in time!

Location: XBox Live


Signup anytime before the start time on Saturday 4th December October by posting here or on the SRK forums to participate, or by messaging me over XBL. Please do not signup until you are sure you can play on the date/time above.

Some late signups on the day MAY be allowed, but I cannot guarantee it, as noted above, it will depend on number of entrants.


Swiss Pairing (using Swiss Vega method - hahha, I just had to didn’t I! :wink:). This means you will be playing a match against the closest paired player with you in the tournament each round. You’ll only play each player once and if there are odd numbers then someone will get a Bye each round. This means that no matter how well or how badly you do, you can continue to play each round until the tournament ends

I will send an XBL message each round to all players as to who they are to play next. Tournament rounds after the first will be arranged by XBL messaging. ie: You will receive an XBL message each tournament round as to who you are to play next.

Each match will be a single best 3 of 5 rounds game (ie: the standard HDR ?Ranked Match? setting).
All settings must be on default.
Akuma (Gouki, Demon) is banned.
You can pick any character to play (ie: the standard HDR blind pick). You are free to change character between rounds if you wish.
?Turbo? functions on joysticks or controllers are banned.

I recommend using a private 2-player match room on XBL. I will attempt to add all participants to my my XBL Friends List (which is visible) so you should be able to find each other and invite each other into games easily.

Reporting Results:

Once your match is completed, BOTH participants must report their results over XBL message to me. All results will collated and later be posted here. Sadly I have not found a good way I can possibly report in real-time whilst also keeping the rounds running smoothly.

Note - you only need to report who won and who lost, but if you want to report characters used etc, go ahead. If I only get a single report I will consider it accurate (eg: only the winner reports).

In the event people do not play, or there are discrepancies and disagreement in the results reported (or not reported), or any other kind of complaint reported, I will attempt to manage that. In the worst case scenario I will have to void the whole event if players do not co-operate, but I?m glad to say we?ve not had any problems yet at all. Don?t forget this is only an online tournament, and as such it isn?t too serious a deal ? you should of course try your best to win, as that?s the whole point, but also look upon it as a chance to meet fellow SF2HDR players and have some fun.

Each tournament round if possible certain matches may be highlighted to be videoed by any player with available video equipment ? please let me know if you can take videos and if you can, please do so and upload them. If I ask you to record a match you are not playing in, we will create a private player room with extra slots for the observer(s) and invite the actual participants in. I will post all results and links to any videos later. If possible videos will be posted at the SF2 Europe youtube channel.

Good luck and good games!

You can also read about this and signup here.

And check out all my previous tournaments here.

Signed Up So Far:

Lion O 82

Single game in SF2 is silly.

I’m gonna have to check school stuff before i sign up but i am interested.

3 of 5 rounds though?

The problem with doing 2 of 3, 2 of 3 which I also prefer offline is that then I need to set rules down for character changes… :frowning:

don’t see what the problem is.

Just either go with loser gets to change or go with real man rules aka character lock.

ok im in , i got an offline tournament on sunday, so this will be great warmup

Yeah in real-life tournaments I am happy with either, but I feel this way takes advantage of the easy blind-pick method of online play. If I did 2 of 3, 2 of 3 online, I would leave it as you are able to switch characters at any time, to avoid confusion most likely.

But overall it’s just far easier to say “one 3 of 5 round fight” over XBL messages when people get confused, for the difference of 1 round for the winner, the trade off is worth it IMO. I know you probably don’t see the problem as you’re very familiar with tournaments - as am I - but I’ve seen lots of people get confused no matter what I do (online and offline actually), and when I’ve got to be able to message 10+ people quickly in small character XBL messages, anything that keeps things simple is a boon. Obviously in real life it’s much easier to explain anything face to face. But if you want, try running one of these and you’ll see how surprisingly difficult it actually is ^_^;;

DagV - great to have someone new & good timing for you too :slight_smile: I shall add you on XBL.

ggs to all today. this will indeed be great warmup for my offline tourney.
it wont lag 1 vs 1 like it did in the mass room btw.
I have a video camera that i could use to record … so if you’d like i could put up some of the matches.

unfortunately i get off work at 9. I’d sign up otherwise.
consider yourselves lucky ! TEEHEE <3

GGs DagV and ExposedD for tonight, as always :slight_smile: Sucks you can’t make it for the tournament again though ExposedD.

Yeah I’m not worried about lag as I had a lot of bad connection problems tonight that I never normally get either - and we were hosting huge rooms with tons of party chat etc. For the tournament we’ll only be doing 1v1 rooms exactly like DagV says.

That’s also fantastic if you can record matches DagV! I’d love for you to video as many of your games as you can and if you are happy I may ask you to try to video some other matches too if you have the time? It’s a bit of a pain though as you need to create larger rooms so you can be watching and then KO you etc. Real shame XBL doesn’t offer observer slots for videoing matches.

let me know and i can enter the room as a spectator only. its just one match so it shouldt be a problem. just tell everyone to invite me as well. (if a three man room wont lag it up)

Seems i will have time.

Sign me up.

Great Shari :slight_smile: Sorry its only one match though, I’m going to stick with it like that for now. Lots more signups and I’ve got a load more “maybes” too. Hopefully a high % of folks will show!

The final results and a mini-report can be found… HERE !

I did record my matches , i would have recorded more if i could have been in the room with the players. But that would probably have been a logistical nightmare for Remy …lol
Overall a really fun experience , i didt know much about who anyone had as a main charachter so i just gambled a bit with my Honda and Chun. I really thought i had the match vs DoomsDayDevice in the box even before it started , but ended up getting chrushed instead :frowning: GGS to all. Congratz to Sharizord


the result … um … inga överraskningar ! ;))

GGs to everyone.

Wish i could have gotten the match with doomsday recorded.

Almost got a triple perfect but had to settle for a double perfect :frowning:

<3 Doomsday

Ja ja, hej hej!!! Pratar du Engelska? Suge kuk???

Nei det var ingen overaskinger her. nice Shari