El Paso Texas Blood Sweat Cheers!

well, we’ll eventually hit that level as soon as we get our own stargate:lol:

and actually start playing like every night or weekends for hours like 8:p

lando, no cyber tonight…that sucks…:lame: R

:lol: HAHAHAHA, man hours…i likes:lol:

yeah pads are for girls that play DDR, controllers are for nerds, sticks are for FAGs:p come on marcus become a FAG…unless you want to be a total flamer and choose a 360…right cylus…im with you on the hating 360s but there are some that are good…just landos…:lol:

Marcus, I think ya missed my point. I agree with ya. Pads aren’t for girls. Hell, we don’t wanna use 'em. They’re trash;) …and this is coming from a girl who gasp plays DDR. :eek:


It takes some time to get used to playing on a stick. I’m definitely no fighting game guru or anything even close to that, but 1000s of other SFers and I agree, using a stick really is better. Initially, your performance is gonna drop. This is probably why you don’t like sticks. But I assure you, with practice you’ll get it back. I think that the execution on a stick is much cleaner, so I’m willing to bet that once you get used to it, your game will improve. Yes, it is much easier to mash on a pad… (That’s why I used to use them. I can show you some mash-craziness on a pad with Talbain on Dorkstalkers.) … but I’m pretty sure that you don’t wanna be a masher. Another reason to use sticks is because ya kinda need to be able to use them to play in tourneys. A lot of tourneys are played on cabs and chances are you aren’t gonna find a controlled hooked up to one. :wink:

And that concludes my informative essay on pads vs sticks…

(P.S. I said “stick” a whole lot in this post)

Marcus, considering you are the one who has not been in real tournaments (and are not willing to do so), don’t you think you are the less appropriate to give us a ranking?

Oh yeah, and you don’t know how much you can improve when you are playing against people totally superior to you in just a single day.


well yeah your prefromance will drop but like you said… cleaner execution…

pads are like electric guitars, the distortion allows you to be a little messy, when acoustic guitars, they are depending on exact execution, such as a stick…:smiley:

dont worry marcus youll get use to it…just gotta PRACTICE execution, :cool:

cool XBox live link for cez!!!

use a arcade stick, and shut up…it’ll get easy, and for a game like GGXX, it’ll soon become second nature…

pads suck, i can’t get i-no’s FRC w/out hitting another button and causing her to hit the opponent and let them out of the combo…

You all are perdy good. Just keep pratce!

SF is for nerds that have no lives :lol: :lol: :lol:
DDR for eva Biachessssss!!!


this is for j00 saint seiya lovers out there with a mix of 3s


:save as!

Jabel, Jabel, Jabel, you take all things very seriously. Relax and have a coke. This is just in my mind. It is not the official thing. It is just to add some spiciness and humor to the Forum. Chill. And even I have not gone to any tournaments, that doesn’t mean I am a complete moron and I can give a crappy opinion evry once in a while. By the way, are we going to Cesar’s this Friday?

I know i got to practice for tourneys, that’s why I play with the stick every time I go to Cesar’s now. :smiley: Gotta get used to that shit fast.:lol:

Cesar, your link doesnt open:bluu: OH…let me see if i can save it as :laugh:

Even though I havent attended to any tourneys, I am certainly not the worst of the bunch, that I am sure of:cool: .


= 3

Whats llame? Was my last post lame?:confused: So confusing.
The only way I can get better at one game ( THIS IS JUST ME DAMMIT) is by having it at home, practice really hard in order to become good at it, then play other guys that are better than me.
Thats why I suck at MvC and SF3s, because I dont have the games, and every time I play you guys you beat me so fast that I can’t really practice anything with you.Need to learn and practice all those combos and parrys, as well as the mechanics of the game too :lol: , like in SF3s. Now, I am more of a challenge in games that I own like CvSNK2 or GGXX, but I need to get a stick and a place to get them. Lets see what happens after I get some money from…wont tell you:lol:

Jabel, are we going to Cesar’s today?:confused:


I hate you so much, it burns my eyes. I mean what was that? Really? Yeah! That’s what I thought! It’s nothing! A big screw you to America!


Just kidding, Man. You know I didn’t mean it. Don’t be all sad.

nate you8r soooo fucken hot i want you know…but by the time ou see this…youd of had some girl action…or maybe im just in time…he he…you ready for some pen pen action ill give you all you need baby cakes…my sweet waterfall of jizz


I wonder why anyone has not posted anything. It must be becouse you must be all busy and stuff:D . I guess I’ll just kick out too until I see something interesting going on. :lol:

Demetrio, there is a dude in my CS class that looks jsut like you, but younger. Do you have a lost brother or something?

Cesar, that video would be much better with the original song, not a remix, but it’s still cool:cool:
Lets practice some kof 2002. I dindt give you that cd for nothing

:bluu: :stuck_out_tongue:

I need to see some Mishiba action. Be right back:lol:

Cesar, I want an EFZ match tomorrow >:)

EX Mizuha got to pay.

your :lame: j/k theres only one of me…

btw marcus…your the only one that has

\spelled my name correctly… I <3 u

does n e 1 know if there are any copies o
\f blast chamber, and intelligent cube
loating around…if so let me know…
thank you

kon ichi wa b

does n e 1 know if there are any copies o
\f blast chamber, and intelligent cube
loating around…if so let me know…
thank you

kon ichi wa b

:confused: :confused: :confused:
Can you repeat that?

Holy Molly, I am afraid that my FFXI character has been deleted yesterday by an unknown cracking program. I couldn’t access my Online viewer and that means bad news. Good thing Square-enix is going to start a recovery program for those who’s ID has been deleted. I hope I’m OK. :bluu: :smiley:

I guess I am going to become rusty at CvS2 or GGXX since we dont play together anymore. Well, at least you’ll keep in your mind those matches of agony you had against me :lol: