Elite Avatar Guild

alright, shade.

1.So anyway…half of Frank White’s face and half of Ryu’s face together.
2.blow them up so they fit the whole av, no empty spaces, even if it means hiding some features of thier face from sight.
3. So, basically just zoom them in, leave the foreheads, lips and chins out. however, make sure Ryu’s headband is seen, even if its partial.
4. you know the rules, good quality.


  1. i dont know if putting some sort of border between the faces will look good. could you try and give it a shot?
    6.and myabe i want the whole pic to slant at an angel with FRank White on the upper corner, and Ryu on the bottom corner.
    give that a shot too.

uh…i dont know how they would look with your photoshop effects, though. all i wanted was the shine animation.

Can I get an animated, non-prem av? I’d like to get the following:

[Roll and BB Hood standing]
Roll: I’m the cutest Capcom character ever .
[BB Hood nails Roll with either a bomb/missle or her picnic basket overhead strike]
[BB Hood poses]
[BB Hood gets clubbed from behind by any one of the female characters from Pocket Fighter]

I’d prefer to see BB Hood get peaced out by Maid Morrigan with the frying pan. But any chibi will do.

If this is far too taxing given the file size constraints, an abridged version will do. I just want something cute and comical. Much obliged.

I havn’t had a new av in months soo…

How bout a non-prem avatar… I’m thinking pokemon related… maybe bidoof or seaking… or perhaps related to this http://www.houyokusen.com/tmp/377178_pokemon.swf

Ok just hit me with a splash


Do any of you want to take a swipe at making that into a wonderful prem av? I want the animation, but subtlety is key in the rest of the design, and you can jsut put kabuki since my full name is too long for most avs.

I have an incredibly complicated request, but I have all the necessary sprites.

[Iron man standing over magneto on the ground in taunt stance] Superior Tactics!
[another Iron Man walks up, saying:] It’s “Superior Tech”, dude. How can you be so stupid?
[Iron man #1] What? Where did you come from? “Superior Tech”? That sounds so stupid!
[Iron Man #2 holding proton Cannon]
Iron Man #1: Oh shi… [disappears in the blast]

I can upload the sprite to whoever picks it up. I have every IM sprite in the lp color. Magneto I’ve seen, and I’ll find it again soon.

I don’t have any T8 requests right now so I think I’ll do kuenai’s request.

I’ll take kabukimono’s



thanks a bunch quiche!

ill do dropoffs


i wanted to do the magikarp thing but i couldnt find dialogue box rips

Hey man i really appreciate the props.

It’s a good feeling when someone has been repping one of your stuffs for so long like you are. It’s been almost what? 2 years?

With my 5 choice though I just tried to put up as many varying styles as possible, so if it wasn’t going to be your morrigan one, it probably wouldve been the camouflage wednesday one, since they’re similar in style.

Mad thanks to YOU for still sporting it. As far as avs go, this could probably be the ultimate compliment having someone use it for so long without changing it. :tup:

lol speaking of longevity i noticed hubcapsignstop still wears the jen tai av i made ages ago

hey animator dudes can you do this?

Well alright :tup:

Fast, thanks a bunch.

I got 'cha.

What Dasiatic is rockin’ was by me, btw. Simple requests.

Been rockin’ this AV that DarkGiygas made me over a year ago, and I think it’s time for a change. Someone mind making me a non-prem River City Ransom [NES game] av?

I’m so out of my element, need to get back into this business.

Anyone? Pretty please? Me love you long time. Is file size a problem? I know nothing about photoshop and working with images, so let me know if the request is completely out of the question for a non-prem av.

Well, Kuenai didn’t give me anything so I went ahead:

i want to battle

may I . . .

sure, photomanipulation we both use the same pic an splashes not avs

EDIT: better yet lets make it a two part battle the second we color the same lineart