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** Game Versions **
CPS2 (arcade)
This the original release of Super Turbo.
What follows is a list of ports and differences from the original arcade version.
The size of the screen is slightly off (it’s a little too narrow), making the character sizes appear to be slightly too thin. Only a small amount of testing has been done, but this does not seem to affect the game in anyway as far as range of moves/hit-boxes.
The Dreamcast version occasionally suffers from 1 frame of input lag (possibly more if you’re using a PSX->DC controller converter), though this is undetectable by most players.
There are a few other differences as well, but all of the tested and known differences can be corrected using the in-game DIP switches. For example, by default on the Dreamcast version, Ken, Dhalsim, and Sagat can do reversal supers (which they can not in the arcade version). This can be corrected in the DIP switch menu.
Playstation 2 (Hyper Street Fighter II Anniversary Edition, only the ST characters will be addressed)
This version has not been thoroughly tested, but the known differences are:
-O.Sagat’s Tiger Shots have been toned down considerably
-Ken, Dhalsim, and Sagat can do reversal supers (which they can not in the arcade version)
-Due to an error in porting, Claw’s wall dive (ST versions only) must be performed Charge D, K, U (pressing Kick before Up, instead of the normal order)
-if an ST character is facing a non-ST character, the ST character can not tech the throws (in ST, New characters can tech Old characters’ throws)
-Holding start when selecting Super Turbo or Super seems to allow access to the original arcade versions of each character.
X-Box (Hyper Street Fighter II Anniversary Edition, only the ST characters will be addressed)
No information is known at this time.
Playstation 1
Known differences in the PS1 version:
-Ken, Dhalsim, and Sagat can do reversal supers (which they can not in the arcade version)
-there is a slight delay between “Round 1, Fight!” and when you can actually move
-Chun Li falls extremely slowly after her medium upkicks (Short and RH are correct, though)
-Guile regains CPS1 chains
-only two buttons are required for three-button moves (ex: Zangief can do a lariat by hitting only Jab Strong or Strong Fierce or Jab Fierce)
-inputs must be done more quickly
-tapping two buttons one right after the other counts as hitting them simultaneously
-when a character has zero life left, it takes two blocked specials to kill him/her
-characters don’t seem to get dizzy as easily (speculation, untested)
Sega Saturn
The Saturn version’s characters appear to be too big because the screen is stretched. Again, this technically shouldn’t change anything in the game, but no thorough testing has been done. One other notable difference is that Guile regained his CPS1 chains. This version is not thoroughly tested, and most likely contains more differences.
Playstation 2 / X-Box: Capcom Classics Collection Volume 2
-The custom code used in this version fixes many inaccuracies found in other common emulators such as MAME and Kawaks.
-This version was emulated from the original arcade ROM’s, unlike any other version.
-Some stages are known to cause slowdown or speed changes.
-Sometimes sound effects are known to play at random times, especially the ones for special moves.
-“time warps” where the game will suddenly “jump forward in time” by about 5 to 10 frames.
-There have been many claims of input lag from a large number of arcade players, but no tests were ever completed to verify.
These claims were later verified in the test seen here.
The most glaring problem with the 3D0 version is that the Old characters are completely missing. It also has lots of missing animation. For example, all of Zangief’s ducking punches are the same animation in the 3D0 version.
Other known differences :
- All characters get CPS1 chains
- Gouki/Akuma’s Red Fireball has lesser recovery and can throw another fireball again at the 2nd hit !
The PC version contained such colossal bugs as entire moves being inexplicably missing, and the game randomly crashing for no apparent reason.
Game Boy Advance
-The character sizes and animations are totally different. Way too many differences to try to list. –NKI 14:46, 7 January 2007 (UTC)
-Potential to crash the game (forever) if Akuma is fought. –hagure 22:02, 24 November 2007 (UTC)
(I left out the regional differences bc I gotta go to class. Will format it later)
** Miscellaneous **
-In the arcade version, Dhalsim, Sagat, and Ken can not do reversal supers. If they successfully time a reversal super, they will simply get the last special move they did.
-After getting up from being knocked down, you are unthrowable for 13 frames.
-Old characters have the exact same walking speed as new characters.
-Not all characters get dizzied at the same rate. In order from easiest to dizzy to hardest to dizzy: [LIST]
[] Sim, Claw
[] Guile, Cammy DeeJay
[*] Boxer, Blanka, Chun, Honda, Fei, Ken, Dictator, Ryu, Sagat, Hawk, Zangief[/LIST]-Blanka’s stage is the widest, and Claw’s stage is the shortest.
-Boxer’s Strong throw has more range than his Fierce throw, even though they’re the same throw.
-After being knocked down, different characters get up at different speeds.
Some additional details on miscellany can be found in T.Akiba’s game data:
Japanese text / English text
–NKI 14:59, 7 January 2007 (UTC)