Elite Avatar Guild

lol at dead magneto.

but then again, anythings funny at 3:00 am

an splashes?

wow can i get a Av of ken and Urien…and in this av i want ken 2be doing his taunt and urien walks up behind him and does his forward hp and says ‘‘DA HELL UP’’ and can you put my name somewhere in there…please

Before or after the request I made about an av for T8 that I pmed you about (like a month or two ago?), and which I haven’t received as of yet?

… I remember typing “please”.

Hey, can someone please make me a premium avatar using this picture? And add the caption somehow if you can. Thanks!

It was after I told you I couldn’t find the Butt sprites you wanted. Then I get you harrassing me for something I can’t do cuz you couldn’t get me the sprites…which you said you would take care of in your last pm which was around 2 months ago.

I had no idea this thread existed. Sweet.

I would like to request an avatar! Someone make something ELITE with this:


Premium-sized, please. Animated, non-animated, don’t matter. Make it ELITE. With capital letters.

Sweet. I’ll get back to you on that later today.

hello guild! may i make an request? i would like a animation of anything that persists of a girl kicking some dude in the face. i really don’t care what characters you use, so i would just leave that to you. do what ever you like and in return, i just want my name on it somewhere. let your imagination fly!!! i tip my hat off to whoever can pull this one off.:tup:

or you coud just read the last/current page. I already did it.

Lol. Sorry. it didn’t load up last night, I guess. The browser’s a bit glitchy. Thanks!

Edit: Accidentally repped dropoff the first time. :lol: Well, free rep for you, I guess.

My bad, dood. I apologize. Here’sssssssss Marco.

i missed a d :wink:

hay, if my request was fuckachunkz, then let me know. i dont want to be a burden and will lighten the load if asked.

what did you want him doing again?

Guess I’m not ELITE enough :crybaby:


Him doing random moves, then ripping his shirt off.

Yo Yo. Whats good?

i know blodia is late, but can can blodia join? (join the guild that is)