Asuka has 6 special moves. 4 of them are half circle move
Half circle move have an official shorcut which let you start in crouch position.
Half circle move have a restriction too. You have to end the move in stand position to execute the move.
So instead of doing :hcb: (hcb) or :hcf: (hcf) you can do :df::d::db: (hcb) and :db::d::df::f: (hcf).
Now i was looking into the information provide by Dantarion http://pandora.dantarion.com/dumps/ASK.bcm.inputs.html (check YOGA) and it looks like easy input gem are not really “easy” input.
The impact of this gem on half circle move (Easy not super Easy) is it “reverse” the rule.
Now instead of being forced to end in stand position, you can end in crouch position BUT you are forced to start in stand position
So the new shorcut with easy input gem is :f::df::d: :db: (hcb) and :db::d::df: (hcf).
You can wondering what is the point of using this gem and lose damage if the move is not shorter.
In SSF4 with Chun Li, i tend to hit my button to early when i try to perform an Hazan Shu (HCB + K) in hot situation and i get a sweep. I hit my button during the last crouch input
So this normal restriction at the end of the move is a problem for me. If i can reverse this, that can help me in some situation and since most of the move of Asuka are Half circle move, i think it’s worth using this gem for her.
Example you walk forward and you see a fireball. Normally you are forced to do the :hcb: + HP but now you can shorten the move and stop at :db:
Or you just blocked an overhead and you expect your opponent to go for a low, you can activate her counter with :db::d::df: instead of performing :hcf:
The point of this post is : the normal shorcut (without gem) is not useful for Asuka most of the time so why not switch it with the help of this gem
What do you think about that ? Cheat ? Do you have this sort of “trouble” with half circle move ?
The only downside i see is the impact on shoryuken / move. Now to perform a dragon punch, you have a real shorter input . :f::df: or :f::d: instead of :dp: or :df::d::df: or :f::df::f: