Elena user unite!

you prolly saw DreamTR, aka Jason Wilson, playing, he uses Elena/Oro.

I’ve just started to play 3s in SFAC, and I can proudly announce that I am Elena fanboy now. Is there a special ceremony for me or something? :wink:

Anyway, I’ve been browsing the various threads and theyve been a great help. I still have a few questions though.

  1. What are Elena’s best pokes? I tend to use c. MP in order to land Brave Dance. I use HK and b. HK as general pokes. But I’m kinda lost as to what I should use at further distances. Her slide seems very unsafe, and I’m not sure if I should use c. MK or maybe c. HK. Truth be told, outside her b. HK, I don’t use Elena’s standing pokes (besides overheads that is).

  2. Why would I want to use the EX Spin Scythe -> Ex Rhino Horn juggle variations instead of c. MP -> Brave Dance? I see the EX juggle mentioned a lot, but I’m not sure what makes it so good.

  3. Also, is the HCB+P (Mallet Smash I think) worth using? Same thing goes for the backwards DP motion+k (Lynx Tail).


Yes there is a ceremony and i’m singing you a song right now. can you hear it? i have such a lovely singing voice and the radio city Rockets backed me up. also there is firework show when you start to pown people at arcades.
anyway, the ex juggle is use-fool incase you land a c.mp and you don’t have enough meter to do a brave dance. or if your using healing the ex juggle gives you an offensive weapon
the mallet mash is good for mix up and for the most part is pretty safe except against fast supers
the lynx tail is good for flash and style, pretty much anytime you could use a lynx there is some other move that would be strategicaly better
poke wise as you get more experianced you’ll find pokes you like for your style. you don’t have to play the same way the rest of the elena players do(infact it helps us all if we all a use a different style so the lame ken players don’t figure us out.) but yea hk, b-hk, both overheads, the slide(your experiance will let you realize when a good time to use it would be) don’t use c.hk or c.hp as a poke, but the rest of of her croiuching moves will be pretty good.

Wow. What a lovely ceremony. It brings tears to my eyes. :lol:

Thanks for your help Vatotitan. Definitely some good things to keep in mind. The EX juggle definitely makes a case for using Healing.

Using Brave Dance or Spinning Beat, I’m guessing a good way to conserve meter is by simply using c. MP -> EX Spin Scythe -> Roundhouse Spike Wheel. Is there a way to combo into the Spin Scythe without having to use the EX version?

When you choose the EX spinning scythe, I recommend using short scratch wheel instead of roundhouse, since all three hits may be difficult to time (or just not possible on some characters) and the one hit will thus deal more damage. If you have 2/3 of a meter, you can deal as much damage as brave dance minus a point if you continue with rhino horn and then follow with a regular scratch wheel, this time using the forward or roundhouse version.

And, unfortunately, I believe there is no way to combo into a non-EX spinning scythe. Possibly on a crouching character beginning stun, but that’s not a likely thing to encounter.

OK. Thanks! I didn’t think of the damage and hit differences between the short and roundhouse versions of the scratch wheel. I should probably start practicing juggling with the EX Rhino Horn too.

Too bad. I’ll just forget about that then.

don’t scrap the regular spin scythe just yet. it stuill has it’s uses. like just starting one and watching your opp reaction. you can bate them into doing something foolish. another thing is to do the spin scyth but not finish it and when opp is blocking expecting the next hit go for throw. i don’t know where im stealing that idea from but it’s fresh in my mind but it works pretty good if you only use it once and a while. thats the key not being repetitive will keep elena in the match. she far to many ways of screwing with peoples minds. come up with millions of little tricks and patterns and just keep changing them. this may sound obvious but the basics are what wins the match

also incases i hadn’t mentioned this before. you can use a strickly well timed lk rhino horn when doing the ex juggle in the corner on most shotos and the slower falling charcters.

Good stuff. :tup:

Thank you.

Did you guys know that you can cancel a forward and roundhouse scratch wheel after the first hit directly into the Brave Dance? I just did this in training and all hits connected because I canceled before the opponent was lifted off the ground. I also tested cr. MP -> RH Scratch Wheel xx Brave Dance and it combo’d as well. The timing is strict so I’m not sure if this works with the forward version. Not sure if this is useful at all, but I just thought I’d post it since I didn’t see it anywhere.

indeedly doodily it works all the fk and hk versions after first hit but not sk. on other supers for other characters it is sometimes not a good idea to special cancel into a super but as long as you go from c.mp 0r first hit of standing mp to scratch your nuts wheel amd then cancel really fast to super you get a few extrat ticks of damage. if you don’t use a jumpin it’s worth it. other wise the damage of brave dance is either same or perhaps less

Seems better to stick with c. MP -> Brave Dance. Adding the scratch wheel just makes things complicated, and the damage doesn’t seem to be that different anyway. Thanks once again Vatotitan.

elena players, once again i call upon you to join in with a noble and just Cause. helping Me pown yun players. mostly vs the dive kick you can parry and counter but at times this becomes harder, like in the corner when your just getting up and it may or may not cross you up. should i try for wakeup super or scrath wheel, possibly try to parry the cross up. i ha d actually typed like a big ass long comment on this to post and right when i was about to press submit reply i got disconnected and when i signed on again i didn’t feel like retyping all of it and i can’t remember most of it. so talk about how you deal with yun as in the dive kick, defending against genei gin, getting impatient when they run from you trying to build meter for a genei, after the lp,lk,mp chain can i red parry the lp version of the shoulder, other than tat i got dis son.i get beat when i get hit by a dive kick or he gets the chain off which ultimatly leads to big genei gin combo. in the air elena beats yun, on power one brave dance puts you in the lead usually. i need help vs good yun players. ones that don’t take chances by throwing out random dashing punshes and the rising kick move as an anti air.

VS Yun tips

back+roundhouse to beat dive kick when he is trying to get in. don’t try to throw when you are on defense. you gotta knock him down! (you can actually beat Ken and Chun without knocking them down and beat them with footsies) you gotta take advantage of his less than stellar wake-up options) at a certain distance you can use standing forward and it’ll keep Yun grounded if he’s trying for some dive kick shinanigans. Turtle your ass off and build gauge, block like it’s the only thing in the game! then set-up your Brave Dance.

oh, and remember, Yun is top tier. Elena is not. he has 2x more tools than Elena, so you are going to have to be disgustingly patient (i.e. Turtle your ass off!!!).

aha indeed. i grant Jared3s the honorary award of excellancein the prestigous field helping of me. which is the second highest award i can grant with my current position of supreme awesome guy within a 10 ft radius of my house. for real b-hk never occured to me as anti-air as i usually use it as anti throw and to beat out wake up attemps by opponents or to beat out sweeps. and i can completly see how slowing the match down would give Elena more of a fair playing field against yun. i guess i gotta train myself to be more patient.

Back+roundhouse hits clean at a certain range, once your Yun opponent catches on to this he should stop using dive kick at that range, limiting his dive kick options to get in. if he is doing dive kick up in your face back+roundhouse will not work. Back+roundhouse can beat all dive kicks clean at a distance but not if they use it close up. when you are stuffing your opponents dive kick at a distance he must try something else to get in, common methods are random shoulder tackles then cancel into GJ or activate GJ then shoulder rush or some people even do that lunging fist thing. (some peeps like Pyrolee (he’s REALLY good and i basically never beat him, are really tricky and don’t resort to such basic methods, so good luck when you fight someone at that level :)) at any rate get ready to parry and make them pay for such randomness. if and when your opponent breaks your mid range defense and has GJ just block your ass off. there are specific times when you can knock him outta GJ with cr. jab and possibly gain initiative (one time that comes to mind is when Yun is trying to pressure with forward+medium overhead while GJ is activated), but that’s very iffy guessing at best as most Yun players have very tight GJ poke strings. again, best to block in my opinion. even if your opponent does land partial GJ it’s okay because you will land Brave Dance 'cause of your mad set-ups!!! also, when your opponent is attempting multiple dive kick non-sense in your face, don’t be afraid to jump straight up and use your strong,roundhouse chain to keep his hijinks to a minimum and avoid being locked down. Elena rules!

if you want some really god info on Elena and 3s in general you should go to bustkaratedojo.net Kingraoh is an exceptional Elena player, he’s articulate, intelligent, well-read, and handsome too :party: . you can also get advice from other BKD members, such as Yi 5tar, Vic Vance, Rei, and Rockefeller (aka. Dr. Subzero). just post up on the BKD forums and you will be certain to get an answer from the most informed 3s players in America :slight_smile:

Your wisdom is exceeded only by your drop dead sexyness.

Did some tests concerning the EX Spin Scythe -> air chain:

EX Spin Scythe -> air MP -> HP will connect on:


EX Spin Scythe -> air MP -> HP will not connect on:


I imagine the results would be similar when it comes to connecting a Scratch Wheel after a Brave Dance in the corner. Not sure though. Must do more tests…

good work. my laziness has keep me from going into to the dungeon and a creating just such a list. but the brave dance with a scratch wheel in the corner is different i have landed it on chun and alex. i have not tested it on everybody yet. once again good work

i know you can combo brave dance off of her uoh, but can you somehow link brave dance off of fwd+mk? im a pretty big newb right now.