El Fuerte for a new player?

hey guys i really wanted to start learning El Fuerte cos he seems like a lot of fun. I currently main Cammy but im getting sick of people messaging me after i beat em with tier whore and all that bullshit so i thought id try someone else. The only thing is my execution is pretty bad, im just getting the basic Cammy links under my belt and even then its still not 100% consistent. i tried Rufus and i pretty much wasnt able to do anything with him to give you an idea of how bad my execution is, im seriously starting to think i have some sorta dissorder with my hands or hand eye coordination or something or mabey i just dont have muscle memory lol, but how does Elf do, is he a hard character to pickup and how good does your execution need to be, im not talking about his run stop fierce thing but just fundementals and mixup wise.

All help appreciated plus what are some good guides/vids that explain his vortex/mixup situations?

I could use some help here too. I’m completely new to street fighter specifically and fighting games in general, but I picked up El Fuerte first because I love how mobile he is.

However, I’ve heard that he might not be a good first choice. Would it be a good idea to try to get good with another character at the same time, which will better teach me the ins and outs of SSFIV:AE?

Ryu, that would also get you hated online since everyone (including myself) hate Ryu. El Fuerte takes quite a bit of time (not as much as C. Viper or Gen). Guile is decent also if you know the basics.

Do you enjoy playing Cammy? Then stick with it and fuck those whiners, SFIV is balanced enough to let you play pretty much anything.

Ryu is a great wat to learn the fundamentals of the game. While I might not like facing him online a whole lot (there’s so many Ruys!) why the heck does that matter? My opinion doesn’t matter as long as you’re enjoying it.

When it comes to Fuerte, you have to really commit to him because he has to work hard for his wins. I wouldn’t say that he’s hard to pick up, but he IS hard to level up.

Fundamentally, he’s a totally different character when compared to the rest of the cast. He can’t mash his way out of trouble (like a Ken or Ryu) and he doesn’t play footsies. With Fuerte, you want to either bait your opponent or surprise your opponent (which his speed allows him to do). Also, you need to keep a safe distance away from your opponent. 90% of Fuerte’s damage is going to include his run, so if you don’t have room to run, you’re screwed.

Also, familiarize yourself with Fuerte’s wall jump. He has the best one in the game. He can 1) vary the distance covered after jumping, doing either a short; mid-range; or far jump, 2) can follow-up a wall jump with a normal, and 3) can do his splash or fajita buster from the wall. Fuerte’s wall splash usually comes as a surprise to most opponents (because they expect it only when he’s running).

Start here.


i play on 360 so if you guys have it i can show you a couple things in the game i was thinking about picking up fuerte (i’m a ryu main) as well because he seems really kool & i think he’s a good character anyway add me on xbl if you need tips tricks for execution or w.e xbl gt LynGuiStiics

I was just going to ask if there were people online on the 360 to play with. If so, you can add me too. I"m new with El Fuerte as well. :3

Or… should we play against other charaters? I’m just sick of playing against my friend’s Cammy. x.x