EGM ST guide

Hey guys, my friend randomly handed me the ST guide by EGM. If anyone wants the scans, PM me and I’ll try to get em up later tonight.

This could be interesting :smiley:

pm sent!

Lol, yeah… It’s cool.

Sent you a PM. :lovin:

Ok guys… scanning now. Then, I’ll host them and put links here if you guys want them. It’ll be alot easier than sending seperate emails to all of you. Thanks for the patience.

Ok, I’m sorry this took so long. The guide is relatively short, but there’s some good stuff in there. It’s missing an M.Bison page, but otherwise, I think everything is there. By the way, I dunno if I’m allowed to say this, but if you enjoy these, positive rep is always cool. Uploading them now in a .rar file.

edit: its 161 megs (Highest quality.) so, it may be a while to upload…

I remember this…Wasn’t this in their “Ultimate Fighting Guide” they produced? It had strategy for ST, MK2, VF1, Fighter’s History, KOF94, and whatever else was out at the time.

I remember their ST tiers were kind of wack. i think Bison, ken, and DJ were all tied at 1…

Lol yeah. The one and the same. Though I think im missing the tier list.
I’ve never used wiki-upload, so GLHF.
edit- click the link then look on the right half of the page. there is a link that says “download” then, enter the security code. You can DL after that.

Thanks very much!
I’m just downloading the file…

Haha, i like the 98% Zangief “combo” involving his super.

what type of file extension is this file i am having trouble getting a program to view it

guilers, to open it i had to rename the file with to “.rar”, then open it with winrar program

I’ve tried downloading it with IE and Firefox… Can anyone else download it or is it just me?

I can’t open it…I named it with SF.rar Nothing…I’m just getting a Error

Thanks, Looking forward to reading this.

the file is broken, yo.

Ok, I’ll re-upload. though I think I may have gotten rid of the scans… lemme look.

Ok, so I have the guide on my PC still, but wikiuploads dumped it. So I could either switch to megaupload or I could send it over AIM. PM me for details.

Edit: using megaupload now. Upload done in approx. 2 hours. I’ll put the link up tomorrow morning. Green Rep is always a nice way to say thanks.

No worky! “The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable.”