EmpirArcadia/Syndicate 2/21/04 CTF Results!

1st:Justin Wong-(EMPAC)
2nd:Sanford Kelly-(EMPAC)
4th:Arturo Sanchez(EMPAC)
5th:Jeron Grayson(EMPAC)
5th:Eddie Lee(Queens,NY)

Highlights and Comments:
CVS2 had a bigger turnout as expected,23 ppl set the Cap for this one.The Empire set the stage once again positioning top 5 and defending the $200 they didnt want to give up.Nibor was really impressive with his game play last night.His ChunLi really set a toll on everyone that played him bursting everyone up.It was so bad people were afaid to press the wrong button or stick out any limb because he’d strong super it on reaction every single time.Pretty damn scary:eek:
Good shit Robin!

KOF 2003:
1st: Justin:EMPAC Chang,Jhung,Kim
2nd: Arturo:EMPAC AthenaMai,Benimaru
3rd,:Jeron:EMPAC King,Mai,Benimaru

A standard 8 man tournament which wasnt bad considering how nowadays CVS2 barely gets 6 people for its locals.Finals werent played out.No point really.All three players were lame and we’ll just leave it at that.It was actually a three way tie but Justin got voted for first…bastard!!:lol:

1st-Sanford(EMPAC) Magneto,Storm,Sentinal (RPA)

Dont really have much info on Marvel Im more than certain someone will put up the full results and details of the tournament,All I know is Desmond Sentinal is on crack,and he truly is SENTINAAAAALLLLLLLL!!!
Good Night!!!:lol:

nah man, that fool lost to sentinaaall already

Good tourney everyone, I’m suprised CvS2 had so many people that had joined. The winner’s brackets for the semifinals were all potential $$ maches. (JWong/Omar, JeRon/Eddie Lee, Sanford/Robin, Yuri/Arturo) I left after Omar lost to Sanford so I couldn’t see the rest, but still good job everyone.

overall the tournaments was a blast and fun, people showing thier skillz and learning new things. The King of Fighters 2003 was a new experience to me cuz i learned alot from it, i was shocked that I did pretty good in it for someone who doesn’t do tournaments that much these days, hopefully I get another opportunity to do it again. DAMN U JUSTIN and ur Kim :lol:

P.S. Stanford congrats on ur victory in Marvel last nite, u earned and deserve that victory :cool:

o man the marvel tourney was crazy…gg’s to everyone:D

Yipes beastin on jose was too good…mad upsets in the tourney

i want my rematch jack!!:smiley:

micheal i’ll give u a chance to win ya dollar back next time we play:lol:

alot of new players on the rise imo…can’t wait to the next one…good shit to my homies justamazing and jason hall…holdin it down lol

someone post full marvel results:D

I had lots of fun yesterday the tourney was crasy.

Fuqin javier lol its all gravy…:confused: …Go0d shit jason hall…next time it w0nt be the same…im back :evil:

-Good Job too my good freinds JustinW, Sanford & Art Sabin! for doing good in cvs2.

-Good Job to My 2 good friends again Sanford & X Taking the 2 top spots for MvC2 :)~!

KOF 2003:
1st: Justin:EMPAC Chang,Jhung,Kim
2nd: Arturo:EMPAC AthenaMai,Benimaru
3rd,:Jeron:EMPAC King,Mai,Benimaru
4th:Mike Infinte(syndicate/empire) jhun,doulon,gato :slight_smile:

A standard 8 man tournament which wasnt bad considering how nowadays CVS2 barely gets 6 people for its locals.Finals werent played out.No point really.All three players were lame and we’ll just leave it at that.It was actually a three way tie but Justin got voted for first…bastard!!:lol:

1st-Sanford(EMPAC) Magneto,Storm,Sentinal (RPA)
2nd-Desmond(Syndicate/Empire) Storm,SENTINAL!!!,Comando
3rd-Jason Hall msp,mag,storm,commando
4th-Javier team row,santhrax

Dont really have much info on Marvel Im more than certain someone will put up the full results and details of the tournament,All I know is Desmond Sentinal is on crack,and he truly is SENTINAAAAALLLLLLLL!!!
Good Night!!!:lol:

ps. thats from what i remember i dont have full brackets

Thanks man I worked my ass off in cvs2:eek: .
Mvc2 desmond is SENTINELLLLLLLLLL there is nothing more I can say.

Congrats to empire arcadia and Eddie Lee coming out of retirement.

No 3rd strike??

sanford is the truth, he shoulda went to evo…

I wonder how many more times I’ll be countered and eliminated by you till I get a real second team:lol: :lol: :lol:

old school steve…MM/BH/Doom that shit lol

Hey everybody,

Highlights for CVS2:
Kwesi beasting with roll super.
Nibor beats Sanford in winners 2-1
Nibor beats Arturo in winners 2-0
but loses to JWong 3-0 in winner finals
Eddie beat Jeron 2-1
JWong beat Eddie 2-0
JWong beat Omar from Texas 2-0
In the loser bracket:
Omar lost to Sanford 2-0 (close 1st match)
Arturo beat Jeron 2-0
Sanford beat Eddie 2-1(I dont know about this people told me that)
Sanford beat Arturo 2-0 (I dont know about this either
Sanford beats Nibor for revenge 3-1 Sanford had the lucky charms in this match

JWong beats Sanford 4-0

good job every1 that was there

Good fucking shit javi thats my fucking nigga he is a beast what place did infinite get and justimazing and josh wigfall

The P groove match of me against Yuri doesnt count as a highlight?:stuck_out_tongue:

good shit everyone, and thanks for beasting me again Sanford :mad: :frowning: :lol:

Good shit to everyone in the MArvel tourney. Haha, didn’t realize how it made me look, till Matrix pointed out… My last game, where I might have looked like a dickhead, but yea, had to run to catch the bus, which sucks. But yea, lack of sleep hurts the execution, but no excuses, lolz, Commando owns me for free. Hopefully see all you guys at March Madness. gotta work on the MSP till then :evil:

For the record people I suck in cvs2:(
to clear things up I beat eddie lee in losers 2-0 and I beat arturo 2-1 I got mad fucking lucky against everyone, I only win because I get lucky im trash but hey 2nd oh good money in my hands
:slight_smile: .