El Fuerte for a new player?

hey guys i really wanted to start learning El Fuerte cos he seems like a lot of fun. I currently main Cammy but im getting sick of people messaging me after i beat em with tier whore and all that bullshit so i thought id try someone else. The only thing is my execution is pretty bad, im just getting the basic Cammy links under my belt and even then its still not 100% consistent. i tried Rufus and i pretty much wasnt able to do anything with him to give you an idea of how bad my execution is, im seriously starting to think i have some sorta dissorder with my hands or hand eye coordination or something or mabey i just dont have muscle memory lol, but how does Elf do, is he a hard character to pickup and how good does your execution need to be, im not talking about his run stop fierce thing but just fundementals and mixup wise.

All help appreciated plus what are some good guides/vids that explain his vortex/mixup situations?