
Is that so sweetie? I hope I didn’t hurt your feelings by labeling your client “really gay(no good or ill intended to the homosexual community).” You know that linguistics aren’t one of my strong suits so hope you didn’t get hurt badly…well It wasn’t my intention and it does look like you got offended as you described my response as an attack. So let me say it…I’m sorry if you got offended. Well, I just used that term because I couldn’t find a better word to describe what it is. Let me describe what it is and then maybe you could advise a better word for me:

If you didn’t know…wait of course you knew…there is this special group of people in kaillera who use your supraclient. I should codename them “OoLonG The Terrible” for the sake of your convenience since you understand that name very well. Now I think this group of people are very special…why:
[LIST=1][]They very thankfully use supraclient
]What they do can only be described as truly wonderful (again, no offense to the homosexual community): They join official kaillera servers with their lovely supraclient, selects a playing game, presses join…supraclient so graciously and elegantly offers a yes/no prompt box asking something in the line of “This game is playing…do you want to join”…and those users so graciously presses yes…kindly and kicks the host out of the game.[/LIST]
I think you will agree that this is a very wonderful thing to do. Not only because you’re helping people do it…but also because you have a lot of experience doing it. Now I hope you aren’t going to say this divine act isn’t intended because the very first thing I remembered when I heard about this wonderful feature is the story of “oolong the terrible” and his wonderful adventures in official kaillera servers that you told me. It totally made sense all those times I heard you saying how end justified the means. Now I could be really honest and decorate you so wonderfully the way I did your client…but I am not a vary honest and kind person…in fact I’m a really evil person…so I’ve only been kind to your client.

edit: I hope you aren’t going to give the credits to kaillera protocol for this because we both know that you knew. You’ve so wonderfully given the word flexibility a new twist.

I’m disappointed in you.

Okay, so you didn’t agree with me about allowing people to join playing games. The client was really meant for Emulinker; the server requires certain access levels to permit it. Moosehead coded it to allowed it for only Elevated+ access. But I understand your delima because it all follows the Kaillera Chatroom Protocol and therefore can be used on the stock Kaillera Server as well.

Yes, I have joined a playing game several times in my Kaillera experience. Yes, I have done outrageous stuff in my past. Are you going to say you’re any different? Are you going to say that you never talked about getting a strange enjoyment out of others suffering over AIM with me lol? I vaguely remember you crashing servers…just vaguely though = But that’s another issue.

Well, I tried. I gave a sincere post and a possible resolution and it was rejected =’( ::cries:: I suppose some things never change.

Just when I thought there was some hope for KC actually being funny, you had to edit to remove “Lol.” and put in “I’m disappointed in you.” Yeah I know you are disappointed with KC. We all are. It wouldn’t make sense any other way because you are still as wonderful as you always were since day 1 and someone to not be in a truce with you…madness. If someone spoke of KC as wonderfully, he’d just have responded with lol and that’d have been the end of negotiations for the lack of its need because he suffers from an ego problem, he is too serious and has no sense of humor. He can’t get along with anyone except those he worships and those who worships him.

There is no subject matter for us to disagree on. You have something that can only be described as truly wonderful and you’ve shared it with the rest of the world. I totally respect that. What I said was my interpretation of that wonderfulness…you know…the next guy who reads this might not be as evil as me and he might interpret it differently and use a different term. It’s all good. No hostility intended. My only regret is that I was on the receiving end of that wonderfulness only a few dozen times before my inner evil overtook me and made me write a blasphemous client to stop it. I know…my loss. Only if I hadn’t been so stupid. But all that are irrelevant. It’s really generous of you to share credits with moosehead’s superior server design. That was the one thing I didn’t think you’d do and you never fail to surprise me. And to think you didn’t learn of your own wonderfulness all those people benefited from, you’re more wonderful than I could ever imagine. And thanks…It’s a known fact that you are more perfect than the rest of us and for you to remember and praise someone unworthy like me…You’ve always been so generously kind.

LOL I negged both of you :tup: XD

Well first off: ouch! And second off, no that wasn’t me. I was just a freeloader who wanted to know if there were plans to have control swapping in P2P Kaillera/if there were any 4 player solutions that had the same thing. :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay KC, you’re absolutely correct =)

No need to intervene Fatherbrain, it’s over.

Thats too bad. Thought he could crack a joke or two.

oh Sorry >_<
I can’t find your PMs but considering me a year back, I must have replied with something about UOKS server for the second part and probably something about synchronization overhead on the first part. I can’t promise anything regarding my hobby projects but I did put something along those lines in my req specs and cant say anything before drawing the whole picture.

Sorry for disturbing.

I have a question for suprafast here.

why all “Moderator, Elevated, Admin Exclusive Commands” and also “/finduser, /version General Commands” are unavailable as I login EmulinkerSF.58.9 with admin privileges? (got it from “EmulinkerSF Download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=83RUP5TI”)

let me guess, the ELSF.58.9 which you sent to gamefreak01 is a “castrated” mod version?

I think I forgot to update the help menu, but basically every command ends with a . So type /help to see a list of commands.

For example:
/silence_ 12345 10
/announce_ Test Message

PM me your email and I’ll give you a fixed help menu version.

You should stop wasting your time with Kaillera though =)

I just came in this thread to say I agree wholeheartedly with this comment:

Couldn’t have said it better. Don’t count Kaillera out just yet, guys. I love love LOVE 2DF to death as most of you know.

But today, something happened…something I never though I’d do…I went BACK to using Kaillera and LOVED it!!!(P2P version…thank you 0746 :bow: )

The reason is, I have a long time friend who loves games, especially old school games. So instead of playing the limited arcade games on his Xbox 360, I told him about emulation, and how much of a wider variety of old school games can be played on the PC online!

First I got him set up with 2DF and he enjoyed it. But he then started asking about more older classic and obscure games, such as Donkey Kong, Ms Pac-Man, Galaga, Defender, and few old beat 'em ups. I responded and told him the only emulator that can be used to play those games was MAME.

So I got him set up with MAME and he now LOVES it. But then he asked about online support, and that’s when it hit me…“Oh yes, Kaillera! We can use that!”

After finding my Kaillera P2P Client and sending it to him, we were off and running, playing the most awesome classic 2d games ever…ONLINE! I couldn’t believe it. I have used Kaillera millions of times in the past during its infancy, but never with an actual real life friend that lives in the same city as me. Hence the reason I was turned off by it previously.

Firing up Kaillera and playing laggy games of Marvel vs Capcom, 3S and KoF all the time against strangers from mostly around the country/world gets really old. But when you have a friend close by and only a few miles away, that loves the really old classic arcade stuff as much as you do, boy does Kaillera EVER kick ass! I mean seriously…I never thought I would touch Kaillera ever again. But today I must say I’m glad it’s still on my HD.

2DF/GGPO are still king when it comes to fighters. But for games of the more classic 2 player/co-op variety, the MAME/Kaillera combo RULES!

I really appreciate guys like IQ and Treble who continue with their excellent efforts to get more and more drivers for older obscure games into FBA, but it’s going to be a VERY LONG time before FBA gets the enormous and stratospheric-like catalog of games that mame supports.

If Damdai or Ponder ever support MAME in addition to nFBA, then that will be a day in heaven :slight_smile:


Well, on the mame topic, the new versions are too slow to be of use for what is done and the old versions are, well,…old. As MAME’ve said and as it is, mame is more of a documentation type thing than an actual gameplay emulator and it completely justifies the slow and systematic way it goes about doing things. If MAME was hooked up to what they’ve been doing, I can imagine the required specs going up by more than 3-4x magnitude. This is the only reason I can think of why they haven’t been messing around with mame instead of FBA.

Excellent post and you make a good point. Damdai even said mame is too much of a resource hog. But still, in light the big picture, with the new insanely powerful CPUs coming out(Larabee, etc) and more and more people upgrading their PCs, even at 3x the requirements, the games shouldn’t have too much of a problem running on PCs that are available a year or two from now.

It’s hard to deal with multi-player netplay without traditional kaillera system.:wgrin:

Looks like the NEW Shiny Kaillera is coming out really soon!!! x.x http://www.Kaillera.com

Superfast you’re doing a marvelous job with GW and CGA bro. Thanks especially for CGA…my friend and I had a BLAST playing Super Mario All-Stars yesterday! :slight_smile:

yay! :lovin:

can someone please upload EmuLinkerSF v59.4?

that’s right. v59.4 seems to be the latest version of emulinkerSF.

I also want a copy of it. but there is no way to obtain:confused:

So whats your email? :s

Can anyone PM me his email please?