EDIT: you see, RSF seems to have more range. look at 32:50 in the first a-cho vid . that fierce was really far. I dont think its hitbox properties though.
Pretty good Fuerte - but it was obvious he wasn’t aware of the buffs to the jabs since he didn’t use them that much in his run stop pressure.
Hitbox to far st.jab definitely seems improved - it seems to beat instead of trading more consistently now.
it didn’t actually feel that much faster, to be honest. but like i told spab, that was my first match in AE (i only managed to play one game that night) and there wasn’t really much time to try everything out conclusively. will do so in the days to come tho, before passing my initial judgements.
Team Spooky was streaming Chinatown fair footage, idk if you guys caught me. I got tons of videos too soo dont worry. umm theres alot of stuff to add, ill do it in the morning. for the vids. ill add the ones worth noting. heres a List of updates on how fuerte is.
Far Standing Roundhouse is fast
Far Fierce is Faster then before
Standing Strong has a little more priority and deals good against divekicks, also feels like it comes out faster.
F+mk is awesome and has more range and a slightly better hitbox and does a little more hitstun, I can feel it. I link my shorts pretty easily.
Fuerte’s stopping is faster than before. He can stop instantly, I think it got reduced from 3 frame stop to 1 Frame stop.
RSF is definitely easier to land now. because of the stop and the Fierce Range.
Run slide is faster, and safer now. if you space it right, you may be able to get + frames. because I tested it. I ran slide, the guy did cr.jab with vega, and I got hit o
Splash feels safer, he rolls out shorter but gets up quicker imo.
overall feeling: hes awesome, and FASTER. his normals got buffed, they dont trade as much
cr.jab chains aren’t that great, they just seem to have good priority, still gotta test it more.
Overall impression, Fuerte is a more solid character when it comes to normals. using your normals and run stop into a normal is good and allows good pressure, learn to block and get better defense and stuff. Mixup fuertes shouldnt feel the nerf too hard, ultra 2 isnt that strong though, thats the only real problem. I got lots of videos coming up, but Idk if I should post all, because some of them are whatever, but I think I will because Me Spore and Manny play pretty solid, so its good footage for you guys to watch. imma upload probably now or tomorrow morning
im tellin u guys, learn to run stop pressure. because once you learn how to pressure game and use ur normals. fuerte can be a problem. oh and you cant anti-air with shower kick.
Hsppy to hear this cause i have been revolving my game around RS-Pokes and pressure and getting my defense up … i really am excited about the shower kick and well … EVERYTHING! lol i hope we can better confirm it . we trust you bra … cant wait to see the footage and other notes
I guess I was right about Shower Kick then. Thanks for looking for me, and I came upon hearing about run’s stop time.
I can’t wait to implement that shit in. At least as soons as I get a monitor, but that’ll be easy to fix soon (wish I had a job though). And anti-airing not doable doesn’t surprise me. Maybe that video with Akuma being hit by it was an accident/product of Shower Kick’s bigger hitbox, idk.
EDIT: Assuming everything you said is accurate, and I believe you, Fuerte got buffed in general. Still going to miss Tortilla’s usage, but I’ll take all the new things over that and old Ultra Spark any day of the week.
yeah fuertes more solid, trust me. I think capcom made it so that we’re force to use normals instead of relying on our specials.
also this game is alot more rushdown and it seems faster. Defensive characters have a really hard time. Honda can get jumped in on for free. Rose u2 you can hit her as she activates it. thing is that when she gets hit, she dont lose orbs. but she has no invincibility on activation.
and im uploading about like 10 vids, some good fuerte footage and just look for stuff like splash recovery, how fast normals are and the range. stuff like that.
I think the best thing out of this, besides RS anything being much easier, is that I’m less likely to be on autopilot now since I have to use different things in fights. Schrodinger Fu is fun and all, but I need more in my Schrodinger arsenal, you know?
not sure, but far roundhouse is. Uploading the vids as we speak. I probably wont post right away, but just check my page.
things to look for: Splash recovery and how he rolls out. Run Slide recovery. Range on f+mk. s.jab priority. Run Stop speed.
and idk, I havent played super since like saturday. I have a feeling that when you do gordita sobat, he goes higher. could just be me though. So i guess you can play footsies against people better.