Empty jump and flask kick?

hey guys I have trouble doin an empty jump and flash kick

i can only a flash if any jumping attack touches the opponent.

anyway around this?

This may not be the info you need, but when I use Urien, empty jump headbutt doesn’t work because the jump doesn’t give enough time to charge fully. So I partition it; do a quick move (maybe c.jab or strong) and charge down during it, then jump and charge the rest in the air, u+K when you land.

Empty jump flash kick isn’t something I would recommend though, especially against Ken or Chun.

I’m a true believer in the empty jump razorkick…especially from full screen.


are you talking about when you’re right beside your opponent and you empty jump :u: and he’s probably going for a throw (or try to parry your jumping HK) but you CBK (ex) instead?

or you jump :uf: and then CBK after?

Man, i thought you said it was too risky, but your mind sure changed when you saw me doing it over and over ;D

wtf. I can empty jump back and sonic boom

but i can’t do this with flah kick???

I think you can do like jump fwd immediate charge if the opp attacks you tap fwd and immediately charge back again. If you get the parry a half more second on the ground would give you the full charge and you can flash kick after that. It could be possible since the parry floats you for a second to flash kick when you touch touch the ground. So youll have an empty jump with a parry option and the option to flash kick almost immediately after touching the ground.

I know the empty jump RRF is possible…but i can’t do it right coz i think i didn’t charge properly…and I also tried on my friend who uses ken…i always end up being thrown or teched…i think in executing this move there is a PROPER DISTANCE to do this…does anyone know how far or near you should get?it would be nice if remy users could take advantage of empty jumps with remy…you can have a lot of options making him more powerful during empty jumps which is very, very useful in mind games…you can grab, CBK, dash back LoV, make a fake attack (HP or HK) and of course RRF…

Don’t do this on Alex either, any decent Alex player will powerbomb you on landing every time. Heck, it’s also a good way for you to get humiliated by the Spiral DDT, I think…haven’t tried that though.

I believe Remy’s jump gives you enough time to charge and flash kick on landing. I’ve done it before any ways. Like Gaijin said…partition a normal (like s.MP) first if you need some extra charge time.

hold down as soon as you leave the ground maybe? >.> and the reason you can lov while you jump back is because your holding back maybe? what’s hard is a dashing flash kick i only have like a 5% completion upon doing this fun little trick either way remy is hella fun when my makoto gets beasted and i feel like some mind dulling dudley kills i use remy he is really good IMO and the mklovxxSA1 is 100% sex lol

Hold down + Regular Empty Jump != Flash Kick.

(!= = Not Equal).