Easiest side switch combo?

in your opinion what is the easiest side switch combo?

i been trying to do the fantatiq and cant do it, ive tried it for hours, and i can do emp loops hyper grav loops etc but i cant do this?

maybe there is another one that is easier?

this forum has been very helpful for me learning mags please any thoughtful input is appreciated



I’d say the fanatiq is the easiest - what are you having trouble with?

Launch. j.h ADF j.h xx L Blast (wavedash twice to crossup) S is another set up.
launch j. LH xx ADDF L blast > dash behind launch also works.

But really. fanatiq’s is piss easy.

disabel thanks for your reply your video has really helped but im in a strange position, ive only been playing mags for about a month about 20 hours, my friends main dude is mags so hes been teaching me the specific things etc, but whats funny is that the hard combos are easy for me and the easy ones are hard (lol) idk why, ive never played mvc2 so i dont, for example my mid screen bnb is cr lmh l h addf h one rep of rom dash launch h adf h flight flight combos, also my friend combos i have to use m h mh instead of h h h h due to it being easier for me ( i know there both easy)

i think im just confused im not sure the fantaiq im missing my last H before the dash launch, the rom part when i dash launch i never go under them for the side switch,

also i never really practicied magnetic blast combos but i think its time to start using them, again my mags is fairly new.

also my corner combo is lmh launch h addf h one rep of rom to hype grab then 3 chris g, h sent drones launch h smash, (drones juggle) jump up smash again, call super skrull wall bounce assist and it wall bounces hype grav super. thats the highest damage combo ive come with.

again thanks your video is one of the better videos that explains damage and everybodys combo

The trick is plinking the ADDF at the peak of the normal j. H, it’s the only way it will come out. It just takes practice. Good luck learning it :slight_smile:

To me the best is launch j. LH xx ADDF L blast > dash behind launch also works.

and the easiest is the one fanatiq uses. Also, there’s a Questions thread already.