Eternal Fighter Zero

There are only two glitches that I know of: infinite fly with EX Mizuka and Doppel’s grab glitch.

With EX Mizuka you can infinitely fly by mashing the D button. But that one is easy to identify/ban/avoid.

The Doppel grab glitch is a different beast, however. If Doppel trades a command grab, the opponent will enter hit stun because of the grabs but she won’t have any hit points. Therefore, Doppel cannot hit out of the hit stun, and the animation never ends because Doppel’s grab animation was not finished. You have to reset the game. This has happened more than once when fighting Akane and I grab right before the sword hair super hits.

Hrm. Infinite fly might not be THAT useful. If you can’t control her effectively like that, it would be difficult to really do anything with it… and there’s no point in turtling at the top of the screen since there is no time out. Still, it could be really annoying for getting out of big damage attacks on the ground.
I would suspect though, that the tier list would take this into account… and since EX Mizuka isn’t really very high up there, it doesn’t look like it’s a big deal.

That grab glitch is bad news though… wonder why they never fixed that it a patch. Bad memories of all of the lockup glitches in GGX1 and GG#R.

Edit: Yeah, that infinite fly doesn’t seem practical for beating the other person. You can throw out some normals, but you’d have to be close to hit with anything… and if you are hanging around close, then it’s not hard to knock her down.

I wonder if there are any interesting combos with the fact that you can get an extra air dash after flying.

For what I have seen in match replays, infinite fly seems to be soft-banned (that is, no one uses it). In a match scenario infinite fly could be used to escape, charge your meter (although it takes half an hour) and use it for “genki dama” supers from up there.

The Doppel glitch was there since the first version of BME, and has not been fixed in all the patches up to 3.10.

Can EX Mizuka cancel moves with fly? 'cuz you might get some Sentinel-esque pressure stuff with that…
Though I’ve mostly seen her flight being used to run away and create space…

No idea. I don’t play her.

Yeah, you can. You can also use the infinite fly glitch to make retarded combos like:

2C > RIC > A B > j.A 6C Fly > A B 6C Fly > A 6C Fly > A B 6C Fly > A B C


I was finally able to get my hands on the game … I’ll be ready to give some comments in a few weeks maybe (finals >_<).

VMan, hook me up with Mai replays. :stuck_out_tongue:

She seems to have pretty easy air combos in the replays I saw, mostly using j. A, j. C, and 5B on the ground. I just have to get used to the idea of her playing like Johnny with little Eddie. :stuck_out_tongue:

Question, does Testament girl have any viable air combos, especially after setting up her little pop up books and blood nets? While playing Gwyn I couldn’t figure anything out, save to use her ‘grave digger’ after a j.A and what not.


Mai’s got some pretty good shit going for her. You can start into a basic mixup with 2A, and then either to TK Youzansen (A version) or C Mist Finer. You can make up some more from there I’m sure.

As for a solid mid screen combo (which you can setup from a lot of different things), I tend to use something like:

B B C > 412C RIC > B 66 B > jc.A B > jc.C 66 j.A C > 623B

She’s got some pretty dynamic combos depending on whether she has her bunny out or not, which makes her a pretty neat character.

Okay, as for Testiclease, she’s got some awkward combos, that’s for sure. It seems the essential mid-screen setup is off 623C RIC. You can setup off a net with something like this:

2C (Net Hit) > A B > 623C RIC > j.44 > Land > 9, 66, j.C > Land > j.A A B C > 66 j.A C > Land > j.A A A B C > jc.A B C

If that doesn’t sound hard to you, I ensure you it is. The trickest part (for me) is just getting the setup after the RIC.
Basically, after you do the RIC, you air backdash so it causes a wall bounce. Then, you jump up and dash forward slowly, and throw the j.C right before you hit the ground.
The height variable in the equation is the j.A that you use when you jump back up to continue the combo. On heavies, you’ll end up using 2 or 3 of them.

You’ll have to mess around with what other setups you can start that loop off.

Lacking a full RIC meter? Well. There’s always A B 623A. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: As a side note, it seems like Misuzu plays a really good run-away game. So, I’d probably stick to running away and annoying the other player until you’ve got a full RIC, at least.

i have NO idea what i’m doing…

with misuzu in corner:

knockdown, 214M, mixup into 2H -> EX pop up thing, 5M(pop up thing hits) -> hcbx2L/M/H, combo from there…

I dunno… is there something like that? I’m just screwin around with full bar and crap…

btw, is there a way to set up training mode so you don’t have full IC bar? The only options I get off F5 are normal, full meter/IC and full meter/IC at redlife, and I’m not able to learn HIC- and FIC-only combos.

Hold down F4, it lets you adjust where the IC bar starts for your combos.

I was wondering if there’s a way to do 2 player training, or have the dummy do preset attack patterns (like GG).

Also, what the heck does the guard meter do in this game? It doesn’t seem to make you take more damage or cause gaurd break, so I figured it must make it harder to tech, or make some meter fill up slower (or faster), or something.

Anyway, bakablitz is on the right track for a mixup. It’s like a bizarre combination of I-No and Testament in style.
Basically, if you get a close knockdown, you can set up a net. Then, do her normal dash, and stop it early. Then, you can either throw a j.C or land and throw a 2A (or 2B). You can also wiff the j.C for a fakeout. Like I said, it basically works exactly like I-No.

What you do with that is essentialy something like this:

2B 2C > Net… 66 j.C > Land > 2B 2C (Net Hit) > A B > jc.A A A B C > jc.A A B C

I don’t know if it’s possible to re-knockdown off of the setup with good damage or not, but it’s a potentially very good rushdown.

bell: in page 4 I put a Mai post with a replay at the end showing some loops.

Misuzu got nerfed hardcore in BME. Before, 236 (popup) didn’t popup if the opponent was knocked down, so mixups were very easy to setup (knockdown, set popup, dush back and forth to make the opponent guess). Also, EX crow didn’t have startup so she had a ridiculously easy way to setup corner combos (A > B > C > EX crow > air combo)

She still got some stuff at least.

  • She got the easiest corner loop: [A > B > j. A > j. B > j. C > land].

  • Midscreen loop I think is [B &gt; j. B &gt; air dash &gt; j. B &gt; j. C &gt; land]. But I am not sure, as I don’t try it much. Generally I just try to push them as much as possible to the corner.

  • Gwyrgyn’s combo (A > B > C > EX 623 > IC > back air dash) could be the best substitute for Misuzu’s retarded corner combo (how come I didn’t think about it before)

  • She still got the easiest crossup : j. C. You can do stuff like j. C > air dash (fly over) > j. C.

  • j. C is also good for setting up the popup. 2B > 2C > 236 (far enough so it won’t pop immedeately) > ground air dash or IAD > j. C. (hit/blocstun will push to popup)

  • EX popup is a very good wakeup. If it hits you can easily follow with an air combo

  • Learn to use her feathers (464214)

    • 2C > 41236A + feather (juice) > C > 421 (poison) > air combo is a good setup for poisoning plus you get some some free poison time. You can add a RIC > C between the C and 421 for extra damage
    • C > 41236B + feather (Potato) > FIC > C. Potato is Flicker Roman Cancellable right after Yukito kicks Potato. For maximum damage just keep dashing forward to push the opponent. Once in the corner you can follow GaoGao Fire (236236). You can do this combo even if blocked for very good chip damage too.
    • 41236C (Yukito uppercut) is a very good wakeup too.

Guard bar results on additional time added to the juggle bar. In other words, the more full you block, the more is added to the juggle bar, resulting in longer combos and more damage.

Edit 1: feather is 463214 as corrected next page
Edit 2: Potato kick followup pushes you away too much in corner to make poison combo

i keep thinking there is something i could be doing with the 2H before juggling them…

Which is why I found that EX pop up book setup =P

That’s actually really fun to do…

the net gives enough time to cancel the 2H into EX popup, then the M hits and the popup hits with it, giving you enough time to cancel the M with a familiar summon… But I actually don’t know yet whether it’s comboable afterwards or not =\

Be cool if it was =D

Another option for practice is to press F6: that makes the CPU stand/jump/crouch/block

There is another key that resets your practice. F3 or F7. That way you don’t have to select characters every time you mess a replay.

You can have 2P “practice” by pressing F5 in the versus mode.

Yeah that makes sence. It doesn’t seem nearly as potent as guard meter is in GG (where one full guard meter combo kills you), but that’s a good thing in my oppinion. The free EX meter I was noticing is just what you get for blocking (how nice).

Just FYI, Misuzu’s Feather super is just 463214 (at least in this version).

Well, you can do something like this:

Net, 2C (Net) > 236C > B (Popup) > 214B > 421B > j.A B C > jc.A B C

It poisons them and does a bit of damage (roughly 3000).

Thanks for that. I did a couple edits in my post in the previous page.

I think I’ve found my character for this game: Unknown. That almost sounds ironic … and pretend that I’m not procrastinating with school. I’ve got a pretty good grasp on things from messing around in Practice Mode for a while. The most decent combo I can come up with right now is this (requires one Roman Cancel):

Dash in attack with B to launch, jump up after them with B, then C, land and juggle with standing A, B -> 214+A -> Roman Cancel, dash in attack with B to relaunch, then jump and B, double jump B, and 5C. It usually gets me about 12 hits with a score in the 3800s.

Taking out the cancel, she can just not do that 214+A attack, but instead use the relauncher to start another air combo immediately.

I also tried out Makoto. She seems to have a lot of potential in the lock down category with her projectile crap. Everyone else confused me. Or made me laugh, ie Minase’s air dash.

You’re on the right track, but you can get a lot more damage out of that setup. Remember, 214A is a launcher itself, and the RIC will give you plenty more juggle time… so you should try and setup a loop instead of just finishing the combo.

Keep working on it, you should be able to hit at least 5000 off that setup with the right juggles. :slight_smile: