Phil, can I give you the $$ on Friday, since I’ll be bringing you a set up as well (to factor it in)?
You just need the tv and PS2 on Saturday right? No games until Sunday, when I can chip in my copy of Slash?
Phil, can I give you the $$ on Friday, since I’ll be bringing you a set up as well (to factor it in)?
You just need the tv and PS2 on Saturday right? No games until Sunday, when I can chip in my copy of Slash?
When did this happen? If it wasn’t recently, did you know that Paypal got bought out by Ebay? I really don’t understand why so many people hate Paypal, I’ve used it for years and never had a problem, and neither have any of my serious Ebay seller friends. But I guess there are always going to be horror stories…
The reason there’s no alternative is basically because Paypal is free and I already had an account set up, I just set up an ECC-specific address to keep funds separated. I didn’t think it was going to be such a big deal to use Paypal and that people would dislike it, so in the future I may use something else.
Chibi, obviously you can bring me the money on Friday and I’ll factor in that you’re lending me a TV and PS2/Slash. As for the PS2, I will probably need it on Saturday, and as for any other games (not sure what Capcom games you have) I’ll let you know if we need to borrow something on Saturday after we’re set up and I see what’s readily available.
You should check out Paypal is a great way to scam people. Even after it was bought by ebay, people continue getting scammed. This isn’t really paypal’s fault though. Most people are either naive, bad at math or just plain stupid. If that person didn’t get scammed thru paypal, he/she probably would have gotten scammed somewhere else.
For those of you who didn’t know, paypal was sued a few years back. I’ve gotten my share of the $50 from the lawsuit even though I have never lost any money from transactions.
Btw, I love paypal!
HEY YO its me, its me, its RDG (RUSH DOWN GOD) VDO here, just wanna say it look s as if Ecc wouldn’t be Ecc without RDG so I I WILL be there in full swing baby! Also I will be bringing my boy Sol Black Guy wit me so get ready folks.
Juan Tolbert (VDO)
Dertroit Mi.
cvs 2, mvc 2
Julian Custard (Sol Black Guy)
Detroit Mi.
cvs 2, 3rd strike, gg slash (yuk)
So now that you know lets make this happen. Damn I haven’t been to a Ecc in bout 6 years whooo its long over due.
Hey on the real tho, yall know how crowded it gets in there and how hot it gets in there…SOAP AND WATER AND DEODORANT must be in effect! Hey I got it lets have a body odor tournament and see how many peeps get in that shyt, whoever comes in last get they azz whooped by 14 of the biggest peeps there. C’mon yall participate in the first ever B.O.T (body odor tournament) signups start when the doors open! I guess I have said enough so I will see yall there, and you know what I bring…The realness!
Sup VDO! Hey man if you’re gonna pre-register you gotta follow the instructions in the first post of this thread and pay through Paypal…if not, then if you can show up either Thursday or Friday and you can pay in person. They reason I’m telling you this is because it looks like you thought that this thread was for pre-registering, but its really just for information on HOW to do that, haha. Sorry about the confusion! See you there man!
Is there anywhere to prereg without paying online so registering on friday goes faster?
I think its a lot faster just taking info down in person, rather than looking through a 10 page list of people who SAID they were coming, but didn’t put down any money. Look at what happens at tournaments like Final Round, they end up getting like 120 people registering for 3s but significantly less show up, and it ends up taking a long time to register anybody because they can’t find you on the prereg list.
On-site registration works like this: At the food counter, I give you a card that has all info like the games you’re entering, name, nickname, hometown, registration fee, and then the total amount you need to pay. You fill it out, then go to the register and pay, like always. The card then gets marked\stamped and you have hard evidence that you paid. Then you come to me and I’ll look at your stamped card, and add your info into my laptop, where it will be kept and sorted to put into brackets.
People who pre-registered using Paypal will already be on a list I’ll have, so I’ll have their money as well. I’ll give this to Chris Cotty to keep with the rest of the money and manually put you into the brackets. Saves you the entire hassle of waiting in line and registering in person.
This is the same system used at previous ECCs so we know it works!
Thanks DSP, I preregistered, got it yet? I appreciate the way you’ve made it easier for people to register.:tup:
I’ll be bringing my ps2 , slash , s and cvs 2 so how much would I pay?
The way it works is you get free entry into one tournament if you donate a PS2/game for the tournament.
I already have you marked down for donating your PS2 and a copy of Slash. If you would like to donate both your copies of 3s/CvS2 (for the entire tournament) I’ll knock another 5 bucks off, so basically you’ll only have to pay me $5 cover, get one free entry, and then pay for the other stuff you’re entering. If you’re pre-registering on Paypal, come see me on Friday/Saturday (whatever is earlier, not sure when you’re coming) so I can pick up your stuff, label it as yours, and get it set up.
We will not be setting up any of the console stuff until Saturday so if you definitely can’t make it Friday it won’t be that big of a deal. It only takes like 2 seconds to set up a PS2 anyway, so just come see me on Saturday before the tournaments start.
dsp, do you need any more ps2s? or copies of cvs2?
Right now, we pretty much have enough PS2s and copies of games. HOWEVER, there is the possibility that some people who have promised us to donate things, will not show up. SO, what I would say is, listen up on Saturday/Sunday of ECC, and if you hear us asking for extra donations, SPEAK UP! You still have a chance to get free entry.
ALSO: EVERYBODY, remember, that the last time you can pre-register through Paypal is MIDNIGHT ON THURSDAY MAY 25th. If you do not pre-register by then, you MUST show up in person either Thursday or Friday night, or else you will not get the $5 discount.
Any Paypal registrations sent after midnight on Thursday WILL BE RETURNED LATER ON IN THE WEEK AFTER ECC.
What’s going on on Friday as far as events go? So I know how much to send
The only event going on Friday is the MvC2 team tournament, and a lot of casuals for all other games. We were shot down when we tried to suggest setting up consoles on Friday, so the CvS2/3s team tournaments are going to get pushed back until Saturday. However, we will make sure that all the big cabs (MvC2, 3s, CvS2, and ST) have working controls so everybody can play casuals and get ready for Saturday-Sunday.
Sent I have to say using pay pal this time around was a pain in the ass
Last Chance!
Only 3.5 Hours Left To Pre-register! Hurry Up!
hey dsp take me out of the 3rd tourney and put me in st instead cause i rather play on cabinet and dont feel like dragging my stick all the way over there for 3rd.thanks
Got it, thanks.
Pre-registration closes in 75 minutes!
So how many players registered?
i hate how srk doesn’t post anything on their frontpage anymore…everyone would’ve known, o well.
good idea dsp, even though i just saw it, lol.