Is that so sweetie? I hope I didn’t hurt your feelings by labeling your client “really gay(no good or ill intended to the homosexual community).” You know that linguistics aren’t one of my strong suits so hope you didn’t get hurt badly…well It wasn’t my intention and it does look like you got offended as you described my response as an attack. So let me say it…I’m sorry if you got offended. Well, I just used that term because I couldn’t find a better word to describe what it is. Let me describe what it is and then maybe you could advise a better word for me:
If you didn’t know…wait of course you knew…there is this special group of people in kaillera who use your supraclient. I should codename them “OoLonG The Terrible” for the sake of your convenience since you understand that name very well. Now I think this group of people are very special…why:
[LIST=1][]They very thankfully use supraclient
[]What they do can only be described as truly wonderful (again, no offense to the homosexual community): They join official kaillera servers with their lovely supraclient, selects a playing game, presses join…supraclient so graciously and elegantly offers a yes/no prompt box asking something in the line of “This game is playing…do you want to join”…and those users so graciously presses yes…kindly and kicks the host out of the game.[/LIST]
I think you will agree that this is a very wonderful thing to do. Not only because you’re helping people do it…but also because you have a lot of experience doing it. Now I hope you aren’t going to say this divine act isn’t intended because the very first thing I remembered when I heard about this wonderful feature is the story of “oolong the terrible” and his wonderful adventures in official kaillera servers that you told me. It totally made sense all those times I heard you saying how end justified the means. Now I could be really honest and decorate you so wonderfully the way I did your client…but I am not a vary honest and kind person…in fact I’m a really evil person…so I’ve only been kind to your client.
edit: I hope you aren’t going to give the credits to kaillera protocol for this because we both know that you knew. You’ve so wonderfully given the word flexibility a new twist.