Ego passed away

I waited to post hoping this was a prank as well. MisterEgoTrip is truly a great player, and the name of his No Honour Crew and the people in it always makes me smile. It’s one of the many thing’s that’ve kept me interested in ST since the new-school fighting games has come out. There’s no shame in having “No Honour” It’s why we love these games.

This is very sad news and he was really a good guy. He would always message me just to say what’s up and try to get me to come back online and play again. This is really terrible to hear and if you are reading this man, you were really a cool cat.

RIP brotha

  • True Old School

Ego, RIP brotha.

For anybody who doesn’t have a facebook account:

I just heard about this from dbostick and still can’t believe this :(. I remember the PSN days when we would play HDR for hours on end and Ego would always entertain. The convos and always trying to beat his honda with gief will always be good times. I know you are in a better place now Ego, RIP bro.

maybe some sumo tournament in honor to him? honda mirrors arent the best but it should be fun

actually, That’ a good idea, i thought to host a tournament in his memory, the problem is that i don’t have ps3 anymore, most of egotrip friends used to play on ps3 and some others on 360.

Met him online. Awesome guy. Really friendly and welcoming, really really strong player.

I Cant believe im just finding this out… :frowning: R.I.P. EgoTrip thanks for the great HDR Memories and battles!