LMAO @ what seems like 1/2 of Portland calling us out. This is pure nonsense. I suppose y’all anticipate a blow up so much it hurts. Well I’ll tell it to you straight, that it’s going to hurt a bit longer. I don’t need to prove myself to any fucking buddy. Take what you will get, when there’s an opportunity to get it. I knew 1 of 2 Salem fellas were coming down for this last tournament but I didn’t think anything like “Oh he’s in for a treat” or “I gotta show him up for the last time he came down.” This game isn’t my life. No game is. I’m a player for life.
And, how well online suits this mentality that I’m content being a nobody playing nobody. It’s hell of a lot better thinking I’m somebody and not having anything to show for it. I’m looking forward to the Tourney Play results. I wanna see that the wise thrive and the loud shut up. Sure the loud may thrive, and the wise may fall, but which of the two is more likely to practice and be on the ball? Those who fall off the ball tend to cry… pick yourself up.
Single crouch short was a set up Theo, so godlike you couldn’t even comprehend it.
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Dude cmon guy. Dont underestimate me. I saw the gdlkness which is why I posted “next level punish”. It’s like, you did cr lk, didn’t do anything past that, and conditioned him to think “man this dude can’t do the combo. I’m ok to be in cr.lk range” then BAM you get in there and do the combo, hence getting the reset and extra damage of 1 cr.lk. super gdlk. :amazed:
When discussing the cost of entry in this tournament, you cannot simply factor in the entrance fee for these Eugeners. There’s also the gas to get to and back from Portland, food costs and, for those inclined, money match dough. Couple that with no chance of winning that 30 back and it doesn’t particularly appeal to me.
That said, the tournament format and everything seems excellent and ill be practicing dat MvC3 and will probably come up for Portland tournies in that. All this ‘beef’ is mad silly
December is pretty hype, holidays, tons of tournaments, crazy shit popping off right and left… It’s all building towards a huge New Year of fighting games too. Crazy!