El Fuerte Punishes


yeah after watching snake eyes vs that guy i ran into a ferte and lost… its still too hard to perform reactions and punish timings on the spot
how are you ducking everything with c.mk …so c.mk ducks everything?
ok so lets say ken has the neutral down with effective punishing,
how stong is ken’s WU pressure on fuerte, it feels like conventional ken pressure doesnt work.
when I play him i dont know what is going on and I end up getting vortexed on his wakeup : (
it seems like the idea is to not commit and react to fuerte’s response…but then whats the gameplan…almost defending the whole round…is that possible when pretty much all the cast can open someone up when the opponent is in total defensive mode given time, and fuerte is designed to do that.
maybe its just a bad MU for ken
maybe have to really maximize punishes

my advice is to option select sweep on his wake up to see what he does…if you see a flash of yellow light dp.
or throw on his wake up you want him to get out of the habbit of using ex run to get away…if he has no bar you’re free to kill him

in the corner i do meaty crmp and if he does his ex srk to get out you can crmk. into ex or normal tatsu for free